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On the Ship


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Having brought Tirem to the ship and recieved their reward... Ezieer and Azeem have decided to hang around the ship while the rest of their party has decided to stay in Crolon and pursue business away from the swarthy business of the dockyards. Some have indicated that their interests lie elseware... and that is fine... there were no promises that they would stay a group for any agreed amount of time.

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Ezieer leans against the siderail of the ship... watching the waves splash up against the hull. He seems to be a mixture of bored, relaxed and wistful... stating what must be a sailors poem.

"We sail the sea, the water, the waves and the wash we see."
"We use the rope, the wood, the cloth and pitch we grope."
"We welcome the blow, the cloud, the wind and the mist we know."
"We skirt the ground, the land, shore, the rocks and we go around."


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As Ezieer recites the poem several nearby sailors whistle a tune and tap a beat to it to add a musical quality to his musing. The days pass and the monotony of a sailor's life sets in. The cruise from Crolon has been uneventful without the sighting of a single sail on the horizon. The crew is happy for this because these waters are filled with pirates and other unsavory people. The sooner their business here is completed the happier they will be.

After Ezieer completes his poem the men separate and continue with their work elsewhere in the ship. The tune carries with them however and it can be heard on all decks intermittently through the day.


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"Well now, where were you hiding that Ezieer? If I'm not careful you'll end up the bard and I'll have to carry your pack." Azeem says smiling as Ezieer finishes his poem.

"It is rather peaceful out here, though I suppose that is a bit deceiving." He continues looking out over the far stretches of ocean. "But, I imagine it gets rather dull after you've seen it for months on end."

He pauses, reflecting. "It is an odd thing, I have never really sailed, I was always more comfortable on my own two feet than on a rolling deck. One could definitely write a song or two out here though..." He seems lost in thought and pulls out his lute absent-mindedly strumming a few cords looking across the water.


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"Oh that a be just an old sailors song.. I'd have to make my own and learn to carry a tune to put you out of a job. Never been on a boat you say? Well I'll show you how things are done. Doin things oer and oer is usually the way of it.. being on the water can be beautiful.. it can be dangerous and it can be boring. Just take care that you never let anything become more than one of them and you will do just fine. We can work on your balance and shipsway first... that way you won't look to much like a landlubber."

Ezieer steps a bit... seemingly in a partially rythmic and partially unrythmic gait.

"See here... its like this... you need to fathom the sway of the waves and the deck and kinda dance along. It's kinda like dancing with a slow fat woman that doesn't really know how to dance. She'll dance a few steps right.. but then she will suddenly be off and moving not in time again... you just have to be ready to match up with her again and then you are dancin together agin'."


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Ezieer and Azeem find a few castaways on a ship that his run aground on a rocky shoal named Richard, Theodus & Eisinrhyr (among others?). How they ended up here has only briefly been explained...

After meeting them and offering free passage, they battle a scuttle of crabs in the lower decks attacking their mule. The crabs are hacked, skewered and mostly scorched by Eisinrhyr's flame magic. Afterward, a plan is hatched to save the mule. Everyone helps out in hoisting the mule out of the hold and onto the main deck. Construction of a raft to transport the mule to the ship is undertaken. Ezieer searches the ship looking for ballast or booty. Others do the same... someone finding a ledger... perhaps the ships log... perhaps just a diary.

Other animals are found, a monkey as well as a female cat and her litter of kittens. All of the animals are coaxed into being saved by the nature lover Richard. Ezieer finds a stack of 16 silver trade bars which is transported to the ship. Everyone makes it, including the new animals off the shipwreck and onto the ship.


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Coming Aboard the Avonia

The Avonia reacts to seeing the boat and raft launch. As you depart the Jamaila, Richard casts a spell to ignite the rigging on the ship and set it afire. The journey back to the Avonia is calm. You all arrive there intact with your found items and animals as well as some sailcloth and cordage taken by the sailors. A few blocks were also loaded.
The Avonia is a larger ship than the Jamaila was. It is also much better maintained and attended to. Her crew appears to be disciplined with few people standing around watching your arrival. She turns to the east and catches the wind with a practiced maneuver once the boat is hoisted up to the deck. It is lashed into place between the masts in a short period of time.
The crew of the Avonia assists you on deck and the lieutenant on deck shows you back to the captain’s quarters. Three people are waiting for you there. The first is the captain of the ship. He nods at your arrival but does not speak. The second appears to be a wizard by his dress. He smiles and nods as well without speaking. The third is a well-dressed middle-aged woman introduced to you as Madame Alistra Karnom. She barely acknowledges your introduction. It is clear that she is attempting to control her emotions at the moment.
After arriving in the cabin Alistra motions you to take seats and asks you to wait just a moment. After several minutes of waiting and taking the drinks offered the lieutenant enters the cabin after a polite knock. He hands a piece of paper to Alistra and then departs. She opens the paper and then closes it, setting it down on the table.
Alistra then speaks in a tightly controlled voice, “I see that you were able to salvage some goods and animals from the now burning ship. We can discuss the division of shares of the salvage soon enough. What I want first to know is who the four of you are,” looking to Morcano, Eisinrhyr, Richard and Theodus. She then turns to look Richard square in the face and continues, “Secondly, I want to know why you burnt the ship that I intended to salvage.”
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Theodus gets long-winded....

Theodus the 4'-2" blonde dwarf, quickly straightens out his beard and hair before entering the captain's room, after the recent rough weather and such, using a quick prestidigitation to clean himself of any sweat so as to be presentable. After entering the room, waiting, and hearing Madame Karnom's statement, Theodus elbows Richard (in the thigh of course, being 4 feet tall), quietly mumbling "Bloody barbarians an' their fire fetish..."

Theodus clears his throat and bows curtly, answering first for the group "Well Madame, my associates an' I would like to apologize for the unfortunate decision amongst us to burn the shipwreck..... I assure ye we merely wished to deny any o' the local pirates from profiting off the remains o' your ship, and usin' it to sustain their dishonourable practice of pirating in these seas. The ship was damaged by the waterline as oversized crabs invaded the lower deck, an' we did not possess the experience or manpower to prevent the ship from slowly sinking, and instead we chose to destroy its remains an' deny them to pirate scavengers."

Taking a breath, Theodus quickly continues "You see, the Jamaila's crew fled in the lifeboats durin' the night, for what reason I know not, and shortly thereafter we were attacked by flyin' beasts and then a mess o' crabs.... I was unable to maneuver the ship towards shore where we could properly set anchor, due to terrible winds in the wrong direction, so despite our efforts the Jamaila ended up against a reef. We are most appreciative o' the rescue by your sailors after that, an' tried to save what we could from the ship as it sank inexorably.....but only so much could be taken on a longboat an' raft."

Glancing up at Richard with a sour look, the dwarf adds "O' course, 'twas the barbarian's idea to save the ship's animals an' then burn it..... Mind ye, I'm all for savin' lives, but we could'a retrieved more if not for the mule."

That out of the way, Theodus finally introduces the group..... "Explanation aside dear Madame, I ask ye to forgive me for not introducin' meself and these folks here, in the first place.... I'll take the dishonour upon m'self for that slip. I am Theodus o' the clan Brightbeard, out o' Thoradur, an' I humbly train to become me family's lorekeeper, oathmaster, an' master o' ceremonies one day. I travel to learn o' the world an' earn glory for me kin before I return, in honour to my noble ancestors, hopin' I can do well by them. I'm a journeyman swordsman, orator, an' performer in traditional dwarven styles."

Theodus bows curtly again, and indicates his three associates with a wave of his hands, saying "These are the fellows I happen to be travelin' with at the moment, Madame. The poorly-dressed fellow is Richard, our wilderness guide, while the scholarly chap is Eisinrhyr, organizer of our little expedition, an' that one's Morcano, helpin' out as a bodyguard o' sorts."
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Ezieer will confirm (with body language) that it was indeed the newcomer Eisinrhyr who set the ship on fire.

He will take no responsibility for and will avoid being associated with their doings for the most part (especially since it seems at least one of them will be getting keelhauled soon). He will point out that he is the one that found the silver trade bars and the small armaments.

"I had no part in any settin any o' them fires or flame magic on any deck or sail... that was certainly the work of them newcomers (point point). They didn't ask abouts it... they just did it... and then twas too late to do anything 'bout it. When I wasn't skewerin crabbies below decks mind ya... I was looking for loot melady. Yep, I was busy findin such as these blades and the whole lot o' them silver trade bars."

He hangs around to answer questions as needed. (He isn't sure if the kitties are a welcome additions and withholds his involvement in their discovery)
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((The following is posted for the player of Richard Darithon, who only said this in e-mail and hasn't posted it to the boards in any sort of timely fashion since. This is just a direct copy-and-paste of what Richard said IC in e-mail.))

Richard replies to Alistra Karnom "Because it was our ship to do with as we saw fit... When that callow and murderous crew abandoned it, they were giving up their possession of it and giving it to us. The accursed boat was nothing more than a symbol of betrayal and ill-intent. As the owners, Eisinrhyr, Theodus, and I agreed that removing that blight from existence through Talina's holy fires was an agreeable course of action. I'm sorry your thoughts of salvaging OUR vessel for profit...which I'm SURE you would have split with us...were dashed on the rocks as that bedeviled mass of burnt timber and ash now is... No use lamenting spilt mead as Branwen would say... Let us to more pressing matters such as our great thanks for our rescue and transportation to yon beach if possible or the nearest port if necessary. I know I have had my full share of sea travel for quite some time and I believe my companions might agree..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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