D&D (2024) One D&D is one D&D too much (-)


Crown-Forester (he/him)
I do agree that Small characters need to be given some sort of benefit, instead of pure penalties, but I honestly can't think of anything that they either don't get through logic (easier to hide) or would break the game (bonus to AC)
How about letting Small characters move through Medium+ non-hostile character's spaces without it counting as difficult terrain, and allow them to move through Medium+ hostile character's spaces but provoke opportunity attacks?

I guess that would only really affect tactical play and not theatre of the mind, but maybe that's a good thing…

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Victoria Rules
How about letting Small characters move through Medium+ non-hostile character's spaces without it counting as difficult terrain, and allow them to move through Medium+ hostile character's spaces but provoke opportunity attacks?
If the opposition (or charcter, I suppose) is on legs, then sure. But if it's an ooze or gelatinous cube or something else that fills the whole space, you ain't gettin' through there no matter what. :)


Crown-Forester (he/him)
If the opposition (or charcter, I suppose) is on legs, then sure. But if it's an ooze or gelatinous cube or something else that fills the whole space, you ain't gettin' through there no matter what. :)
Fair point, I was imagining humanoids and beasts, not oozes. Perhaps that could be an Ooze-type keyword exception (Oozes automatically trap a character of any size smaller than them that try to pass through their space). Meanwhile, normally, being 2 sizes smaller lets you attempt that pass-through, but maybe they could make that a 1 size smaller with the disadvantage/difficult terrain/provokes opportunity attacks.


Book-Friend, he/him
i wonder when the actual deadline will be for 1 D&D. We are in 2022 and they just released this information . When does this get to the "pre final draft" and has to be edited etc.
Their usual turnaround for a book to be printed is about two months, and about a year to actually wrote and get thw art together. Plenty of time if the playtest goes smoothly, and still plenty of time if they need to take a couple extra months.

Voidrunner's Codex

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