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One more ninja (based off Shinobi)

Kinomen Dragoon

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Oboro Ninja (Running Shadow)

Some in the world would say ninjas don't exist. But some where in the world lies an ancient fortress. Those who don’t know of the Oboro clan will killed if they come within a mile away from the fortress. But they are always looking for the best and only the best to join their ranks. Unlike the Crescent Moon ninja, the Oboro ninjas have a home-base and take jobs no normal adventurer could do. The main weapon of the Oboro ninjas are shrunken. They are willing to do it all and not get caught. It can be for glory, money, or fame but only the Oboro know.

Class Requirements
Alignment: Any non-evil, non-good
Base Attack: +5
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Fists(See Kalamar), Lighting Reflexes, Run, Quick Draw
Skills: Jump 6 ranks, Tumble 6 ranks, Balance 8 ranks, Climb 8 ranks
Special: Must pass a test given by Oboro Clan

Class Skills
Str: Jump, Climb
Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Tumble, Use Rope
Con: None
Int: Craft, Decipher Script*, Disable Devise, Forgery, Read Lips*, Search
Wis: Innuendo, Intuit Direction, Listen, Profession, Spot
Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Perform
Skill Points every additional lvl: 4+Int Modifier
* Means exclusive class skill, also see the Rokugan expansion book
Base Attack: As Fighter
Saves: As Monk
1 Evasion, Spring Attack
2 Slow Fall (10 ft), Poison Use
3 Improved Evasion, Shadow Run
4 Whisper of leaves(1/day), Slow Fall (20 ft)
5 Leap of Clouds, Run on Air
6 Slow Fall (30 ft), Walk on Water
7 Acrobatics(+30),Whisper of leaves(3/day)
8 Shadow Dodge, Cling to Walls
9 Impoved Shadow run
10 Red Cloak Of the OboroWhisper of leaves(5/day)

Evasion: Works just the sam as the evasion class ability of the Rouge.

Spring Attack: You gain the feat.

Slow Fall: At the second level the Oboro Ninja falls as if he had not fallen at all. If the Ninja is in arm’s reach of a wall he can use it to slow his fall. This ability makes it so if he dropped 10 ft he takes no damage.

Poison Use: The Oboro Ninja no longer risks poisoning himself when applying poison to a blade.

Improved Evasion: Like Evasion, but if the Ninja fails the reflex save he only takes half damage.

Shadow Run: The Ninja of the Oboro adds his Dex modifyer x 5 to his speed when in light armor.

Improved Shadow Run: The Ninja can now add his Dex modifier to his speed. The Ninja adds his Dex modifier x 10 to his speed.

Whisper of the Leaves: Gives improved invisibility instead (1/day at 4th, with an additional use per day at 7th and 10th levels? (Ninja disappears as leaves swirl around him) As teleport without error spell. Of a sorcerer of the ninjas level + his/her's dex mod.

Leap of the Clouds: The Ninjas jumping distance is not limited (horizontal or vertical) by his height.

Run on Air: The Ninja can now run even on air to escape. In light armor the Oboro Ninja can run his maxamume of less speed in the air. Unlimeted uses each day.

Walk on Water: At 6 level the Oboro Ninja can run on water if it were firm ground. This takes one standard action to begin. He an do this for one round per ninja level. Unlimeted uses per day. Also can only move at a running speed on water. To stay on water at the end of your round requiers a balance cheak(DC 50)

Acrobatics: As the Ninjas learn they are better at get in and out. The Oboro Ninja gains this unnamed bonus to Jump, Tumble, Climb, and Balance checks.

Shadow Dodge: +4 dodge bonus to AC and your opponent loses their Dex bonus to AC due to the confusion. You are able to use this a number of times per day equal to your 1 + your Cha modifier with a duration equal to your ninja level in rounds.

Cling to walls:The Ninja of the Oboro can move on any wall as if he was on the groung. Can stay on the wall all combat of non-combat and attack, defend and all that. First round on the wall requiers the ninja to make a climb DC to climb the wall. You don't have to make this cheak agin this combat.

Red Cloak of the Oboro: This is a claim. The next time you enter the Oboro fortress you gain some magical items. It can be taken every ten levels.
Chose One:
The Mask of Oboro and the the Cloak of the Hitsuji
Or the Sword of Ajuken

Mask of Oboro
This mask is only worn be the best of the Oboro Clan. When the enemy see’s your four colored eyes on the top, they know they are doomed. The mask gives the wielder some abilities. Also when worn it gives the wearer dark vison 200 ft, and can sense the hot and cold areas around him. So if an invisable creature was in the range he would know. So it gives the wearer Blind sight 30 ft. Permantly.
Cost:(to non-Oboro Clan members) 350,000 gp, (to Clan members) 200,000 gp

Cloak of the Hitsuji
This cloak is a tool only the Oboro can master. It can be used as a 200 ft rope. It also gives the wearer a +4 Defection bonus to AC, miss chance 10%, and it does not count to a piece of armor.
Only available at tenth lvl.

Sword of Ajuken
This is a sword that is a remake of the original Ajukio. But crafters can’t seem to get it right. It is a leveled weapon that starts with +2 Vicious. But it permanently has viscous. This doesn’t count against your progress.

Thanks jlhonerer1974:D
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man, it is hard to read it here and understand well, have you got it on doc, rtf or something like it?

I would like to see it with calm.

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I think there are some balance issues here.

Probably the closest thing to compare this class to is the monk.

I would change the Deflect Arrows requirement (which doesn't seem to fit with the flavor of the class) to the Run feat (which makes more sense given the class abilities granted (fast movement, running on air/water).

First of all, what is the hit die? A d8 or d6 would be reasonable. Since your class most resembles a monk, I would go d8.

Your class skills and saves are comparable to a monk, but you are giving him the fighter BAB, which is significantly better than a monk, and I think it is too much. I would give him the medium BAB progression.

And I would say that the class abilities are a little too powerful also. They are probably a little better than a high level monk, even considering the monk gets SR, DR, and Quivering Palm. The class gets a lot of power from the low class levels too.

If the character already has Spring Attack he gets an additional +5 to hit when using Spring Attack? This would be sickening if you were hasted. This is way too big of a modifier I think. A +2 is more than enough.

Shadow Run, Improved Shadow Run: Con shouldn't allow you to move faster (though it will allow you to run for a longer time). Change this to Dex instead.

Shadow Dodge: With a +10 to Bluff and good skill ranks in Bluff, you will be succeeding very often, unless the target has great Sense Motive bonuses. And you will get +5 to hit and damage, PLUS the target will lose their Dex bonus to AC? With no limit on the number of uses per day? Somehow, this needs to be tuned down. The target should not take more damage because he doesn't know exactly where you are, but I can see giving you a +4 dodge bonus to AC and your opponent loses their Dex bonus to AC due to the confusion. I would say that you should be able to use this a number of times per day equal to your 1 + your Cha modifier with a duration equal to your ninja level in rounds.

Fight anywhere: I don't think this is too bad, but what happens if the ninja is tripped or is grappled or an enemy grabs the rope and starts shaking it? I think the better thing to do is just drop this altogther. What are you worried for? You are already getting +30 to Balance at this point and you probably have bunches of skill ranks in this. It's going to be hard for you to miss a Balance check anyway unless it is at least DC 50.

Run on air: Is this distance a maximum for one round's movement? How long can I take to move the given distance after I have concentrated? How often can I do this? If I continue to concentrate, can I run on air forever? At will seems pretty powerful.

Walk on water: see Run on Air.

6 shurikens a round: I don't think this makes a lot of sense. I try to imagine how you can throw 6 shuriken at once and it boggles my mind. Perhaps have a new ability:

Whisper of the Leaves: Gives improved invisibility instead (1/day at 4th, with an additional use per day at 7th and 10th levels? (Ninja disappears as leaves swirl around him)

Red cloak of the oboro: I don't think it is a good idea to give magic items as a prestige class ability. Consider granting concealment (miss chance) and/or blindsight abilities in its place. Maybe 25% concealment and blindsihgt 30' (permanent).

Consider removing one or two abilities and spreading the rest out some more. There is a potent set of abilities packed into the first three levels of this class.

Rogues have to wait 7 levels to get improved evasion after getting evasion. Your ninja only needs to wait 2 levels. I would make evasion should be a requirement for class entry.

I think a more balanced ability progression would be:

1 Spring Attack, Poison Use, Slow Fall (10 ft)
2 Shadow Run, Acrobatics(+10)
3 Improved Evasion
4 Whisper of the Leaves, Slow Fall (20 ft)
5 Walk on Water
6 Leap of Clouds, Acrobatics(+20)
7 Run on Air, Slow Fall (30 ft)
8 Shadow Dodge
9 Improved Shadow run
10 Red Cloak Of the Oboro, Acrobatics(+30)


First Post
jlhorner1974 said:
I think a more balanced ability progression would be:

1 Spring Attack, Poison Use, Slow Fall (10 ft)
2 Shadow Run, Acrobatics(+10)
3 Improved Evasion
4 Whisper of the Leaves, Slow Fall (20 ft)
5 Walk on Water
6 Leap of Clouds, Acrobatics(+20)
7 Run on Air, Slow Fall (30 ft)
8 Shadow Dodge
9 Improved Shadow run
10 Red Cloak Of the Oboro, Acrobatics(+30)

I would even change it more, take out spring attack and give acrobatic attack, from a PrC in Oriental Adventures, would be okay with the concept... just change its levels to 6th and leap of the clouds to 1st... maybe not...

If improved evasion is a class ability, make it a requisite, or give evasion and then improved, more gradually made...

Liked everything else...

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