[OOC Discussion] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge??)

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Hi jbear, your mail box is full.

Nice close, but I've a few things I wouldn't mind playing out - some I can do myself.

On thing Rain would like to find out is what happened to Master Phreys, Rain's original hook to this adventure. Would it be possible to have an interaction from you for that, please?

BTW, Sabynha's part of wish was for happiness for other PC's (perhaps the magic may work on Rain's hook), though she did muse over the wish to raise folks from death. The locals appear to be have a case of slightly mistaken identity.

Nemesis Destiny

BTW, Sabynha's part of wish was for happiness for other PC's (perhaps the magic may work on Rain's hook), though she did muse over the wish to raise folks from death. The locals appear to be have a case of slightly mistaken identity.
Yeah, Sabynha definitely suggested that wish, but Rain was the one who made it. Sabynha wished for happiness, you are correct.


First Post
Rain wouldn't mention it in character, but I thought I should.

Anyway, I'm picking Tiandra's Sun Blessing (would be Pelor's and I had it as Apoli's as per L4W fluff in my wish list). The other power is broken, silly and I wouldn't allow it as it literally reads a DM. I'm not even sure I would then.

Still more Daily Healing for Rain's allies, though!

Nemesis Destiny

Rain wouldn't mention it in character, but I thought I should.
I get the feeling from the tone of the crowd, that even if you did mention it in character, any attempt to change their minds would fall on deaf ears. That said, Sabynha would try to correct them, but at the same time, loves and basks in the attention.

The other power is broken, silly and I wouldn't allow it as it literally reads a DM. I'm not even sure I would then.
Which power are you referring to?

Nemesis Destiny

Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might. Dig the book out and pick not just one power on a whim, but two!
I always read that power to mean that the power chosen for the Property was a one-time choice, while the other one was selectable when used.

That said, based on your character's stats, there will only be a few powers that make sense to use.

I have given this one out in a game I ran (but I made the player choose both powers ahead of time for simplicity). It wasn't particularly broken in that case, but the player in question was not known for his creativity at the table.

I came up with some good uses for it though. It works really well with a Hexblade multiclassed into Skald, for example.


First Post
Hi jbear, your mail box is full.

Nice close, but I've a few things I wouldn't mind playing out - some I can do myself.

On thing Rain would like to find out is what happened to Master Phreys, Rain's original hook to this adventure. Would it be possible to have an interaction from you for that, please?

BTW, Sabynha's part of wish was for happiness for other PC's (perhaps the magic may work on Rain's hook), though she did muse over the wish to raise folks from death. The locals appear to be have a case of slightly mistaken identity.

Oops! Sorry mate! I will edit the last post! It will be Rain who's name will be most known in that case (Sorry Sabynha!. Umm ... Master Phreys ... sure. I will go back and remind myself who that is and add something.

Edit: Okay, Master Phreys, got it. Rain is expecting information from the librarian as to his whereabouts. After you post Rain's post and heads over there, then I can reply as the librarian. I will see if it can somehow link into the next adventure.

Also, you can all assume that your own wishes have had the RP effect you wished for:

Sir Flib is accepted, loved and offered a place practically everywhere he goes. He can chose the place where he would like to make his new home. He is immediately accepted genuinely and fully into that place as though he were a blood relative.
Wat feels a calm control grow over his stormy inner emotions, assured that he can invoke the storm when he desires, and that it no longer can escape his control lest he wish it.
The masses adore Sabynha and her renoun spreads swiftly with continual requests for her to perform where she is showered with praise, called upon to mediate disputes, and people seek out her advice and assistance against injustice. Amongst her people she notices immediately that she is treated differently, with a new and unspoken respect far greater than before. Her wish for happiness extends to each of the characters that travel with her as signs that their inner desires began to easily maifest before them.
Zuri is immediately taken into Count Varis' service as a spy, and her criminal talents now serve her hometown as a most trusted and feared agent of one of the Crystal Isle's most influential players.
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