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[OOC] Ethend Game: The Hunt for Cantus [Recruiting]

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Ferrix said:
Brother Shatterstone - I'd allow the Leadership feat and it would actually be fitting for the "followers" to be more of contacts within the resistance. If you go that direction it might be a good leader character.

Actually that's a pretty cool idea. :D Would the cohort travel with the PC or would they be one of the contacts?

Ferrix said:
Regarding Flaws, I do allow them and a mute flaw would be interesting, however I generally am pretty picky on what the replacement feat will be, as it should somehow play off of that characters weakness (flaw), a good example would be Olivia the Blind Seer who was one of the original characters, she received Blind-Fight as her extra feat.

In all honesty I hadn't even given thought to what feat I would take so that shouldn't be an issue... The only feat that really strikes me as appropriate would be Alertness. You know one “sense” becomes stronger in an effort to replace the loss of another…

Of course that doesn’t make perfect sense being mute isn’t one of your senses… :confused:

Got any suggestion of your own? (That's open to all who want to answer.)

How would the barbarian tribes view a mute? Would they help it or ignore it, leaving it alone to fend for itself?

Ferrix said:
As to the hierarchy of the barbarian tribes, I would go with chief. There would be no king of the barbarians at this point, they are too scattered and varied. Also, spirit shamans often have a place of honor within their society. Gender rules, I'd say a visible male structure of dominance with women playing important roles behind the scenes. Also there would be no structure for the spirit shamans, it would be dependent on the tribe and the specific tradition. I'd say this isn't a hard and fast a rule, but a good guideline.

Interesting, consider the hardship bestowed upon the world I imagine that a woman would be able to buck this thread but would probably be viewed as an outsider for doing such a thing?

Ferrix said:
One important thing to think about when making your character is how they would be involved with the resistance or a group of characters who are resistance fighters. They don't have to be part of the resistance yet, but that's sort of the idea of the game.

Would being "a go between" for the various tribes to relay news, and also to try to organize them better, work or do you think it would need to be more?

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Brother Shatterstone,
If your playin a scout as you implied than maybe something along the lines of wild empathy. Lost the ability to communicate with people so you learned to efriend the animals.
PS I know it isn't technicallly a feat but it fit so i said it.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
magic_gathering2001 said:
If your playin a scout as you implied than maybe something along the lines of wild empathy. Lost the ability to communicate with people so you learned to efriend the animals.

Hmm, that is very interesting idea... :D

magic_gathering2001 said:
PS I know it isn't technicallly a feat but it fit so i said it.

Yeah, it's quite powerful but I'm asking for the muteness for the cohort. I was leaning heavily towards the Barbarian class but maybe the ranger class would be a better choice…

On Ferrix, I hate to ask for anything special, but could I swap the scout’s trap finding ability for tracking? (considering the scout lacks the skills needed to remove said trap.)

If not would you approve the UA rogue variant that gives up sneak attacks for fighter feats? (If so can the swapping out be a one for one (aka some sneak attack and some feats) or would ALL feats?)


Ferrix said:
Dichotomy - Interesting elven concept, I like the idea that her spirit stayed in the spirit realm until her body was ready.
Thanks! I always like to leave some hole in the background to give the DM something to mess with if desired.

Ferrix said:
How would she fall in with the resistance?
Of course, Delynn had heard about the Mythar before she ever left Laerendhor. However, she always thought that they were simply another part of the natural world. Just as nature has beautiful flowers and sunshine it also has thorns and terrible storms. It was while Delynn was in Cihairdun that she came to understand just how terrible the Mythar truly are.

Delynn had spent about a month in a small village far from White Cliff. She had been helping the villagers plant fruitful gardens, helped them hunt game, and occasionally used her druidic magic to heal a wound. Life seemed good for these particular humans. They were able to thrive and mostly enjoy a simple life. Delynn thought that she had accomplished a great deal. And the particular Mythar in charge of the village apparently had little concern for the goings on. But apparently there were others that had more...

The attack occurred while Delynn was gone a couple of days with a hunting party. When Delynn returned to the village, she found that someone higher in the Mythar ranks didn't like what she had been doing. The trouble was obvious; nearly half the village buildings had been burnt to the ground, and most of the gardens Delynn meticulously tended were destroyed.

"Mistress Delynn," a young mother ran up to the party as they approached. "Mistress, it was awful! The Mythar thought you were rousing us to revolt. They came to get you. But we wouldn't tell, Mistress! Never would we tell!"

"We sure didn't tell," the woman's husband interjected as he ran up. "And this is the price we paid for it. For you!" he venomously spat as he gestured at the burnt buildings. The wife looked about to defend Delynn, but the words died on her lips, and her eyes moved to a group of men at the edge of the village.

It was then that Delynn noticed the group of villagers filling a large hole with dirt on the edge of the village. She knew what it was. A terrible rage began to take Delynn. She would destroy them. They couldn't do this to these peaceful people. The Mythar would pay!

"No," Delynn mumbled to herself. She knew that would only make things worse for these people. Nothing she could do here would help them. She had to leave. Her rage vanished, and terrible sorrow flew into the emotional void left behind.

"Take these," Delynn told the husband as tears welled up in her eyes. She handed the man a bag of seeds. "They won't harm you when I am gone." The husband and wife saw the sorrow plain on Delynn's face. Without another word, Delynn's form changed into that of a large cat, and she ran fast as the wind from the village.

As she ran, her sorrow subsided. Now she was resolute. She understood. The Mythar are not like a terrible storm that is a part of nature. A storm comes, ravages, and then vanishes. But the Mythar would never vanish. They are abominations. They pervert the way that humanoids are to live in the world. She knew that they must be stopped. She also knew that one druid would not have the ability to do it. Delynn knew that she had to find another way...


Brother Shatterstone said:
Actually that's a pretty cool idea. :D Would the cohort travel with the PC or would they be one of the contacts?

That depends on how you'd want it set up, although I'd think at least the cohort would travel with you.

In all honesty I hadn't even given thought to what feat I would take so that shouldn't be an issue... The only feat that really strikes me as appropriate would be Alertness. You know one “sense” becomes stronger in an effort to replace the loss of another…

Of course that doesn’t make perfect sense being mute isn’t one of your senses… :confused:

Got any suggestion of your own? (That's open to all who want to answer.)

I'd see being unable to speak would probably have the person focus more on manual skills and abilities, or on being able to take care of oneself. For ideas for feats: Deft Hands, Nimble Fingers, Self-Sufficient, Endurance, etc.

How would the barbarian tribes view a mute? Would they help it or ignore it, leaving it alone to fend for itself?

That depends upon what place in the tribe that person was supposed to fill. If they were just anybody, they'd probably be just part of the tribe, if they can't hack it, they die. It's a harsh world. If they have important skills (spirit shaman, whatnot) they'd probably get a bit of extra help, but not too much beyond what a person of that role would normally receive.

Interesting, consider the hardship bestowed upon the world I imagine that a woman would be able to buck this thread but would probably be viewed as an outsider for doing such a thing?

The barbarians of Fyndorn really don't feel the yoke of the Mythar, as the Mythar haven't felt it necessary to dominate the barbarian tribes as they are unified, nor are they much of a threat. If a woman could prove themselves as a warrior or what-not and still perform some of the more uniquely womanly tasks (child-bearing), they would probably be viewed as incredibly strong individuals and given due respect. However, shirking the standard roles, without outstanding circumstances, could make the person's life a little harder as people see them as going outside of tradition.

Would being "a go between" for the various tribes to relay news, and also to try to organize them better, work or do you think it would need to be more?

Since the barbarian tribes don't really have any pressure from the Mythar, and since they do compete for resources, I doubt there would be many neutral go-betweens. Also, the story takes place currently near Cihairdun, so you'd have to have a reason to be outside of your homeland. That's in addition to being willing to work with the resistance, which probably wouldn't take much since the barbarians of Fyndorn aren't under the yoke and would chafe at it when they traveled outside of their lands.

I could see some interesting tie-ins, perhaps the resistance hid you away from the Mythar after you rebuffed them in your ignorance of the existing Mythar rule, and they found you a potentially valuable tool/ally.


Brother Shatterstone said:
Hmm, that is very interesting idea... :D

Yeah, it's quite powerful but I'm asking for the muteness for the cohort. I was leaning heavily towards the Barbarian class but maybe the ranger class would be a better choice…

On Ferrix, I hate to ask for anything special, but could I swap the scout’s trap finding ability for tracking? (considering the scout lacks the skills needed to remove said trap.)

If not would you approve the UA rogue variant that gives up sneak attacks for fighter feats? (If so can the swapping out be a one for one (aka some sneak attack and some feats) or would ALL feats?)

Trapfinding for the Track feat, sure.

Voidrunner's Codex

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