(OOC) Fitz's Folly (ToA PBP)


With respect, I don't think that is fair.

The incident with the Ring of Winter was remarkably unpleasant, with me (as a player) literally being told I "played my hand too early" (whatever that meant, as if I had somehow schemed to enter the game to achieve one particular aim) and the DM stopping just short of ordering me to return it, suggesting that Miss I might not be able to continue as a PC. That was ugly (I use understatement; I have never been told that a character's action was unacceptable to the game, and I contemplated leaving this and other games as a result of that interaction). I have continued to play consistently and honestly with the party since then, as I had at that time, and (importantly) not to step out of line, as player or character. That has included some bookkeeping and making sure things like antitoxins and magic are not forgotten. Additionally, I have dropped all mention in my posts of the faction-conflict established at the beginning of the game for fear it would be confused and judged.

Since that time, I have taken a level of sorcerer purely for the purpose of establishing a narrative tie to the event with the ring, and I have had Miss I inquire more than once about Arts Cimber when she encounters people who might have information. That has become the defining moment of her life as a character.

At the end of the current encounter, Miss I will drop or hand off all the magic she is carrying.
Oh no, you entirely misunderstand me - I was only riffing off of the event as a story-based reason for it and I only meant my comment as a tongue-in-cheek bit of fun. I'm really sorry if that event was a sore spot for you. I can only assume that we had a misunderstanding at the time. None of this has ever been a big deal to me and I've always greatly enjoyed everything you've done as a player. I had no idea that it had been that emotional for you. (Or to be more clear, I thought that things got a little hazy at the time, but I thought that it was all long since worked out).

No no, this is all fine (as was that event - it was more a matter of me looking for a way to make sure the game moved forward with the party intact than me ever trying to tell you what to do.) Damn, it's so hard to communicate with text. I'm sure if we were playing this IRL we'd have never had any conflict at all.

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
I apologize that I misunderstood. You are right that part of the obstacle (then and now) is a limit of this medium. I still think it is best to distribute the magic items received so far, and will do so after this encounter. Miss Imogen is not using them.


I honestly never saw a real use for them for Harb and just didn't even ask. shrug He could probably use something cool. Just haven't seen anything he'd want.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I honestly never saw a real use for them for Harb and just didn't even ask. shrug He could probably use something cool. Just haven't seen anything he'd want.
What do you mean "no use", look at this!!!
IC 1223 magic hat that allows the wearer to breathe underwater
Harb just went jumping over kilometers of water :p

And we have real gem for difficult fight: literally, gem of water elemental :D


What do you mean "no use", look at this!!!
IC 1223 magic hat that allows the wearer to breathe underwater
Harb just went jumping over kilometers of water :p

And we have real gem for difficult fight: literally, gem of water elemental :D
Ha! Yeah, those might be useful here. It seems that in PBP it's probably best to use single-use magic items the first time they might be useful (because you'll probably forget to use them ever if you don't!)

At the risk of bringing it up again, I was thinking that it might be interesting to suggest that Imogen is attracted to magic items because she has some innate connection to them - she's like a power battery. I mean, she got a level of sorcerer and ice-spells from wearing the Ring of Winter for 5-minutes (or whatever it was). Maybe if she uses the gem she should get water powers or a small elemental summoning spell next time she levels up! (Assuming @Kobold Stew would want to go that way, of course).

Prickly Pear

Chrysagon does not have any magical items but he would really like a magical weapon... :) Any martial weapon is good but one-handed is preferred.

Btw, who has the cube? Chrysagon wanted to carry it but it was found by someone else who wanted it.
Also, the fake cubes magically returned to the shrine when we left the building, right?

Btw 2, Chrysagons stats are AC18* HP 44/44 (Res Nec&Rad) HD 4/5 PP10* SS 3/4,2/2 CD 1/1 LoH 22/25 and 2 attacks! (see post #1645)

Prickly Pear

I suggest we start talking to the wizard... ask him what these cubes are that they are looking for, maybe suggest that we help them find them. Why do they want the cubes and why are they important? We may learn something important!
Since they know we were at the Shrine of Moa, we can explain that we entered it and were attacked but didn't find anything unusual. We can offer to go back and look and then come back with any cube.

Who is good at negotiating (persuasion and deception)? Chrysagon is not to bad... +4 but he never was the one who talked a lot. Maybe this is his moment? 😲


I suggest we start talking to the wizard... ask him what these cubes are that they are looking for, maybe suggest that we help them find them. Why do they want the cubes and why are they important? We may learn something important!
Since they know we were at the Shrine of Moa, we can explain that we entered it and were attacked but didn't find anything unusual. We can offer to go back and look and then come back with any cube.

Who is good at negotiating (persuasion and deception)? Chrysagon is not to bad... +4 but he never was the one who talked a lot. Maybe this is his moment? 😲
I'm just gonna run with this so that we can move forward...

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