(OOC) Fitz's Folly (ToA PBP)


That wasn't the greatest, IMO, but I hope it will do to get us moving forward again. I shared the map I had worked on at the beginning of the fight. (Miss Imogen is quite a bit off it to the south). I just wanted you to see why, in the end, I just couldn't run it. Too many moving parts. I got intimidated. (Not that I haven't run absolutely crazy fights for you before). IRL games, I often run fights like this, but they are EASY there. PBP they are hard work. It can take me most of a day to roll a round when they get that big. I just don't have the time right now for that sort of thing.

Thanks for sticking with me. Let's do some RP with the Yaun-Ti and push this game forward to the Tomb. That should make my work-load easier because I will be able to go "By Book" - which is something that I have barely done this entire game so far. I mean, most of the set-pieces that you have run into are in the book one way or the other, but the encounters, most descriptions, dialogue, and the like, well, most of it I've done myself...

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
It's mostly the same readers here as in my other post, but it's true for this game too.

We've lost momentum on these games, and I'd love it if we could get it back. Could we all commit to posting once every 2-3 days? I'd love that, and I'm keen to press on. There's a dungeon waiting for us to explore, just... over... there....


It's mostly the same readers here as in my other post, but it's true for this game too.

We've lost momentum on these games, and I'd love it if we could get it back. Could we all commit to posting once every 2-3 days? I'd love that, and I'm keen to press on. There's a dungeon waiting for us to explore, just... over... there....

I agree. If we could, for example, get our once-a-week-or-worse round-roll to twice-a-week, I'd be pretty happy. No pressure (or at least, only a little pressure) but we can all try to do a bit better than we have lately. Maybe get our momentum up a smidge - back to what it was at its best. I'd like that.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Just to confirm -- we have not rested since before the last fight, is that correct?

In IC 2190 Miss Imogen was HP 38/38. Fighting Spirit: none left. Action surge: used. Second Wind: not used.

In IC 2243 I suggested she spent a dozen arrows in the fight that we skipped over, leaving her 13.

She has bardic inspiration of 1d8 for the negotiation, but there's a ten minute time limit on that, which I suspect will be passed before the boats dock wherever they are going.

Is that all correct?


Just to confirm -- we have not rested since before the last fight, is that correct?

In IC 2190 Miss Imogen was HP 38/38. Fighting Spirit: none left. Action surge: used. Second Wind: not used.

In IC 2243 I suggested she spent a dozen arrows in the fight that we skipped over, leaving her 13.

She has bardic inspiration of 1d8 for the negotiation, but there's a ten minute time limit on that, which I suspect will be passed before the boats dock wherever they are going.

Is that all correct?

If anything, everyone should be worse off, seeing as we skipped a crazy big battle. They probably had a short rest after that fight, though. Honestly, I don't really know what kind of resources everyone would have. Pretty beat-up, I would imagine. (Probably Imogen didn't take any more damage - she stayed quite far from the action).

As far as the BI goes, I think we can assume that Myrral held off his big pep-talk until it looked like there would be someone important to talk to.

I know that's a lot of hand-waving, but I'm hoping the fine details won't matter too much. I think we can assume that if negotiations go wrong down here, there's probably no way that the Sticks can fight their way out - they might have to surrender (and probably be enslaved).

No pressure!

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Because I'm tired and stretched thin for family reasons and didn't read the IC post accurately. 🤷‍♂️

the fault is mine -- sorry. I'm happy to have it taken back by the DM.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Ha ha -- it's Tommi who chooses to Poke the bear. This was just 4 hrs sleep in a tent with my child...

Imogen may be tired as well -- perhaps she did attack when she didn't need to.

Voidrunner's Codex

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