(OOC) Fitz's Folly (ToA PBP)


Hello everyone! I think you all might have noticed that I stalled out on this game trying to work up a scene where there's a three-way fight between Thayans, Yaun-ti, and the party. I think I've been intimidated by trying to do too much. You've all been there, I think, when I've done a multi-part combat with a LOT of moving pieces. It's something I do a LOT in IRL games, but it's a lot easier for me to do in that setting. It takes a LOT of time to run them PBP, as I'm sure you've noticed.

I don't run them that way because I prefer that sort of combat, exactly; I run them because I think that it serves the story best. In this case, it might be too much work for how much time I've got.

I miss these characters, though, and I'd like to keep going with this game. I think we've lost 'Goyle, though. My games have gone pretty well as far as PBP games go, but there's been a bit of attrition over the years. Luckily others have stepped up.

I'm thinking of inviting a player to join in here (new blood always gets my heart going for a game, while the long-time players always keep me coming back). Any suggestions? MetaVoid, maybe? Could play any member of the crew of the Little Star or a Red Wizard, Thayan Orc, Merc, or even possibly a Yaun-Ti (if we can come up with why they'd join the party).

ALSO, I think I might like to skip this fight, skip some time, and just go with the entrance to the Tomb. This would turn this (rather long) exploration game into a Dungeon Crawl... Which might not be the best thing for beloved characters (it IS a Tomb of Horrors, after all), but it's what the adventure is about, after all. PLUS, it's a LOT easier to run a Dungeon Crawl in PBP than an exploration. I mean, I've made up a HUGE amount of the game so far.

Everyone with me? Any comments?

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Always with you, and glad this game is potentially getting going again.

  • No objections to a new player, or to MetaVoid. I would trust you and them to find a good fit.
  • Attrition is inevitable in this format; don't let it get you down.
  • I have no objection to circumventing the big fight if that's what the hold-up is (and we can find a way IC to make that so, if you like).

Thanks for being so candid. Thanks for this game, and all you do.


Always with you, and glad this game is potentially getting going again.

  • No objections to a new player, or to MetaVoid. I would trust you and them to find a good fit.
  • Attrition is inevitable in this format; don't let it get you down.
  • I have no objection to circumventing the big fight if that's what the hold-up is (and we can find a way IC to make that so, if you like).

Thanks for being so candid. Thanks for this game, and all you do.
Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, if I skip it, I will write up a narrative of what I imagine happening. I'll just gloss over the fight and let you all do some interacting with the NPCs.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
For MetaVoid: Yes
Skipping fight: sure, but maybe you could make it background "noise" and make a smaller encounter that will determine who is left and who ir what we have to interract with? You know, slugfest between Red Wizard and Yuan-ti elite with some caster(s). And us. No more than 10-15 combatants.
That said, I'm fine with complete skip, it is not like we will go over it quickly. So, main plot is good, we could advance it by stealth - bypassing the battle and activating the entrance. Then we could have a fight defending the entrance from both parties until it closes once again :D

Ignore the missing players, write the characters out, if they come back, you can think of a way to get them in. We're not in the middle of the dungeon so "I'm going back to the ship" is very simple way of having them around.


@MetaVoid Welcome to Omu and Fitz's Folly (named such because I really probably don't have time for it, though I've been running it, what? Three years? More?)

I will be pushing this game forward soon, gang. I'm just working out in my head how far I want to jump, and what exactly happened in the mean-time. I may not jump too far and let us do some RP to fill the gap. I have a spot I want to get to (it's no secret - it's the Tomb entrance) but there's a few loose ends I'd like to tie in a bow first.

The first draft is in RG, still no image (hard to find half-construct snake :D ) and background

but it will be something along the lines: tried to climb the social ladder, got "killed", arm cut off, tail/body cut in half and discarded somewhere

Found by a couatl - that just happened to an agent (or at least an emissary of one) looking into the Curse. After some (long?) time, Ussal is reformed to a new world outlook. He found an old forge somewhere in the city (maybe even under that spire the PCs are on) - when he restored his body as much as possible he returned to the Yuan-Ti, simply because there is nowhere else to go, but now with a mission.

I need to think about few details - such as WHY he thought he could get away with it and what is his current status (i.e. is he treated as a pure-blood or malison and if latter, how well is he treated (not at all, I'm guessing :p )

The image is uploaded...imagine the whole tail section as metallic - this is the best I could do with my limited photo-editing skills.

The right hand is also intentionally different since it is actually missing a flesh-and-blood hand inside.

I realized at some point I will not be able to use infusions in boots unless it is for someone else :D

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