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[ooc] gng - nameless [4/4]


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Fredar is up in the RG with one change, if it's okay: I took +1 Will Save instead of +.25 Bab at first level

Second level:
bab: 0.5 [auto]
bases saves: Will +1 [auto], Ref +1
skills points: 4 [auto], 1 [Human] = +2 Tumble, +2 Intimidate, +1 Diplomacy
feats: AP/Shield [3cp - progression after AP/Light?], Improved Initiative [4cp]

This was the reasoning: Fredar would have realized soon after joining up that combats as a member of the Guard were a little more serious than his youthful brawls, and because of this, he would have spent as much time with a shield as he could. He would also have seen the value in striking first, then bugging out if the enemy still stood.
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doghead said:
I'm sorry to hear that your celtic dreams game has come to a close. It was a great setting and it looked like a great game. How is "Game of Trust" going?
Yeah, the celtic game was awesome, the players were absolutely amazing, but it will live on in my tabletop game, the setting was just too cool to throw away.

The game of trust is still alive and kicking, although guilt puppy is having some problems connecting to enworld.

I'll try to get Nate upgraded tonight.



Maerdwyn, second Level build is fine (please excuse my fiddle with the build notes). I hadn't thought about AP (shield), but it makes sense as a progression from AP (light).

I'll have a look at the [rg] thread now.
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Defense: As written by Ken, your BDB includes your Dex bonus. Personally, I think that that it is easier to record it as BAB + Dex, or in your case, BaseRef + Dex. The result is fine though. Defense: +8

Attacks: Crits converted and all. Nice.

Skills: You seem to have spent only 32 of your 33 skillpoints. Perform is for the pan pipes I presume. Armour check penalties inc. Nice.

Equipment: Do you realise that 60 sling bullets weight 30 lb.

Nice work all round.


First Post
doghead said:

Skills: You seem to have spent only 32 of your 33 skillpoints. Perform is for the pan pipes I presume. Armour check penalties inc. Nice.

Equipment: Do you realise that 60 sling bullets weight 30 lb.

Nice work all round.
30lb? ouch. will change that - hadn't gone through and done weights yet :(

Edit: fixed. 20 bullets, lost the rope and some food to get into the "light" category. Added one rank to tumble.

Perform gives 1 form per rank - I was thinking: pipes, dance, singing, and oratory/storytelling.
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Ouch indeed. Its kinda like carrying a 5 two litre bottles of water.

My str 10 rogue taught me all about the dangers of weight. He had to be very carefull about what he carried. Now I always give it a once over.

So you want Perform (pipes) 1/+4 [+3 cha], Perform (dance) 1/+4 [+3 cha], Perform (sing) 1/+4 [+3 cha], and Perform (oratory) 1/+4 [+3 cha]. Interesting. No problem. It kinda reflects his 'picked it up here and there' background.


First Post
doghead said:
Ouch indeed. Its kinda like carrying a 5 two litre bottles of water.

My str 10 rogue taught me all about the dangers of weight. He had to be very carefull about what he carried. Now I always give it a once over.

So you want Perform (pipes) 1/+4 [+3 cha], Perform (dance) 1/+4 [+3 cha], Perform (sing) 1/+4 [+3 cha], and Perform (oratory) 1/+4 [+3 cha]. Interesting. No problem. It kinda reflects his 'picked it up here and there' background.
Actually, in the PHB, the skill description reads "You are skilled in several types of artistic expression and know how to put on a show. Possible Peform types include.... You are capable of one form of performance per rank," rather than the way craft or profession handle it. Craft: "You are trained in a craft....Craft is actually a number of separate skills." Profession: "Like craft, Profession is actually a number of separate skills....You could have several profession skills, each with its own ranks, each purchased as seperate skills."

I was under the impression that meant Perform, distinct from Craft and Profession, was a single skill. Ranks in perform would therefore cover all of those forms somewone with ranks in perform knew. Will go with whatever you rule, but will probably knock down the number of types he practices if it's as you describe. Let me know :)
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Just had a look at the SRD. For what its worth, both say the same thing:

SRD3.5 said:

Like Craft, Knowledge, and Profession, Perform is actually a number of separate skills.

You could have several Perform skills, each with its own ranks, each purchased as a separate skill.

At Level 3, a character could have 6 ranks in six different areas for 6 skill points. At level 5 8 ranks in 8 areas. It seems a bit counter-intuiative, normally mastery comes at the expense of breadth.

I think that I will stick with the SRD description above.

Like with Nate's Craft (blacksmith, armoursmith, silversmith type stuff), allowing Skill Focus to be taken as a +2 bonus across multiple types of perform (instead of the +3 to a single Skill) seems reasonable. Some synergies also make sense - like Act and Comedy, or (Instrument type) and Sing.


First Post
Nate L2 classless build
Nathan Ay'Tennar
Human Male1
Concept: Blacksmith.

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Age: 17

Initiative: +1 [+1 Dex]
Speed: 30 ft.
Defense: +3 [+2 BDB, +1 dex]
Soak: +7 [+2 Con, +3 Armour, +2 shield]
Base Attack Bonus: +2
* melee +5 Mace, hvy (1d8+3, x2)
* ranged +2 Sling (1d4+3, xX, xx ft.)
Full Attack: --
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: --
Special Qualities: Human Traits.
Saves: Fortitude 1/+3, Reflex 0/+1, Will 3/+5.
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Craft (blacksmith) 5/+9 [+2 Int, +2 Feat], Craft (weapons & armor) 5/+9 [+2 Int, +2 Feat], Craft (silversmith) 5/+9 [+2 Int, +2 Feat], Diplomacy 5/+5, Handle Animal 5/+5, Knowledge (engineering) 5/+7 [+2 Int], Open Lock 5/+6 [+1 Dex], Search 5/+5, Spot 5/+5 [+2 Wis], Sense Motive 5/+7 [+2 Wis] Swim 1/+4 [+3 Str]
Feats: Beast Bond, Skill Focus (Craft).Shield prof, Rage 1/d Languages: Common, Dwarven, Gnomisch.
* Worn/Carried: Heavy Mace, Knife, sling stones(20), sling, Magic chainmail shirt, Backpack, Pouch, Coin, Travellers outfit, Heavy cloak (on inside of cloak, wrapped in oil paper : gun+ 12 charges.), Steel shield.
* In Backpack: Swag (bedroll), small cocking pot, two fishooks and some fine rope, handaxe, flint&steel, oil and sand for weapon/armor maintenance, whetstone, thick rope, canvas, two waterskins (full), two waterskins (empty), Camping gear (the usual).
* In Pouch: spare flint&steel, money, oddly shaped stone, dice
* On Mount: --


He is a tall broad-shouldered feller, with unkempt black curly hair, and sports a shaggy beard with sideburns.

He's a generally good-natured guy, always friendly. He tends to be over-protective of his friends, and thinks that he needs to make sure evryone is safe all the time. He tries to keep his temper at all times, but when in combat, seeing his friends getting hurt, he finds that he has a deeper, darker side to himself. He feels the siren-call of the battle-lust claiming him. So far he has been able to resist it, but he fears he won't be able to resist much longer.


Nathan grew up as a farmers son, fourth son in a large family. He was a sturdy, strong lad and was apprenticed at the age of ten to Master Hurdan, the village smith. The time at the forge made him only stronger. He has finished his apprentenceship, and is now a wandering journeyman,learning his skills at the dwarven holdn and is now going from village to village with his cart and fixing the things thad need fixing, using the small village ovens, carrying his tools with him. He doesn't feel comfortable enough yet to craft his masterwork yet, for he feels he still has a lot to learn.
He stays at his masters forge, helping out on the days he isn't on the road. He enjoys a good beer in the evening, and is often found listening to the wild tales of his friend. He dreams of being the squire of a good knight, fighting to protect the weak and innocent.
He is a goodnatured fellow, often called "my big bear" by Alana, the serving maid, of whom he (and the rest of the village boys) is secretely enamored, a fact he vehemently denies with a beet-red face. He is secretely crafting a silver rose, as lifelike as he can make it. (he's taking 20 for the rose, but is only about halfway)
Considered slow and maybe a bit dim-witted, he is actually fairly intelligent. He just likes to think things through before saying anything, lest people think him stupid. He moves with care because of his great size and strength, afraid to knock things (or people) over.

-- Build Notes --

Level 1 [12 CP build]
bab: 0.5 + 0.5 [2]
base saves: will +1, will +1 [1]
skill points: 4 + 1 [human] + 2 [int] + 4 [2] = 11x4 = 44
feats: light ap [auto], simple wp [auto], entry: Beast Bond [human], entry: skill focus (craft) [4], entry: Shield prof [3].

Level 2 [8 pt build]

bab 0.5 + 0.5 [2]
Fort +1, Will +1 [1]
Skill points : 4 + 1 [human] + 2 [int] = 7
feats : Rage 1/d [3]

[2 pt left]
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First Post
Four small questions : in my first lvl build you've paid 2 pts for a +0.5 BaB increase, shouldn't it be only 1, or am I missing something?

EDIT : I was missing something, sorry.

What's the ability for spot? Yes, I'm a lazy basterd, and I don't have my books with me at the moment.

How does a buckler work into all of this (that is, if you allow for nate to have a buckler with his large hammer thinghy.)

Do I get synergie bonusses from one smithing craft to another? Allright, maybe it's a bit munchkin, but hey, if I spend 15 skill points in flavor skills that have little use in-game (okay, so I might be able to repair my own armor and weaponry, that is, if I can find a smithy I can use, somewhere in the middle of nowhere), I might as well be good at it...

Thinking about the lebvelless system, and how to prevent abuse : what about spells? I mean, you can see the first lvl as a class feat, and then the next levels as progress feats or whatsname, but (and yes, there is a point to my rambling) why would you ever take the bard/ranger/palladin progression when you might as well have the sorc/cleric progression for the same money? Just my two cents, as I'm thinking, depending on how in-game play goes, of making nate into a raging palladin or cleric or wossname.
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