D&D 5E OotA: Council of Savants



Any and all info regarding the Derro Council of Savants in Grackstugh would be most welcome.

For any era. Even short snippets from novels that gives descriptions of how their palace looks like, and the motivations of their (former) leaders would be useful.


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Hrm..maybe the 3e Underdark sourcebook?

Gracklstugh shows up in the Condemnation novel apparently, but I've no idea if it mentions the Derro/Council of Savants at all.


I should probably add I've found this:

It tells me the Condemnation novel does indeed feature the Derro savants, but I have no idea if there are any nuggets that would help me create their palace (and describe its opulence).

It also tells me the Savants are at least mentioned in the AD&D era rizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark as well as the 3e Underdark sourcebook you mention.

But I would like specifics :)

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