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OOTS 354 is up... and I feel old now...

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I can remember when I first saw that game still *slowly sits in the rocker by the cracker barrel*... sit a spell and I'll tell ya about Space Invaders and four hour marathon pong sessions.


[giggle] Oddly, the giant centipede, old arcade game reference came up in our game a couple of weeks ago :D

And remember, the gender of an article agrees with the gender of the noun it modifies. "tha" is clearly a feminine ending.



Don't feel old. I remember the game fondly, and I don't consider myself that old, though the first memories of it are a bit on the early side.

It's classic enough to be relevant regardless of age, and you'll still find the game around in either the original arcade version, or a recent repackaged combination of it with either Galaga or Pac-Man.

The reference itself in the comic was cute :)


I loved the "natural spell" discussion. I'm getting the impression that Durkon's knowledge of druids is largely academic - he doesn't seem to have had much practical experience of them.

Hypersmurf said:

And remember, the gender of an article agrees with the gender of the noun it modifies. "tha" is clearly a feminine ending.


I didn't realize that Dwaren was a Romance Language.

That must explain the French, and why Dwarven Bards take ranks in Perform (Jerry Lewis).

(Goes back to Atari 2600 and Fires up Q-bert)

Yep, still got it, the old fake wood paneling design.

Don't have Centipede. I do have Pac-Man, Baseball, Asteroids, Q-Bert, Laser-Blast, Atlantis, Grand Prix Racing, Frogger, and, ummm.... ET the Extraterrestrial.

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