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Orun: The Anti-Post-Apocalyptic RPG

It seems every RPG Kickstarter claims to do something different. Most aren't, but Orun by New Agenda Publishing definitely is — a “Post-Apotheosis, Afro-futuristic Sci-fi RPG mixing Mysticism and Adventure to create a unique gaming experience.” If you've never heard of New Agenda Publishing, that's because Orun is its first project. Founders Misha Bushyager, Jerry D. Grayson and Eloy...

It seems every RPG Kickstarter claims to do something different. Most aren't, but Orun by New Agenda Publishing definitely is — a “Post-Apotheosis, Afro-futuristic Sci-fi RPG mixing Mysticism and Adventure to create a unique gaming experience.”

If you've never heard of New Agenda Publishing, that's because Orun is its first project. Founders Misha Bushyager, Jerry D. Grayson and Eloy Lasanta have decades of game industry experience between them. Bushyager has written for Chill: SAVE, Lovecraftesque and Dead Scare and was an editor for the award-winning nanogame collection #Feminism. Grayson designed GODSEND Agenda, HELLAS: Worlds of Sun and Stone, and ATLANTIS: The Second Age. Lasanta is the ENnie Award-winning creator of Part-Time Gods, The Ninja Crusade, and AMP: Year One.

Considering their talent it's no surprise the trio decided to do something fresh for NAP's first project.

Misha Bushyager

“We wanted a setting that all sorts of people would be drawn to and still be able to put our spin on it. It became clear all of us loved Star Trek and Star Wars, so we came up with something that reflected the elements we identified with most from those properties: exploration, struggle for good to triumph, new and different species and cultures, and space,” said Bushyager.

Don't mistake Orun for typical space opera. The back story involves beings called Orisha who led the way to apotheosis – transcendence from the physical reality. In our world, Orisha are deities in the Yoruba tradition, which influences Orun.

“The idea was to give the game a new non-Western baseline. The Yoruba culture and religion were great inspirations. The Yoruba strive self-improvement for the betterment of self and society. Our 'Iwa' concerns our behavior and character, or innermost being, or soul,” said Bushyager. “Improving our Iwa betters not only ourselves, but our culture and society. In Orun, heroes have a civic, moral, and cultural responsibility (on a cosmic scale) to make reality better. In Orun, ascension doesn’t exist for personal glorification, but for the betterment of the universe.”

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Eloy Lasanta

“The assumptions are different, the goals of the players are different, and ultimately the 'feel' of the game is different.” added Grayson.

It also gives Orun a different tone from grimdark or post-apocalyptic games.

“One of the things I dislike about post apocalyptic settings is the lack of hope. I want people to aspire to something better, not descend into despair,” said Bushyager.

As befits a new project from a new company that even has “new” in its name, Orun features its own rule set. Called the Horizon System, the mechanics have a classic sensibility yet have a modern, streamlined feel. Players can try it now with ORUN, Post-Apotheosis Space Opera RPG QuickStart. It features five of species available from the aquatic B'Bocci to the Alimnuro, who are energy beings, but the full version of Orun features 11.

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Jerry D. Grayson

“We've got some fun things with the others. A plant-based species, a quadrupedal one that uses telepathy and telekinesis, a tiny aggro species in mechs, a paired symbiotic combined species, a chimera species, and an automaton construct 'species,'” said Bushyager.

Both the Quickstart and Kickstarter demonstrate a rich setting with much more to come, so I had to ask the creators what their favorite parts of Orun are.

“I’d have to say the array of species. When we planned them out they each had a touchstone to us that resonated. And I'm constantly amazed at the artwork that come back to represent them. It's never what I expected, but I always love it,” said Bushyager.

“That bad thought and memes have a physical manifestation in the form of corrupted souls and a warping of reality,” said Grayson.

Last year, NAP held a contest to recruit its writing team and discover new talent, which represents one of NAP's founding principles.

“We put our money where our mouth is. We don't just talk the talk of diversity and inclusion, we walk the walk and actually do the work of bringing in new voices.” said Bushyager.

This article was contributed by Beth Rimmels (brimmels) as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. If you enjoy the daily news and articles from EN World, please consider contributing to our Patreon!!

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels

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Jerry D Grayson has a scenario in the Prince Valiant Episodes Book (from the recently-filled Kickstarter) - the Crimson Bull - that I ran today. It worked well - quite a bit better than I anticipated, to be honest.

I don't know his work mentioned in the OP - for me, this was a successful first encounter.

Jerry D Grayson has a scenario in the Prince Valiant Episodes Book (from the recently-filled Kickstarter) - the Crimson Bull - that I ran today. It worked well - quite a bit better than I anticipated, to be honest.

I don't know his work mentioned in the OP - for me, this was a successful first encounter.

He wrote Atlantis 2E and a few other RPGs. He sent me a PDF of Atlantis for free when another kickstarter I backed didn't fulfill their promise. I highly recommend his work based both on how good his RPGs are and how decent of a guy he is.


This looks so interesting. Mechanics and setting-wise. I have spent a lot of time entwining African-inspired mythos/cultures into my fantasy games. I still rate Chris Dolunt's "Nyambe: African Adventures" (Atlas Games) as one of my favourite 'settting' books.

Coriolis uses an Arabic base and this one African. Love the ideas of Orisha and how doing good actually influences the world around you (though I really want to see the mechanics for this). Our main homebrew world (Kage) did this in our 3E D&D rules set (just like Corruption did the opposite).

Count me very interested and i shall check out full Kickstarter when I get home.


The setting looks interesting, but I am wary of the company.
They come of as both politically charged and racist as their website makes it pretty clear that they base their hiring choices on skin color.
Last edited by a moderator:


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The setting looks interesting, but I am wary of the company.
They come of as both politically charged and racist as their website makes it pretty clear that they base their hiring choices on skin color.

Don't post again in this thread.


First Post
Hi all!
So a few things that might answer some questions.
1) There's no humans in the game. The worlds we're designing and the species we've created aren't human on purpose. We want people to stretch their imaginations and connect to their humanity through the elements, not just the appearance.
2) As far as space opera goes, you're playing intergalactic forces for good, trying to advance not only yourselves, but the people around you. Yes there's FTL travel and space ships and advanced weaponry, but we didn't focus on hard science. "Science Fantasy" is a good genre description.
3) We will not apologize for promoting underrepresented voices. We will not back down from it either. When we conducted our open call, we looked at the 60+ entries, read and winnowed down the submissions to 20, AND THEN read the bios. The voices that stood out the most happened to be the ones who were from traditionally marginalized groups. It's almost as if having a different perspective helps you shine in a field when the process is actually fair. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4) These amazing humans deserve to have their voices heard just as much as the next person.

--Misha Bushyager
New Agenda Publishing


First Post
The Alimnuro are energy beings composed of superheated ionized gas with a dense ball of white light at their center. The crackling energy of the Alimnuro manifests in different shades, but stabilizes once they reach adulthood. Shades of blue, red, and green are the prominent colors of the energy beings. Due to their physical make-up, Alimnuro use containment suits of various design to interact with non-energy beings. When in a containment suit, the Alimnuro use the central ball of light as a “head” to help others focus and direct their interactions.

The B’Bocci are 1.75-meter-long amphibious sea slugs, ranging in color from black to red. The bioluminescent quality of their scales allows them to camouflage themselves in almost any environment. Four eye stalks positioned equally around the top of their body allow them to see in all directions and gills along their sides and torso give the B’Bocci the ability to breathe in an aquatic environment. Two funnels protrude from their lower half for waste discharge and propulsion in water. A long tentacle protrudes from each side of their body with suckers along the lower sides. At the end of each limb are three additional finger-like appendages.

The B’Bocci are 1.75-meter-long amphibious sea slugs, ranging in color from black to red. The bioluminescent quality of their scales allows them to camouflage themselves in almost any environment. Four eye stalks positioned equally around the top of their body allow them to see in all directions and gills along their sides and torso give the B’Bocci the ability to breathe in an aquatic environment. Two funnels protrude from their lower half for waste discharge and propulsion in water. A long tentacle protrudes from each side of their body with suckers along the lower sides. At the end of each limb are three additional finger-like appendages.

The blue-hued Khoban are a spiritual people with a calm disposition who stand over 1.75 meters tall. Along their arms, legs, and back run what appear at first glance to be spines. In actuality, they are low-level light receptors/emitters. To the eye, all Khoban are a solid shade of indigo blue and painfully attractive, but to Khoban the colors run the spectrum. The emitters mesmerize non-Khoban, making them pleasing to the eye. All but the Ndichie see the ideal of beauty in the Khoban. Cameras are not as forgiving - when seen through the filter of a video device, the Khoban appear a drab blue.

The Oyans stand on average 1.7 meters tall and vary in color and size. Originally from the planet Oya, the Oyans spread out rapidly once they became an interstellar society. The Oyans are a proud and optimistic people, who can be found at the forefront of almost any Union politics. With their unique status as keepers of Orisha lore, they maneuvered into positions of prominence early on. This has led many to believe the Oyans only have their own best interest in mind, but the Oyans see it as executing their sacred duty to keep the Peoples on the right track towards ascension.

The Ako’Obirin are a race of two separate species, the Ako and the Obirin, that evolved to become a third. When united, the Ako’Obirin is intelligent and able to make cognitive leaps like no other species. This has led to the saying “Clever like an Ako, shrewd like an Obirin.”

The Ndichie are an idolized 1.5-meter tall polished metal funerary automaton of the Oyan dead. All Ndichie resemble the Oyan family member they house, crafted to look like the person at the peak of their existence. Ndichie bodies vary in appearance, determined by resources available to the bereaved family. The face of the Ndichie is a single piece of metal crafted to look like the dead persons face, with photo-emitters projecting a hologram of the animated construct on top. The hologram allows the grieving to interact with the dead, talking to the construct.

The Karok are small large-eyed, fur-covered creatures standing .5 meters tall, outside of their armored battle suits that is. Their fur ranges in color from deep grey to bright pink with eyes ranging from powder blue to gold. Four large incisors protrude from their mouths. Their battle suits can range from 1-7 meters and in a range of colors and materials, depending on the whim of the individual Karok and the functionality of the suit itself.

The Vuu were once a sentient virus that infected a host completely, taking over its consciousness. Now the Vuu are a chimerical amalgam of the many different races they’ve infected. Oyan, Khoban, B’bocci, and Fitora features are prevalent in the Vuu with some characteristics being active or less evident. No Vuu is ever without an aspect of the four species they infected during their years of expansion, and all share some element of the four parent species.

The Igi Eniyan are a plant based species who stand 1.5 meters tall with a skeletal structure covered in vine and leaves that resemble sinew and muscle fiber. They have heart-shaped head The deep green pods with three shiny amber eyes and a special forked petal “chin” that conceals their mouth. The colorful petals that fan around their heads, along with large, fibrous petals that form wings on their backs, range greatly across sub-species in shape and can appear anywhere from dark blue to vibrant gold and red in color. Retractable stamens form a knot of vines at the center of their chests. Under their arms are glands that resemble fruit sacs. These sacs produce edibles with several effects that range from narcotics to healing juices, depending on the Igi Eniyan’s diet.

The Holowan are 1.5-meter-long quadrupeds with two large expressive black eyes above a mouth with small square teeth. From the brow of their heads grow two long crystal-like horns that curve back towards their shoulders. Long leaf like ears sweep back, accenting their elegantly long neck. The Holowan’s short velvet fur range in color from honey brown to dark gray, while their horns resemble growing crystal of various colors. Black, green, blue, violet and brown are the five colors of the Holowans’ crystals and are usually determined by caste and the minerals leached from the area they live in.

It looks amazing! I just pledged at the “Buy one, give one” level and wanted to thank you, MishaB, for including that option and helping someone else get a copy as well who otherwise couldn’t. It definitely shows how your company stands apart from the rest. Growing and expanding the hobby is great for all of us!

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