[OT] Sad news, help me mourn...


Founder of the Gourmet Gamer Academy
Hi everyone, I am quite new to this but bear with me...My husband used the name Chairman_Kaga here and at a few other sites and I am using his ID to make this announcement.

My husband, Peter, was killed Wedsnesday evening in a traffic accident. He was 31 years old. He leaves behind an unborn son. He loved ENWorld and considered many of you good people and he talked about what was going on here all the time, so I thought it right that you should be informed.

He had a rough life and was nearly killed at the World Trade Center, but he was a good and decent man who worked very hard to take care of both myself and our child.

Peter started every game he ran with a shot of Jack Daniels as a salute to every gamer that loved the game but couldn't find the time or the people to run. He always said how lucky he was to have three gamers that he had known for years and be able to run once a week.

If any of you could raise a glass at the start of your next game I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

Thank you.

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Old One

First Post
I am so terribly sorry to hear this...

I am so sorry for your loss. He and I shared the joy of impending fatherhood on these boards just a couple of months ago and he dropped in to comment on my SH on occassion.

My heart and prayers are with you and your child. I hope that you have a good support network to deal with this loss...please let us know if there is anything we can do.

I will toast Peter at our next game...

Best wishes,

~ Old One


I'm so very sorry to learn of this tragic turn of events. Thank you for sharing this sad news with us. I'm sure I speak for all when I say "the Chairman" will be missed around here. Please know that our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.


Eric Noah
EN World Forums Administrator


Vengeance Bunny
My condolences. Know that he had many friends here who will miss him. I'm so sorry.

We will be raising our glasses.

Voidrunner's Codex

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