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[OT] sociology paper- how does mainstream society view Gamers


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Sodalis said:

1) military history/ war gaming
2) fantasy literature
3) knowledge of real-world mythology
4) knowledge of social sciences
5) knowledge of physical sciences
6) knowledge of real-world mysticism

1 - history, yes, but not specifically military. Wargaming, not much.
2 - preferred SF and don't read much of either now :( I never much liked generic fantasy - it's a genre that all too easily becomes very embarassing.
3 - good basic knowledge, not just Euro-centric (e.g. also Meso-American, Japanese etc.).
4 - educated layman; I haven't gone out of my way to learn about it, but I pick things up easily and have a good memory :D
5 - good (university education was mathematics, particularly interested in astrophysics)
6 - pretty extensive knowledge, but from an intellectual/academic perspective - I don't believe a word of it ;)

I've been gaming, with some gaps, since 1979.

chilibean said:
And remember, by definition, 50% of the population has a below average intelligence.

True in a very literal sense - but given how difficult it is to define and measure intelligence, I'd take issue with this. If the distribution of "intelligence" is sharply clustered around the mean, and the margin of error in the measurement is considerable, then you could equally well argue that a very substantial proportion of the population are of average intelligence, and only small minorities are above or below that group. In order to justify the statement, I think you have to quantify intelligence using gradations that are too small to be statistically meaningful.

Of course, your opinion of that level of intelligence may not be very high, but that's a slightly different point....

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Dr Midnight

I like to tell people about how I once got into an argument with Gary Gygax over gaming's image problem.

His position: Gamers are a small, like-minded group without cares for what other people think or how they're viewed. If that turns John Public away from looking into the hobby, good: he's not wanted.

My position: Gaming has an image problem that requires attention. We should take steps to making the hobby more inclusive, and in doing so do work towards erasing the stereotypes associated with it.

Of course, terms like "what a crock of crap" and "smelly fat Trek fanboys" were thrown about like rocks, but the discussion was at its heart pretty good.

I say there's a reason we're associated with the comic book guy from the Simpsons (along with comic book fans, Sci-Fi fans, etc.)... and I want to do away with that reason. I want a layman to think of gaming and not immediately think of the pimply large guy with the greasy ponytail and stained trenchcoat who only wore black and didn't talk to anyone in Study Hall.


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I say there's a reason we're associated with the comic book guy from the Simpsons
Excellent points Midnight. Since I am writing the paper, i cant express my point of view. Although i agree with you, I dont see a problem with that perspective. If you remember, his IQ is a muscular 199...
I'm suprised that no one has mentioned the horrible and detestible cartoon that played on Saturday mornings a long time ago
I think you are talking about the Herculoids. There is a herculean barbarian, and a weird lookin ten legged rhino that shoots fireballs from its horns... i loved that show.

then theres also a dungeons and dragons cartoon with an archer, boy wizard, and some other stuff i cant remember...

back then, people actually had imagination in the shows they produced (Thundercats, Gobots, Transformers...) now- all the cartoons are japanime that uses Pokemon-like monsters to play with- digimon, YugiOh Mankoli knights- they all have the same things in common- humans that control monsters...
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Sodalis said:
back then, people actually had imagination in the shows they produced (Thundercats, Gobots, Transformers...) now- all the cartoons are japanime that uses Pokemon-like monsters to play with- digimon, YugiOh Mankoli knights- they all have the same things in common- humans that control monsters...

BWA-HA-HA. [wipes a tear from his eye]

Oh, wait...you were serious. Sorry, but using those three shows (all three of which were direct toy tie-ins designed from the toy line up) as shining examples of creative 80s animation just amuses me to no end. (I hope you don't think that Silverhawks and Tigersharks weren't very similar to Thundercats, for that matter).

Compare those against, say, Johnny Quest (the original one) or Jackie Chan adventures. IMHO, no comparison. YMMV.


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thats about all the information i need. thank you all for joining in on the conversation. you have been very helpful.

I will post the results of teh study when I am done (monday-ish) and can send out a copy via email to whomever wants to read it...

Thanks a bunch


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WSmith has been rolling funky dice, since switching from chits in 1979. :D

I am in a unique situtation. You would never know it by my participation on D&D web sites, but my wife HATES, no wait a minute...


The disscussion of gaming is like taking two hot jumper cables and jamming them together. I just don't bring it up anymore. Her opinion came from the 80's thing about Satan and Suicide trash. Her dad was an investigator and some Air Force guy killed himself and somehow D&D got labeled as the cause. :rolleyes: So to this day I fight the battle of changing a perception. She has even said she doesn't know what it is about, but doesn't care and I should sell all my stuff on ebay to get it out of the house!

On the popularity, I wished Hasbro would pump a ton of cash into WotC for marketing only. They missed a good opportunity to advertise the SWRPG at the begining of AOTC. They are showing ads for cell phones and washing machines before movies, why not RPGs. The more exposure the hobby gets, the more mainstream it will become, the more the nonsense opinions will stop.


First Post
The disscussion of gaming is like taking two hot jumper cables and jamming them together. I just don't bring it up anymore. Her opinion came from the 80's thing about Satan and Suicide trash. Her dad was an investigator and some Air Force guy killed himself and somehow D&D got labeled as the cause. So to this day I fight the battle of changing a perception. She has even said she doesn't know what it is about, but doesn't care and I should sell all my stuff on ebay to get it out of the house!

On the popularity, I wished Hasbro would pump a ton of cash into WotC for marketing only. They missed a good opportunity to advertise the SWRPG at the begining of AOTC. They are showing ads for cell phones and washing machines before movies, why not RPGs. The more exposure the hobby gets, the more mainstream it will become, the more the nonsense opinions will stop.

dag nabbit- if you had just posted that about a week ago- I really needed that bit about marketing and exposure. Oh well- the paper is long enough as is without me putting in those extras that makes reading it oh so fun...

The paper is done by the way- i finished it on monday and it was turned ina nd such- and i believe that i will get a really good grade (thanks to you guys- sorry i could not use all the info) based on what my TA has been commenting to me about it.

Anyone who wnats a copy (for any reason except plagiarism) can just email me and I will send it to you lickity split... BUT- if you get caught for plagiarizing my stuff and i get nailed for it- and lose my degree- i will hunt you down and I will rip your heart out through your Arse- you got me!!

j/k but please dont get me in any trouble- I would really appreciate that..

i have sent out copies to: alaskaroberts and Zander.

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