• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Our own story

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What was this? What if magic was real? He thought in a panic.

Without wasting another moment he grabbed Stephanie's hand and made a run for it. When he reached the corner of the hallway he turned around just in time to see Greg's puzzled reaction. Our hero started thinking of a way to make a quick getaway as the thoughts of a dark hallway coalesced in his mind. He made a quick gesture on the wall as if turning off the lights and the hallway fell into complete darkness.

With a look of puzzlement he looked at Stephanie and grinned.
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He grabbed her hand and tried to weave another spell, part of his mind convinced that he had fallen asleep at his desk and this was all a dream. Gesturing with his free hand, he mumbled a long string of unintelligible syllables and felt the weight of gravity lifted from his body. He looked down and saw that his feet now hovered inches above the tile floor.

"Hang on!" he said to Stephanie.
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Stephanie stops in her tracks and notices that he's floating, but otherwise isn't moving. She gestures for him to hurry and he looks confused.

Suddenly it dawns on him and he says, "Umm, Stephanie, I think I only levitated, how do I move?"

"We don't have time to experiment now," she exclaims looking back towards the bosses. Grabbing him by the belt she starts towing him towards the elevator.


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Unfortunately, the sudden surge of magical energies has brought as much ill to the world as good. As they board the elevator, a door slams open in the hallway behind them and a massive shaggy humanoid steps into the room, glaring at them with beady eyes as it smacks its mace on its palm.


One of the bosses glowered at the mace-weilding creature. "Stephens! I don't know what kind of crap your old bosses in Marketing put up with, but on my watch we run a tight ship." The suited man walked closer to the humanoid thing, not seeming to see what Stephanie and our Hero saw.

"You'll leave promptly at five when I close the floor, and not one instant earlier, Christmas Eve or no--" The humanoid thing swung it's mace as the suited man walked closer, the spikes tearing furrows in the supervisor's face as it whistled past.

"Shut. Up. Bozzz," the thing hissed as the supervisor spun away. The thing glared at the elevator as it shut. "Meet. You. In. Lobby," it said with a grin.


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The hero and his chick stood calmy in the elevator as it raced down. The doors opened and there stood a large and particullary smelly montrous humanoid. It garled and rushed in towards our dumbfounded hero.

Whsst Whsst Whsst

The Mace Monster fell to the floor, three bullets in the back of its head. In the lobby stood the strange guy from accounting in a suit, a fedora, a crooked smile, and holding a Colt 1911.

It was none other then G.


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Finally grasping his wits, our hero settles to the Floor of the Elevator and throws a nod in the direction of G.

"Come on Stephanie, follow me G. I'm betting that's not the only one of those creatures and if I'm right, we're in for some rough times. We need help," our Hero remarked.

Stephanie added, "Help? Where do you get help with things like this." The worry on her face was clear.

G interrupted while pushing the fedora back on his head, "Where else baby."

"The local gaming store," our hero and G chimed in unison, broad smiles on their faces.


Hustling toward the store, G extends his arm, halting Stephanie in her tracks.

Mystically, G says, "You will never find a more wretched hive of
scum and villainy. We must be cautious."

"Wouldn't it be more appropriate if we hold off on the Star Wars quotes until we're actually in the Game Store?" chides Stephanie.

"Fair enough," G agrees as they proceed.


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gaming story

All the Trolls were there at the gaming store as our hero and his followers entered through the back, hunched down over their dice and old pizza boxes hissing as the small band crept past.
Stay close our hero wispered. they only go after stragglers and magic the gathering players

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