D&D 5E [Out of the Abyss]Magic item distribution?


How does OotA stack up compared to the DMG magic item treasure distribution guidelines?

I am aware the sandbox nature of the adventure means any given party might miss out on some of the loot, but still.

I'm interested in general statistics; Things that give me an idea of how much, if anything, I need to add myself to get to the level of loot I want.

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I gave a +1 longsword to my group after finishing Harried in Hillsfar before the Drow railed them and took all their gear. Will he get it back? Depends if searches the chest in area -censored-.

I plan on using lots of magic items but many of them will be consumable. Dawnbringer is too buff in my opinion for that level and I have a big group. I need to balance everyone's desire for magic items. Wonderous items, magic ammunition, potions and scrolls (not spell scrolls) will balance it out.

It's hard to say as the DMG guidelines are random. You can compare them to average rolls, but that's more of a guideline than hard rule anyway.
After all, the PCs begin with nothing and don't hit anywhere they can sell treasure for four or five levels.

What I want to know is: if I play OotA, how close to (or far from) the distribution suggested by the DMG will it be?

There has been a lot of threads analyzing the DMG tables and associated guidelines.

If they suggests you find, say, three permanent items each up until level 15 (just pulling random numbers out of thin air here), but Out of Abyss gives you only one, or seven, or even exactly the three, I want to know about it.

Cheers! :)

What I want to know is: if I play OotA, how close to (or far from) the distribution suggested by the DMG will it be?

There has been a lot of threads analyzing the DMG tables and associated guidelines.

If they suggests you find, say, three permanent items each up until level 15 (just pulling random numbers out of thin air here), but Out of Abyss gives you only one, or seven, or even exactly the three, I want to know about it.

Cheers! :)

I'll be checking when I get home, and I'll edit this to show you. In order to try and keep it orderly I'll be going by 1 chapter / level and assuming it's a 4 person party. It appears like there are definitely a lot of consumables, more so then Princes of the Apocalypse though the permanents are in question and I believe there are more permanent magic items as well, though I have to check.

Ok, so there are obviously some spoilers in what I'm about to say and I'm not really sure how many magic items the PCs should get/level but here's my list:

Note: I'm not including any random encounters

Chapter 1: Prisoners of the Drow:
This one is kinda confusing as you don't really get that many stuff in general, however, there is the chance that you can obtain without being brutally slaughtered by super OP monsters:
2 Potions of Healing (Table A)

Chapter 2: Into Darkness:
2 Potion of Greater Healing (Table B)
+1 Dagger (Table F)
Oil of Slipperiness (Table B)
Sun Blade (Dawnbringer) (Table G)
Necklace of Fireballs (Table C)
Philter of Love (Table B)

Chapter 3: The Darklake:
All of the treasure for this involves stealing so that's kinda iffy
2 Potions of Healing (Table A)
Potion of Water Breathing (Table B)
Spell Scroll of Light (Table A)

Chapter 4: Gracklstugh:
Some of this treasure involves getting it from a Adult Red Dragon so... Uhhhh... Yeah! Another possibility is that the characters try to take down a fortress, that's also interesting.
Stonespeaker Crystal (Doesn't have a table but is rare so putting it on table G)
Oil of Sharpness (Table D) (Dragon)
Potion of Flying (Table D) (Dragon)
Potion of Longevity (Table D) (Dragon)
Potion of Supreme Healing (Table D) (Dragon)
Boots of Speed (Table G)
Spell Scroll of See Invisibility (Table B)
4 Potions of Healing (Table A)
Potion of Invisibility (Table D)
Potion of Greater Healing (Table B)
Potion of Fire Breath (Table B)
Potion of Psychic Resistance (Table B)
Keoghtom's Ointment (Table B)
Dwarven Plate (Table H) (Duergar Lord)
+2 Warhammer (Table G) (Duergar Lord)
Guantlets of Ogre Power (Table F) (Duergar Lord)

If you compile all of this you get (excluding the ones that are very hard to get like from the dragon or the duergar lord):
9 Magic Items from table A
10 Magic Items from table B
1 Magic Item from table C
1 Magic Item from table D
Nothing from table E
1 Magic Item from table F
3 Magic Items from table G

This is kind of close under the assumption that you're getting max rolls as you only have a 9/10000 chance to get the two table G magic items. However, on average, this is an insane amount of good magic items. Also, something that's interesting is the fact that there are 3 magic items from Table G but only one from Table F and nothing from table E. It's like a weird positive porabola.
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I gave a +1 longsword to my group after finishing Harried in Hillsfar before the Drow railed them and took all their gear. Will he get it back? Depends if searches the chest in area -censored-.

I plan on using lots of magic items but many of them will be consumable. Dawnbringer is too buff in my opinion for that level and I have a big group. I need to balance everyone's desire for magic items. Wonderous items, magic ammunition, potions and scrolls (not spell scrolls) will balance it out.

I'm going to have Dawnbringer scale with its owner's companion's level. +1/+2/+3 every six levels, and have the bonus damage scale, too.

And it's going to have a solid blade that radiates light. I detest the light saber theme.

Dawnbringer is too buff in my opinion for that level
I feel it's obviously good but not crazily overpowered.

In fact, I'm happy WotC/GR had the guts to place it there. It should go a long way to restore that sense of wonder; that magic items are magical again. It could even spawn a future legend among D&D players... "remember when we found that sun blade at level 3..." :)

Contrary to popular opinion, yes Sun Blade messes with the data, HOWEVER WotC thought about it an actually gave it the ok to be on a list of possible magic items you can get when rolling on a level 1 table it's a 3% chance of getting the table then another 1% chance of getting that exact item but whatever, they made it possible. Anyway, I've given my analysis of the first four areas and overall, OotA has a pretty large amount of magic items, not only that but a large amount of powerful magical items. If you want to see I edited it into my previous post.

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