"Out of the Frying Pan"- Book IV - Into the Fire [STORY HOUR COMPLETED - 12/25/06]


Moderator Emeritus
Ciaran said:
. . . only one or two actually hit. Wimpy orcs!

Actually, I remember it as none hit you and according to the round by round notes that Jon (i.e. Roland's player) took that I used to write this up, that was the case.

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Ciaran said:
Martin's spells had a bigger impact on other battles, but this is the one where he felt the most like a badass. The orcs must have fired a good 40 arrows at him, and only one or two actually hit. Wimpy orcs!

That, I think is the fun of playing a character of this level against Orcs, or some other lower level creature with large numbers. Fighters and barbarians shine with their battle feats, and wizards/mages/sorcerors shine with their buff spells and useful niche spells that don't always get used agains the BBEG. I like to throw waves of creatures against the shores of my players and let them use those feats and spells. Sometimes those combats as you mention, can build the confidence of a group. And sometimes, you have to smash that confidence. hehehehe.

Sorry got carried away. It looked like a fun combat.



Moderator Emeritus
Once again I realized that I missed a small detail in the last installment, so I went back and added it (along with accompanying footnote). I would have just forgotten about it, but it is a detail that becomes more important in the fight against Mozek.

I have quoted the changed part below:

Many hours later as Ratchis, Bastian and Gunthar slept, Roland sat in panther-form, as still as a statue, the perfume of his gifted incense of meditation (9) filling his feline nostrils, not quite asleep but in a deep holy trance. Kazrack and Dorn were awake, taking second watch, along with Martin who spent most of his extended awake time reading, and now trying to redraw his maps from memory, Dorn sighed and said, “I guess I am going into Hurgun’s Maze.”

Gold Roger

First Post
*Realizes he hasn't posted on this update jet*

Ok, we all know it just can't be that simple about the monks.Their numbers are propably reduced though, and they are most likely scattered, so they won't be one big fight.

Morzek takes the direct route, eh? I'll love to see that little bastard in a puddle of his own blood, such dispicable creature. I guess the PC's would have confronted him earlier had they investigated the wyvern? I hope mommy will make an appearance as well before the campaign ends.

How could I forget Rindalith?

Great update all around, some interesting info on the orcs. It will be exciting how this all will end eventually.


Moderator Emeritus
Okay, I just finished writing up all of Session #89 and the awesome and horrible battle that comprises most of it (and that is only the first half!). It came out to something like 13 or 14 pages.

Now I am going to get dressed and go out for a Memorial Day picnic/barbeque and when I return I will give it the once over for mistakes and such and then post it.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Moderator Emeritus
BlackCat said:
It's nearly 26 hours later and no update yet! Get on with it!

I know you are stuck house-sitting and bored this weekend, so time must be going slow - but still I don't see how 5 1/2 hours translates to 26. :confused:


el-remmen said:
I know you are stuck house-sitting and bored this weekend, so time must be going slow - but still I don't see how 5 1/2 hours translates to 26. :confused:
Good question! Very funny...but I have a better question for you:
Shouldn't you be spending time posting instead of asking funny questions? :p

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