"Out of the Frying Pan"- Book IV - Into the Fire [STORY HOUR COMPLETED - 12/25/06]

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Gold Roger

First Post
That's a great, great, great combat.

Terrain really changes everything. I've learned a lot about it by simply reading this storyhour. Just ask my PC's about houses and balconies (and heightened sanctuary summoners that have skeleton bodyguards-well, only one person got his head ripped of by a giant praying mantis).


Moderator Emeritus
Manzanita said:
I like how your battles use interesting 3D terrain. I've tried to emulate that some w/o great success.

Thanks. It is something I really thing makes moving minis around a lot more fun and also environment can help drive story and lead to drama in unexpected ways. A battle on the edge of a cliff suddenly makes bullrush more appealing. ;)

Piratecat said:
This is something I need to learn how to do, too. It's one of the things I love about how Nemm runs fights.

I thought there was nothing you couldn't do! Don't shatter my dreams, man! ;)

This was definitely one of my favorite D&D combats that I ever ran period. This past session ended with Round 13. The battle lasts until Round 37! So there is a lot more to come. :D

I think it had the combination of factors that make for the ideal combat encounter with meaning: Motivation + Tactical Goal + Adversity + Pathos + Butt-kicking Fun

Gold Roger said:
That's a great, great, great combat.

Terrain really changes everything. I've learned a lot about it by simply reading this storyhour. Just ask my PC's about houses and balconies (and heightened sanctuary summoners that have skeleton bodyguards-well, only one person got his head ripped of by a giant praying mantis).

I love balconies and waterfalls and ancient flooded galleries and sunken towers, and anything where the environment kind of has a character and personality that helps color the scene one way or another.


Moderator Emeritus
Gold Roger said:
Of course, all of this raises the question: What was a bunch of CE demongnomes doing with a Modron?

Well, the answer to this question might be found if you look back at
  • Session #16
  • Session #17
  • Session #51

Tony Vargas

I remember the Modron, but don't remember why they'd want to drag it along. Did they believe it could help them enter/navigate the Maze?

On a completely different subject:

37 rounds?


One thing I like about this story hour is how far removed it is from some of the conventional on-line D&D community wisdom. Mention a 37-round, mid-level combat on the WotC boards and there'll be a greek chorus of folks telling you that you're "doing something wrong," and explaining that the 'right' way is for combats at that level to be decided in a round or three of mind-boggling damage-trading or a brief flurry of specific, unstoppable spell combos.

Makes me wonder how many people actually play the game.

And do any of them really think 2 rounds of "I cast quickened brokenspell + questionable non-core PrC ability: 4.687x10^9 damage!" is more fun that what we've just seen recounted above?

Voidrunner's Codex

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