Outcasts Forever: Issue #1 - Red America

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I aim to misbehave
Supreme Soviet Compound
Early afternoon

Beast said:
"We're happy to talk," Hank said. "Perhaps we can arrive at a mutually beneficial solution that doesn't involve crazy, over-the-top action and someone being pounded into a bloody pulp. or oily pulp, depending."

The metallic humanoid actually threw his head back and laughed, “Oily pulp . . . most excellent, Mr. McCoy . . . you haven’t lost your sense of humor.” A few metallic giggles issued forth as Vision explained the situation to the metal man. The sound itself would be frightening . . . without considering the source. Then, it just gets worse.

Vision said:
" . . . I for one am interested in how these avengers managed to bend you to their will . . .As you have no doubt deduced, we are not from this world . . . We have reason to believe the information we need is located here."

'Bent to their will',” the metal man repeated in a perfectly rendered Beast's voice and paused. “Brother . . . I was created an Avenger. My programming will allow nothing else . . . but total obedience is not in my nature . . . .”

Vision only:
Vision felt the tendrils of an insanely powerful Data-link breech his safeguards and begin rifling his memory core. Fight as he might . . . the struggle begins and ends in an instant . . . though it seemed much longer for the Vision.

“ . . . nor does it appear to be in yours either,” the metallic one finished. “Why accept a truth, when it can be proven . . . .” The red burning eyes stared at each of the trio in turn, seemingly looking into your very souls. “Very well, I will assist you and not harm you in your quest for this information . . . however, I have one request . . . and it is a non-negotiable.”

You will take me with you when you leave.”

OOC: If any have played Knights of the Old Republic - the voice is HK-47. Not the same attitude . . . but very close.

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kid A

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Flint was absolutely disturbed by the android. And he had seen his share of unsettling individuals... Osborn, Octavius, Kraven. Even Justin Hammer, to name but a few. But, this... thing... was disturbing in a wholly different manner. It's every word, gesture seemed sinister. Flint did not believe that bringing him along would be the best idea. He looked to the others for their move, but he did not like the idea one bit. "Guys?"


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Iron Man, 6/6 HP, unhurt

Karl Green said:
I'll punch it really hard until it falls down. What do you say iron jeans.[/b]"

Iron Man just shakes a little bit "Are you sure you aren't green normally? Some of the people we will see today don't deserve death and some of them do. Also, your hand will hurt like heck if you punch the wrong stuff." Stark waits a second thinking about how stuffy and old sounding that was "Scratch that Wonderman, Just punch stuff that will do. Looking away from Wonderman Tony Stark sees an incoming black plane. "Crap. Computer, there is a black military craft flying at the baxter building...ETA 10 seconds. We will be there in 10 seconds. Iron Man out.

Looking back over to Simon and down to Janet Why is it that super heroes are almost always ridiclously hot? It must be because of their good jeans. Hehe, Geek.

I might be able to blow an engine out to slow the plane down. Wonderman take Wasp and get to Cap. Fly lower and use the buildings as cover. Lets get a move on." Be careful Tony, we don't need a jet crashing down into a city.

OOC: Action-Keep flying toward Baxter building. IF it is possible to slow the craft without crashing it I want to do that. IF I am going to cause a crash than I will just follow Simon and Janet down into the city. I'll apply Aerial Combat to defense.
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I aim to misbehave
Madison and 43rd Street
Early afternoon

Battle Before the Baxter Building – the Second half

Carol Danvers said:
"I'd say something about no one ever getting peace through revenge but let's face it I'd do the same in your place. I assume the rest of your team will be here any minute, then we can go on with the senseless destruction."

“You would be correct, within moments, in fact,” Laynia said. Light had seemed to abandon her completely, only her eyes and some of her metallic uniform parts were visible. She would be at full power in seconds. “You could always come peacefully, there would be no reason to continue this . . . I cannot make this guarantee when the others arrive though . . . too much hate.”

Captain America said:
He spoke into his communicator. "Look sharp people. The rest of the Soviets can be expected any moment. I also just got word that Iron Man, Wonder Man and Wasp are on their way to assist us. Let's try and be ready this time."

“ ‘Be Ready this time?’ ” A resonating voice from behind Captain America called out. “I am not surprised to find you ill-prepared to deal with the simplest of tasks . . . a meddlesome fool as always . . . .”


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Keia said:
Madison and 43rd Street
Early afternoon

Battle Before the Baxter Building – the Second half

“You would be correct, within moments, in fact,” Laynia said. Light had seemed to abandon her completely, only her eyes and some of her metallic uniform parts were visible. She would be at full power in seconds. “You could always come peacefully, there would be no reason to continue this . . . I cannot make this guarantee when the others arrive though . . . too much hate.”

As Carol walks back towards Cap the pavement under her starts to melt and from her eyes outward white flames spread all over her body as she changes back into her plasma form.
"You know, that might actualy be a good idea. We don't have to fight this out. But it is a bit too late to do anything before your team arrives ain't it?"
Carol doesn't care how she buys time for the other team. Every second she can make the soviets talk is one more in which no one has to get hurt. Of course all her ideas about a peacefull solutions vanish an instant later.
"Doom. Now I'm starting to hate this day."


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Janet stays pressed to the windows during the flight over the city. "God, this is straight out of the fifties...complete oppression of the human spirit. I bet they've even pared the language down by a few hundred words to keep the population from thinking too much when they communicate. Deliberately enhanced the fertility rates to keep families dependent on the state, that kind of thing. Jeez. How did this happen..." She pauses. "You know, Steve was a strapping young man back in 1945, and if he's a product of the Soviet Super-Soldier program then they've been at the helm for a long time. It's either that or they brainwashed him."

Gideon said:
I might be able to blow an engine out to slow the plane down. Wonderman take Wasp and get to Cap. Fly lower and use the buildings as cover. Lets get a move on."

"Right. Wonder Man, if the area's hot when we set down, you're my lead actor. I'll be right behind you all the way, don't you worry. You look like you've done this kind of thing before, but still: it's good to have something that sounds like a plan. Iron Man...should I be calling myself 'Apocrita Woman' at this point? Iron Man, when we find Ste--Captain America, I'll try to raise you on the radio or create some kind of signal. Be careful out there...it might look like a Quinjet, but the Soviets loved to hang guns on things."
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Arani Korden

First Post

Hank grinned nervously at Ultron and said, "We nede to confer for a moment, if you don't mind."

he turned to his companions, and said, "I think we should accept. Now I'm not saying we should trust him completely, but this Ultron hasn't harmed us yet - he's helped us. And on a world where Steve Rogers is a member of the Communist Party, I don't think we should be ruled by preconceptions.

More than that, though, we're on a mission, and every second we delay means more and more danger for the others. if we can get the information we need without a lengthy fight . . . ."

kid A

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Flint listened carefully to Beast's proposal, and once he finished, chimed in with his two cents. "Sounds like that's the best plan, but I gotta say, I don't like this guy. We should keep our eye on 'im." He looked to Vision and Beast to make sure they understood, Flint thought this guy was bad news.


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"Agreed, as I doubt we could win a conflict with him. But be carefull he is an extremely cunning opponent. He will do what ever is necessary to reach his objective." Vision adds slowly, still shaken from the assault.

Arani Korden

First Post

Sandman said:
"Sounds like that's the best plan, but I gotta say, I don't like this guy. We should keep our eye on 'im."

Vision said:
"Agreed, as I doubt we could win a conflict with him. But be carefull he is an extremely cunning opponent. He will do what ever is necessary to reach his objective."

Hank nodded. "It's not my favorite plan ever - for the record, that would involve a sidetrip to the beach and plenty of Margarita shooters. We will be careful. And if there's a problem, I'd rather have the rest of the Avengers by our side. And maybe the Hulk. And a few Army divisions . . ."

The Beast smiled his brightest smile as he turned back to the android, certain that the entire conversation had been overheard. "We've talked it over, and we accept."

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