WOIN Overwatch question


I have been reading the OLD rules book, and enjoying it thoroughly. I wonder about the overwatch action that can be taken. From the book:

"A very common maneuver used by skirmishing archers is to use two actions to move and then enter overwatch, proceeding from one location of cover to the next. This is a very effective tactic for advancing safely upon the enemy."

This feels like it could be used for 'kiting' - where a ranged character gets to move twice and also shoot at targets the break cover. Help me understand - if the ranged character and the melee character who is trying to reach them have the same speed, the melee one will never reach the ranged one, despite using their full turn to approach the ranged one every round. As long as there is cover for the overwatching ranged attacker, they can move just as far as the melee attacker, get a shot off, and then move again next turn. Ostensibly the melee character does not pause much if at all when pursuing, but the overwatching ranged character does. Not sure how to reconcile that to be honest. Feels like overwatch should be an action not a free action. Clarifications/thoughts?

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I guess I am still pretty new to the system compared to 5e or a5e. The sentence seems to suggest that a skirmishing archer could move twice by 'using two actions to move' and then they could still overwatch after that. Are there skills or exploits that allow for an extra action? Cheers.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Ah I see. No that sentence says it’s two actions to move and overwatch. One is move, the other is overwatch. Two actions: move and then overwatch.

Voidrunner's Codex

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