"The platform stops moving at what you think is the floor level, and a monstrous, glowing shape glides towards you..."
The glowing figure is a new monster, the Darksider (see description).
"As the ghost-like shape approaches, it smiles a hideously evil grin. In your mind you hear, "I am your dark side. I know your darkest fears and doubts! And, I wish them to be, so defeat me or die!" It raises its hands and a wave of terror washes over you."
The PCs can now react, but actions other than disbelief will do them little good. Any attacks by their "vision" will seem real.
In the though projection attack that follows, each character must react individually to his fear. Remember that the PCs have not moved, athough they may seem to be removed from the rest of the group, so watch for area-effect spells or any combat.
The only way to fight the Darksider is to demonstrate an act of disbelief or become unconscious. Otherwise run combat normally.
Darksider (1): Int Genius; AL NE; AC n/a; MV instantaneous; HD n/a; hp: n/a; #AT 1; THAC0 hits automatically; Dmg as victim x 2 (apparent damage); SA ESP, thought projection (no save); SD immune to most attacks.
The Darksider
The Darksider is an energy being from the Negative Material plane, that feeds on anxiety and fear. The Darksider appears as a ghost-like form of each of its "victims." Using ESP, the Darksider determines the single greatest fear of each subject. It then uses thought projection to create the deepest, darkest fears of its subject. If "killed" by this fear, the victim does not die but merely falls unconscious. Afterwards, the victim is forever immune to that Darksider's attack.
Most deaths that are attributed to Darksider appearances have been caused by adventurers attempting to slay it, and actually slaying other party members. Deaths have also occured through attempts to flee the illusion. Otherwise, a Darksider is incapable of giving or receiving physical damage.