Paizo Roundup For 10-26-2017

Hello my fabulous fans and welcome to another exciting round of the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! For this special event we’re bringing back an all-time favorite: the Third Party Bonanaza! Those busy beavers are always making more stellar content, so let’s get straight to work! First, Starfinder, and then to Pathfinder.

Hello my fabulous fans and welcome to another exciting round of the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP! For this special event we’re bringing back an all-time favorite: the Third Party Bonanaza! Those busy beavers are always making more stellar content, so let’s get straight to work! First, Starfinder, and then to Pathfinder.

Right out of the gate comes some new blood swinging for the fences! Stroh Hammer has goodies for both players and GMs alike in the Starfinder system.

Gravity Age: Cybernetics Emporium lets your players take customization to a whole new level with 2 new archetypes, 8 new feats, over 200 cybernetic augmentations, and a whole host of other ways to get in and out of trouble.

Gravity Age: Nanotech Emporium brings us the wonder and terror of a nanomachine future with weapons, armor, and nanoswarms capable of devouring a party of any level. There’s also rules and stats for independent nanocolonies (read: monsters), such as the Gray Good, the Holographic Servant, and the Zombie Dust).

But wait, there’s more! Fans of doing body mods the goopy, gooey, biological way can use Gravity Age: Bioware Emporium to stuff their bodies with leeches, fungi, plants, or modified genetic code. Fun for the whole party! For GMs wanting new ways to menace their players, Stroh Hammer offers nine new monsters free in the Gravity Age: Creature Update 00.

Keeping with the Starfinder theme, from TPK Games comes a spell deck for each of the major spellcasting classes in the Starfinder RPG. Spell Decks allow payers to keep tabs on their spells and manage their spell slots with ease, and are available for Technomancers, Mystics, Sorcerers and Wizards, and Clerics. Now they’ll actually know what the range and area of their spells are! One can hope…

Rogue Genius Games lives up to its proud tradition of contributing to the Paizo game landscape with its Starfinder-compatible products. Star Log.EM007: Duelist updates the classic Pathfinder prestige class and makes it fit right in with lasers and space lizards. Also included are some extra feats and some potential updates on the old staple Combat Reflexes! The Starfarer’s Codex: Planetary Explorers’ Essential Equipment is packed with new equipment options for all types of characters, offering everything from survey drones to mystical amulets.

Speaking of new toys, Louis Porter Jr. design just came out with its newest in the line of its Infinite Space Starfinder-compatible books: Warp Speed! Expanded Starship Creation. As you might be able to guess, this supplement offers new equipment and rules for using and modifying space ships, but also a new class of heavily-armored warship! They’ve even gone so far as to include rules on how you might turn your Starfinder game into a grander space opera.

AAW Games has beleaguered GMs in mind with their newest Kickstarter campaign. The Mini-Dungeon Tome combines over 120 adventures compatible with the Pathfinder system and can easily be inserted into any campaign. These mini episodes are perfect for adding some variety to a campaign or opening up new plot hooks! I’d pick one up just for the ideas.

GMs have even more toys to play with now that Little Red Goblin Games has released Red Sector Races. This great big supplement describes a wide swath of space and planets under the banner of a new organization known as the League of Worlds. In the League, players can look forward to meeting and fighting all sorts of interesting and terrifying aliens, including but not limited to Tarrasquelings! How cute.
Now let’s see what the old guard has to offer Pathfinder. Raging Swan Press has a twist on a fantasy gaming staple with Places of Power: Soulspur Inn. The Soulspur Inn feels like the inn where every party meets for the first time and rests after their dungeon forays, but what sinister secrets lie behind the smile of the innkeeper?

For those players who like to make the moves with their minds, Dreamscarred Press has more exciting psionics! Psionics Augmented: Highlord II has new archetypes and psionic customization to follow up the success of Psionics Augmented: Highlord, and is for use with the popular Ultimate Psionics.

Finally, Dragon Wing Games lets you pick up some extra little godly mojo for your games with Lore of the Gods. This supplement includes four new pantheons and mythologies, each with associated lore, monsters, prestige classes, and templates.

Well, that’s it for the PAIZO NEWS ROUNDUP: Third Party Bonanza edition! Keep an eye on this space for more news and updates from the golem!

contributed by Ben Reece

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Ben Reece

Ben Reece


*Please forgive the Shameful Plug, but it may interest a few folks here*

SmiteWorks also just released two new conversions of Pathfinder adventure path modules this week for Fantasy Grounds. Strange Aeons #3 and Hell's Rebels #2 were just finished up and released. If you already had them in PDF from Paizo, they can picked up for only $7 each instead of the usual $24.99. If you go the latter route, you can sync the purchase back to Paizo and get the PDF version for free.

You can see the full list of official Pathfinder products available for Fantasy Grounds here.

We are up to 23 so far since launching earlier this year.

The AAW Games' mini-dungeons are also available as individual dungeons in both PFRPG and 5E Compatible formats for Fantasy Grounds.

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