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Parting Gifts: Ch 1 - Dusk - IC


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Misery still plain on her face, Haessellekh replies, "I'm willing to give drowning a try. But given the existence of aquatic turtles, I don't expect a high probability of success. As for sending the creature back to Sasog, I have even greater reservations. Even if we could get it back there within a few weeks, the Tarrasque would likely terrorize innocent villagers before the king's mages regained control of it. Again, I think our best bet is as I just described. My circlet could render it sentient. Yolo, do you think Fharlanghn would grant a boon to temporarily enlarge it enough for the Tarrasque to wear? If so, we could most likely acquire a potion from the town that would allow me to communicate meaningfully with the beast. Grandfather, you could transmogrify the beast if it were willing, yes?"

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The old druid nods thoughtfully. "I could...given some time to prepare the rituals. You think if the Tarrasque can understand you, you can force its compliance?"

Brother Allard

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Voidrazor said:
Yolo, do you think Fharlanghn would grant a boon to temporarily enlarge it enough for the Tarrasque to wear?

"I suspect so," the halfling nods. His eyes brighten. "And I have the most excellent recipe for rabbit stew! It was my mother's, Fharlanghn rest her soul. We'll just need to find a good strong stout to braise it in!" He smacks his lips in anticipation.

OOC: I assume we're talking about Miracle here. DM: would this work? Would it require an XP cost? Yolo would be willing to do that, I'd just like to know ahead of time if that's the case.


"So... You wish to make the beast sentient? Intelligent? And what happens if it breaks free? I'd not wish to try taking this thing down when it's thinking!" Kurina sighs, looking up at the near-mindless monster. "But I've got only one other idea that we could actually try. In fact, I say we do BOTH!" She smiles. "We take it somewhere, like a ravine, get it into a place where it can't easily get out, and block it in by causing an avalanche or something. THEN, we'll try your way, and if it doesn't work, we've got it trapped and can deal with it at our leisure." She looks over at Haessellekh "What do you think?"


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Haessellekh replies in somewhat dead tones, "Yes, once it can comprehend my intent, forcing it to allow magics that aren't obviously damaging should be no problem. But 'should be no problem' isn't the same thing as 'won't be a problem'. The precautions you have in mind sound wise to me Kurina."


The eerie quiet of the moonlit night is shattered as the tarrasque ROARs impatiently. Unable to move from where it stands, it sits down like a dog, its huge rear end striking the ground with a mighty BUMP.


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"Well I can only hope that dealing with this would-be king will go as well as this little dance did. But somehow, I think my hope is in vain. Barring someone doing something horribly stupid, that beastie should stay out of mischief overnight. Any ideas on how to keep Richards from taking credit for our victory?" Haessellekh sounds tired. She send a command to the Tarrasque to remain still. Assuming the others join her, she starts heading back to the city.


Leaving the tarrasque to vainly bellow in confusion, the party makes their way over the moonlit fields back towards the city.

Arriving at the city gate, you see that what began as a fairly orderly evacuation has taken turns for the worse while the party was out pondering the monster's fate. There is noise, shouting and perhaps fighting, in the distance in several directions.

Investigating the distubances, you find that there has already been looting of some of the evacuated homes and businesses. In some cases, this prospect has caused citizens to resist the orders of the guard to evacuate. Other fights seem to be between looters and neighbors, or just between rival groups - and much of the fighting seems to be along racial lines, half-orcs versus humans.

You encounter a band of about two dozen half-orcs, led by a large pair of axe-bearing warriors, facing down a large gang of humans led by Fred Foster. These groups are not spilling blood yet but it could start any moment. You realize that the half-orc leaders are in fact the well-known local weaponsmiths and feared warriors, Bron and Cron Hager.

Suddenly, loud screams from a nearby street suggest the presence of an even bigger problem. Investigating, you see an 8’ tall head with bloodshot eyes, greasy jet-black hair, bulbous features and tan skin floating up the street, scattering people in fear.

Worse, you realize who the head must be. The Sasoguese were said to have taken a mountain giant and turned its head into an unstoppable undead monstrosity - Grugaro.


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"Great, just more and more we have to deal with." Zach says as he readies his scimitar and shield. "Anyone got any plans they want to make known, then it best be now before we engage."

Voidrunner's Codex

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