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Path of Enlightenment [D&D4E]

Voda Vosa

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[sblock= Koryo]
“That’s good, now we are on they tail…” the captain narrows his eye, and he quickly maneuvers the ship, to turn from the shore. The “merchant” ship is now in collision trajectory with the pirates ship, and under the risk of it’s cannons. “We’r severing tha’ ship in two men! Praise to the gods, fer this be a great battle!” Upon your quizzically look, the captain explains. “Ye see, the front keel of this ship is made of solid iron, covered with wood. Ye don’t know how funny is this going to be! Ha Ha!” The pirates ship gets in motion, trying to avoid the collision. They sail next to the shore, hoping the more heavy merchant ship to run aground. Unfortunately for them, they run aground, and the captian is able to easy hit their ship.
The wood crushes under the pressure of the iron Keel, sending showers of spindles everywhere. The deck shakes like if there was an earthquake and you were in the middle of it. Chaos everywhere, shouts of pain, salty water covering everything….
By the time you got yourself together, the merchant ship has ram through the pirates smaller ship, severing it in two parts, until the captains vessel ran aground too.
“To the weapons! To the fight!” The captain shouts, running through the deck and jumping from the board, followed by the crewmen. You ran and jumped too, unsure of how strange it would be to fight in the water.

The good guys moves first and have a surprise round. Koryo begins the onslaught.
Beeing covered with water, almost up to the chest, hampers movement. You can move only two squares per move action.
Initiative order:
The map is here under “maps” sblock


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[sblock=voda]ooc:it's a surprise round so i'm only entitled to one action right?

Koryo quickly assesses the situation and takes the chance to attack the nearest, still confused enemy. But he aims to knock him unconscious, not kill him.
He jumps out of the water, reaching him, and in a fluid motion he unsheates his dao, swinging it in a deadly arc. (charge vs 5, 16 vs AC, 9 dmg, non-lethal damage)

[sblock=ministats]Koryo, human ranger 1
Init:+5 Speed:6 Insight:13 Perception:20
AC:15 For:17 Ref:15 Will:14
Hp:34/34 Surge:8 Surges/d:7/7
Basic/opportunity attack: scimitar +7,1d8+4 dmg
Powers: Twin strike, hit and run, careful attack
Two-fanged strike, Unbalancing parry, Channel Chi
Jaws of the wolf[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: I'm at work now (Should be working right? :p) so I just post a comment: Remeber to state at which square do you move (leter and number) and which enemy you attack and whit what power. In this case you can only attack one enemy, it's just to let you know for future encounters.


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Wang Chi

[sblock=DM and Z]
The young soldier draws his sword, and holding the torch high,leads the way cautiously into the tunnel. He speaks softly as he goes. "ZIang, why did that bandit say you had 'proven yourself' to him?"[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
[sblock=DM & Wang]

"I'm not sure. Perhaps because I was willing to fight the demon. Maybe they said to them that I were an unhonorable assassin. But I'm a scholar and it was only a mistake!" Ziang says following Wang.

New image in the RG thread.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Ziang Yu
Perception: 17 Insight: 14 Normal Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 16 Will 14
Hit Points: 31 / 31 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 9 / 9
Encounter Powers: Healing Infusion (Restorative Formular, Curative Admixture) 2/2, Repair Object, Spike Wire
Daily Powers: Caustic Rampart, Restoratve Infusion


First Post
[sblock=DM and Ziang]
"So... what sort of mistake gets you chasen by assassins, if I may ask?" Wang cannot help but smile. [/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
[sblock=DM & Wang]

"The kind of mistake that incudes a man exploding on his chair... I voted for a test first. Never rush a man of science work." Ziang says smiling back as he retrieves his crossbow.

New image in the RG thread.

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Ziang Yu
Perception: 17 Insight: 14 Normal Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 16 Will 14
Hit Points: 31 / 31 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 0 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 9 / 9
Encounter Powers: Healing Infusion (Restorative Formular, Curative Admixture) 2/2, Repair Object, Spike Wire
Daily Powers: Caustic Rampart, Restoratve Infusion


[sblock=DM, Leng, Kaoru]

Shen eyes the battle closely, these men were better trained and armed. He turns and studies the man on the shoreline momentarily..... that was his target. Shen walks toward the man, his sword sitting easily in his hand. He sits his feet firmly in the sand, ready for the forthcoming battle.

ooc: Shen will move to d9, hopefully attracting the attention of 8. He will use total defense until he is engaged. +2 to all defenses.[/sblock]


Lucky Leng, 34/37, AC 15 Fort 18 Ref 13 Will 13

[sblock=KLS]Leng gives a whoop of excitement. To be fighting alongside Master Jien in defense of their home, fills his heart almost to bursting with pride. His pride is reduced, however, when his careless swing hits only sand.

ooc: Hits AC 10. Sigh. #5 is marked, though

Voidrunner's Codex

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