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Path of Enlightenment [D&D4E]

Voda Vosa

First Post
[sblock= L S K]
Master Jien 23
Shen: 20
Kaoru 15
Leng 14
Go Tao 12
Pirate 1 11 Dead
Pirate 2 6 Dead
Pirate 3 6 Dead
Pirate 4 5 Dead
Pirate 5 Bloodied (-15)
Pirate 6
Pirate 7
Pirate 8 (Cover)

Fighting, all of you forgot about the ship, that a few moments before was storming you with cannon shots. But now, in the middle of the battle, something caught your attention. You raise your head to watch at the sea. Suddenly, even the pirates stopped fighting to see what was happening.
Your eyes watched the pirate ship, maneuvering in the shallow waters near the shore, trying to dodge a suicidal merchant ship, which seems to be sailing straight to the pirate ship, in collision trajectory.
The time widens, the suede that rolled through your skin seemed to be falling slow, the wind subsided and every sound stopped.
The merchant vessel rammed the pirate ship, which ran aground near the beach, crushing its wooden structure, and severing it in two parts. The sound of the collision returned you all to reality, but from time to time, you raise your sight to see what was happening. Some sailors from the merchant ship got in the water to fight the surviving pirates.
The distraction made Master Jien, Lucky Leng and Kaoru to miss their marks. Go Tao seems more focused, he sweeps the pirate’s(5) leg, sending him to the sand. The man gets up, and retaliates, missing his target. Lucky Leng and Go Tao weren’t able to get profit from the careless move of the fallen fellow.
Fortunately the other pirates were distracted too, and their swings cut only air.
Shen springs in chase of the bandit hiding behind the bushes, but the man doesn’t loose determination and moves next to Kaoru. He spins in the air, cutting the warrior with his dao.

OOC: So much misses in one round! Go Tao and pirate 8 were the only npc hitting.
Pirate 8 charges Kaoru, he attacks 18 vs AC for 8 points of damage

[sblock= Z & W]

The cavern’s tunnel goes straight for an hour of walking. You are now at the entrance of another chamber. This one is smaller than the other, and the dim light of the torch draw scary shades with the stalactites.
(You rolled a quite high Perception)
You notice behind one of the rock pillars, something put of place. Among a pile of rotten wood and rusted iron pieces (What might have been a chest) you find an orb of blue glass. It’s translucent, and when you touch it, it’s really cold and wet, almost as if it could be made of ice or water.
[sblock=History 15 or Arcana 20]
This seems to fit the description of an ancient elemental artifact, created centuries ago, by one of the high spirits of the Water god. The legend says that this object was used to control big masses of water at will. There was no mention of how to use this artifact, nor magical mean you have, to discover how to properly use it. At least for now.[/sblock]
The round room has another tunnel, this one is bigger, and descends in a more pronounced slope.

[sblock= Koryo]

Initiative order:
Pirate3 -5

The captain’s men set in motion, and so does Koryo and the captain himself. Fighting with the shifting water currents, Koryo manages to approach one of the surprised pirates, and strike him hard with his blade. The two sailors (1 and 2) that reach the pirate (3), attack him furiously, but just one finds its mark, cutting through the man’s defenses.
Round one after the surprise round:
Koryo notices that the fight in the shoreline is still singing it’s song. [/sblock]

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Ban Lu

[sblock=Voda]"So you didn't want to go to Singing Island? That was worth attempted murder? Tell me why. Perhaps there are mitigating circumstances that might help you."

OOC: Diplomacy (1d20+9=19) Sorry, missed your post. I thought I was waiting for you instead of the other way around. :confused: [/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
[sblock= Ban Lu]
The man lowers his head. “Money, what else?” he says with disgust. “We were paid to make sure the captain wasn’t getting even near to Singing Spring.” He explains. “But we wouldn’t kill him. That was just soft venom from a snake, which we were given to use if things got bad. This all ‘theater’ you mount here was just to make the officers punish me harder”

Happens me all the time, lol[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Just that the battle is still going on. Damn english I know I can't get poetic with it, but I still try to =/ [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=voda]ooc: oh sorry^^ didn't get it. nice metaphor. Oh, i noticed that damage on #9 isn't noted. Koryo hit, right?

Koryo tries to take advantage of his companions, though it's hard to maneuver in the water. He carefully watches the pirate's movements, and finally strikes him again.
(if Koryo can flank #5, he will. minor=hunter's quarry; standard: twin strike, nonlethal damage: 20 vs Ac, 6dmg; 26 vs AC, 6 dmg, +4 hq 16 dmg total. [/sblock]


[sblock=DM, Leng, Kaoru]

Seeing his comrade fall, Shen moves quickly. He stands over the top of his fallen comrade, attacking the foe that laid Kaoru low with a controlled yet amazing fury.

ooc: Lead the Attack on the pirate that attack Kaoru

Lead the Attack (1d20+7=27)
crit confirmation (1d20+7=11)
BBCode Damage roll for Lead the Attack (3d8+4=14)

To Hit: 27 (natural 20)
Damage: 28 (full damage)

4e is different the 3.5e in this aspect right? lol You do not have to confirm and you do not multiply damage. Instead it's automatically max'd. I rolled a confirmation and damage anyway in case I was wrong. [/sblock]


Lucky Leng, 34/37, AC 15 Fort 18 Ref 13 Will 13

[sblock=KLS]Leng continues to hack at the bleeding foe, casting a worried eye back towards Kaoru. His strike is more careful this time, but the cut he opens is not deep. Leng prays that it will be enough to finish this foe.

ooc: actions: Standard: cleave on #5, hits AC 23 for 5 damage, and #7 also takes 4 damage. 5 is marked, if he's still standing. Note that Leng gets a free basic attack against his marked enemy if that enemy is adjacent and shifts or attacks someone else.


Ban Lu

[sblock=Voda]With a sigh Ban Lu continues, "It's always money with your sort isn't it. I guess you've figured it out huh? Seems a little odd doesn't it? You're here to stop the Captain from going to Singing Springs and I show up to book passage there. We're onto this plot you see. Even before you set out. I'm just trying to tie up the loose ends. Tell me what you know."

OOC: Bluff (1d20+2=16)
Diplomacy (1d20+9=15)

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