Pathfinder 2: How Do Conditions Work?

Paizo gives us a glimpse at how conditions work in the upcoming Pathfinder 2nd Edition (which is now just a few weeks away from its Gen Con playtest launch!).

Paizo gives us a glimpse at how conditions work in the upcoming Pathfinder 2nd Edition (which is now just a few weeks away from its Gen Con playtest launch!).


  • Acclerated X -- increases speed by X
  • Hampered X -- decreases speed by X
  • Quick X -- increases actions by X
  • Slowed X -- decreases actions by X
  • Frightened X -- penalty of X to checks and saves (decreases by 1 at the end of each turn)
  • Sick -- like Frightened, but requires an action retching to shake off
  • Enfeebled -- attack and damage penalty, Str checks
  • Sluggish -- AC, attack, Reflex save, Dex check penalty
  • Stupified -- spell DC, Int/Wis/Cha check penalty, plus a chance of spells being disrupted
  • Fatigued -- you are Hampered 5, plus -1 AC and saves, and each action increases the penalty by 1
  • Relative conditions -- flat-footed (-2 AC), concealed; you have the condition to specific creature(s)

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Regarding nomenclature -

‘quick’ seems like it should increase *speed*.
‘hampered’ should decrease *actions*

Kobold Boots

So they've decided to go with "Book keeping nightmare: The RPG"?

Only insofar as anyone would actually use the rules at the table. I agree this looks onerous when looked at from a "sum of all blog posts" perspective but any given DM is going to kit bash the hell out of this rules set.

So better to have more to cull out than no support at all and have to whole cloth write things up.


These conditions sound good at first glance but upon closer inspection seem to turn into a nightmare very quickly. The quick condition is just weird.


So they've decided to go with "Book keeping nightmare: The RPG"?
It does seem rather obtuse, but it's still an improvement over the others.
The Pathfinder Beginners Box shows 14 conditions.
The Pathfinder GM Screen shows 16 conditions.
The Pathfinder Core Book has 32 conditions.
The Starfinder Core Book has 35 conditions.

So 10+ a catchall category isn't nearly as bad. Except they are kind of complicated and that catchall could easily end up equaling several hundred, so maybe it's a lot worse.

When you need a sheet of translations to know what the heck they are, and how they affect things, it's not really conducive to play.


I don't get the objections. Conditions are hugely complicated in just about every edition I've seen, 5e being no exception. If anything, this looks like it simplifies things.

Voidrunner's Codex

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