Pathfinder Adventure Path #138: Rise of New Thassilon Arriving in Late January 2019

Welcome back to the Paizo beat, friendos! We’re going strong with the new format for news from the Golem. Let’s take a look at what’s coming down the road for us – there’s still plenty of releases and reveals for January products! This time we’re putting back on our radio announcer voice for the latest Pathfinder Adventure Path!

Welcome back to the Paizo beat, friendos! We’re going strong with the new format for news from the Golem. Let’s take a look at what’s coming down the road for us – there’s still plenty of releases and reveals for January products! This time we’re putting back on our radio announcer voice for the latest Pathfinder Adventure Path!

VARISIA IN RUINS! Stalwart heroes are unsuccessful in preventing Runelord Alaznist from altering the past, plunging the frontier nation into turmoil! This final Runelord of Wrath now seeks to seize control of the shattered land and remake it in her image! Can you survive the journey back in time needed to prevent her inevitable victory? Will even reaching the vaunted 20th level be enough to stop an ancient Runelord in her seat of power? WHICH RAD EXTRA OPTIONS ARE YOU GOING FOR AT LEVEL TWENTY? Find out in Pathfinder Adventure Path #138: Rise of New Thassilon!

That’s right, Rise of New Thassilon is the sixth and final episode of the Return of the Runelords Adventure Path. My goodness, January is climactic for all sorts of reasons – first the end of the Signal of Screams, now the end of the Return of the Runelords? New year, new characters, I suppose. I hear there’s only one or two more Adventure Paths left before the switchover to the new edition is complete, so I’m excited to see the dev team really pull out all the stops in these last few adventures. Speaking of, are you as jazzed as I am to see some of the bonkers high-level challenges in this Adventure Path? Living landslides and planar dragons would normally be enough to get me in a tizzy, but they’ve even statted out a Great Old One! Let us know what you think in the comments!

This article was contributed by Ben Reece (LongGoneWriter) as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. If you enjoy the daily news and articles from EN World, please consider contributing to our Patreon!

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Ben Reece

Ben Reece

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Naked and living in a barrel
Is that the Oliphaunt of Janderlay I see in the background? That would mean the PC time travel to the time empire of Thassilon fought Azlant.


First Post
Is that Alaznist on the cover? I thought she was the runelord of wrath and a red-haired, always angry warrior-wizard... translucent frilly clothes don't really fit that image, I expected her to use some elven chain or some other armor wizards can wear without spell failure.

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