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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] Planning on switching to Pathfinder?


If Pathfinder had been released before 4e, we would have considered it (as we were just really getting fed up with 3.5), but now? Not so much. I am happy to hear that the first run sold out and that the energy seems to be high for Pathfinder. Competition will promote the need for innovation for each company and that just spells good things for everybody else.

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play in a Pathfinder Ptolus campaign

Those two books together? Lift with your knees, not with your back!

It depends on what you mean by switching. We'll be using the final PF rules, but it's more than likely going to be absorbed into our current blob-like mass of 3.x rules and houserules than replacing everything wholesale. But I do think most of the book is going to be used.

Competition will promote the need for innovation for each company and that just spells good things for everybody else.

Much like with the console wars, I wish more of the fans realized this.


I rarely full on "switch" - most games just get added to my list of "Awesome things to play."

I'll buy it though, and that's more or less the most important part. I'll definately be trying to get some stuff from there - see their paladin - in regular 3.x games as well, and that's probably the second most important. partw

Surprisingly, yes. Our group is putting 4e "on hold" to play in a Pathfinder Ptolus campaign using Dungeonaday.com. Oh, this is all converted to Golarion, just because I love the world. So, despite the fact I thought I was done with 3e, Paizo has convinced me that is not true. If things go the way I think they will, 4e will no longer be the preferred option at my table.

Nice. That makes me wish I still lived in Ohio, which is a considerable feat.

I'm currently a player in a 4e game for now, but the group is talking about switching back to 3.5. When this happens, I'm going to lobby for them to consider Pathfinder. This particular group is a bit narrow-minded about what game systems it's even willing to try. There are several systems I own and would love to try out. Only one other player is not wed to D&D.

Personally, I'm not thrilled with the 4e system, but so long as I don't have to DM, I'm cool with plalying it (although 4e will never feel like Dungeons and Dragons to me ... it's a radically different game). The next game I DM will certainly be Pathfinder ... either Ptolus or Rise of the Runelords.


...The next game I DM will certainly be Pathfinder ... either Ptolus or Rise of the Runelords.

We switched from 4E to PF Beta and I'm running Rise of the Runelords - I can recommend. We'll switch to the final rules once we have the book (next week?).

We're pretty casual gamers and tend to go with the flow. We flowed to 4E but didn't feel comfortable with the 'feel' (though as a set of gaming mechanics I can see the positives). All we want is a ruleset that feels like D&D (to us), is supported, and has a future. I guess Paizo had our number from the beginning! The lazy gaming dollar :)



My d20 system of choice is Mutants and Masterminds. We converted our old 3e campaign to it and things are going swimmingly. I can't imagine Pathfinder offering anywhere near the flexibility (and transparency) of M&M.

For the record, my group is also playing a --brilliant, rocking-- homebrew 4e campaign and considering a detour into Spirit of the Century --a system which seems custom-built for the way we create characters.

(I'll probably buy the Pathfinder PDF seeing as it's being sold at the super-reasonable price og $9.99. I can convert any cool thing I find to M&M easily enough -- did I mention that I think it's the best iteration of the d20 system to date?)


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Pathfinder doesn't really appeal to me as a game to play, but my current War of the Burning Sky campaign allows players to choose the Pathfinder Beta races, classes, and feats instead of the PHB ones, which is a good choice for all the races, most of the classes, and some of the feats.

When Pathfinder actually comes out, I plan on getting it and replacing Pathfinder Beta stuff with it, but that's about it. I don't plan on ever running a game I call "Pathfinder", but I still tend to call my games "3e" to show that I don't particularly care about the 3.5e revision, as even though I use it for the basic rules of the game, I still allow 3.0 stuff. (And World of Warcraft stuff, and crazy third-party stuff, and...)

Probably once finished we will run PFRPG, from 4E. Still we have to decide between WotBS 4E or 3E using PF or a sandbox PF or a Paizo AP......

Speaking of War of the Burning Sky, I hate to say it because I'm currently running it and love running it, but I don't... think the writers' grasp of the 4e rules is nearly as good as their grasp of the 3e rules was. This might be understandable since 3e was out for 6-7 years by the time War of the Burning Sky was written, while 4e has been out for just over a year now, but it's still an issue, so I'd recommend the 3e version.

On the other hand, I don't have the 4e version of any of the War of the Burning Sky modules, so maybe - no, even hopefully - I'm actually a buffoon and my worries are unfounded. Please don't fail to give them your money and time if you're a strict 4e-only player, it's a hell of a lot better than playing Scales of War. ;)


We are currently using the Beta rules in two campaigns and those are going to convert to final as soon as we can. Our other campaigns are probably not going to switch from 3.5, but I expect that most of the new ones will use PF.


First Post
Switching, no. Using as a deep source of house rules and as a reference to use with future Paizo adventure material? Oh yes.

This is probably the approach we'll take as well. I can't say how much I really want to like Pathfinder :) but the news in another thread that additional classes are going to be announced soon scares me that we are already on the rod to rules bloat :(

Don't get me wrong for WotC and other companies who are hoping to make their money from rulebooks I can see the need for this but I had thought that Paizo were planning to continue to predominantly make adventures/settings books and just have the core rulebook to keep 3.5E alive . . . :confused:

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