Pathfinder Remastered Previews, Starfinder Field Test 2, and More

Catching up on all the Pathfinder Remastered previews, Starfinder Mystic class Field Test, Stream schedule, and Organized Play updates.


Pathfinder Remastered Previews​

Paizo has been giving us all the previews lately on what's going on with the Pathfinder Remastered project. If you want to go even more in depth, check out the Core Preview File. It will talk more about changing "spell level" to "spell rank," the removal of spell schools, and the new spell format.

Spell components have been removed from spells which will allows the classes more freedom to define how they cast spells. You no longer need to track different proficiencies for each tradition of spells you have, it's just the highest proficiency you already have and lets the attributes do the work. Damaging cantrips will now only use the damage dice rather than adding an attribute modifier. Many focus spells with longer casting times have had their casting times reduced so you can use them in the middle of an encounter.

Pathfinder Player Core will include the following ancestries: dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, human, leshy, and orc. In order to reflect the diversity of Golarion, it will introduce versatile heritages: extra options of mixed ancestries and extraplanar origins. Characters can only have one heritage and one lineage feat, but that doesn't mean that other bloodlines don't show up in interesting ways in their DNA.

Ranger's are getting a tweak in their spellcasting. Spellcasting progression is now part of the core components of being a ranger. Their feats will also be streamlined to accrue and recategorize their spells. There will also be some new feats like Warden's Reload, which allows the ranger to reload as a free action once per round if they cast a warden spell. Snares are not going to appear in the Player Core, but will be added in Player Core 2 with the Snarecrafter archetype. Crossbows are now their own weapon group, and a martial crossbow has been added.

There was an entire blog outlining the chapters of the GM Core that took you through running published adventures to making your own game, as well as handing out treasure.

Starfinder Mystic Field Test​

The second field test for Starfinder Second Edition is live and it is the first five levels of the mystic class, along with a few Starfinder 2e spells. The mystic relies on its connections and forming bonds with fellow party members. These connections help customize how they use their vitality network, allowing them to be a powerful healer. There will be more chances for mystics to be more directly connected with deities, but they won't be required to worship deities if they don't chose to.

Stream Schedule​

Paizo announced their Twitch Schedule for the month. This includes a Friday the 13th Lost Omens discussion of the upcoming Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia World Guide and Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia Character Guide, as well as Pathfinder and Starfinder Society Foundry Showcases.

Organized Play Updates​

The following adventures will be available on October 25, 2023: Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-05: The Island of the Vibrant Dead, Starfinder Society Scenario #6-08: Lost Revelry, and Starfinder Society Scenario #6-09: Ridgerock Rescue.

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Dawn Dalton

Dawn Dalton

How it will work without editions? Say, I have books from 2nd, 4th and 5th editions and books from PF1 and Starfinder (1 I guess). If the core rulebooks change, it's a new edition in my book (no pun intended). I cannot use Rise of the Runelords with PF2 without some adjustments, same with Curse of Strahd on 5E, I don't know if I'll be able to run it on DnD One/Next/New version/5.5(?). They want to do a "living" version like as GaaS games ? Can we call them RaaS as Rules as a Service? :)
I don’t have the answers for you!

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So disappointing! Just joking obviously :) I'm curious how it will work, I'm pretty sure we'll speak about 5.5 next summer even if WotC don't want us to use that term.
We’ll need a term, and WotC abandoned “One D&D” after spending over a year trying to get us to use it. There’s no way people are going to stick with “the core rulebook revisions that were released In 2024 but are totally the same game as the ones in 2014” so “5.5” is pretty much my vote.

They should have gone with “anniversary edition” from the start. Too late now I guess.

I'm not denying anyone's experiences on here, but for the groups I know every one of them never used a 3.0 product again after the release of 3.5, and likewise never used 3.x with Pathfinder.
Part of the reason is that it was all replaced. All the class options, monsters, etc were updated, and there was no reason to go back and do the work to convert.
The only thing not typically updated were adventures. They were a bit of a headache to convert from 3.0 to 3.5 - spells changed, monsters had different sizing, Damage Resistance worked differently - but it could be done.
3.x to Pathfinder adventures tended to not work because of Pathfinder's power increase. Pathfinder characters could walk through 3.x adventures. So in the end, it became easier to just select one of the many Pathfinder adventures.
Honestly, with archives on Nethys I wont even notice.

Will it split the playerbase again?
If it does, Im not sure Paizo will even notice. PF2 doing better than ever according to them. 🤷‍♂️

We’ll need a term, and WotC abandoned “One D&D” after spending over a year trying to get us to use it. There’s no way people are going to stick with “the core rulebook revisions that were released In 2024 but are totally the same game as the ones in 2014” so “5.5” is pretty much my vote.

They should have gone with “anniversary edition” from the start. Too late now I guess.
Given that it's the 50th anniversary, it would have been an ideal time to call it the "golden anniversary edition" and put gold foil dragon ampersands on everything released in 2024. Announce that it'll be dropped in 2025 and help spike the 2024 sales even further for the "exclusive."

Maybe Beedle & Grimm's will do something like that. Although in their case, maybe the whole books will be made out of solid gold.

I dont know why Paizo would lie about it? Then again folks feel like they are lying to them anyways. 🤷‍♂️
No idea but I know that isn't a good marketing move to say that you fail for a company, moreover if you have stocks. Around me, no one went PF2 but perhaps I'm the minority.

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