Paths of Legend - Tragedy at Silvergard

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Alaric, Aohdan, Johen, Muzdum, Norali

Norali nods back toward the cliff face, answering Johen, "It should be somewhere along that cliff face. But we should wait for Valen and Aleera."

OOC: If anyone in this group has ranks in Knowledge (History), you may make a roll to see if the name Norali uttered (Azilyk) rings a bell.

Valen and Aleera

Aleera practically snarls at the tureni ranger, "Hasty? Perhaps if I had been hasty, my village would not have burned! Perhaps if I had been hasty, I would not have had to see the sacred Darkwood trees desecrated! Perhaps, if I had been hasty, I would not have seen the eviscerated corpses of my family. Haste is our ally now. Come and join in righteous vengeance or stay and cower behind the rocks. I will not wait for justice."

With that Aleera readies her bow and begins to make her way down into the valley.


The ghostly woman answers, "This was the docking point for the Silver Arrow, a magical flying vessel secretly kept here by Aluan Velestri." Her voice lingers on the name Velestri, as if savoring it.

"The vessel was destroyed during the Shadow War. The two platforms there lead up to the plateau. The one on the right ascends into the keep, or what is left of it. The one on the left ascends into a small cave that opens onto the plateau itself."

The woman drifts over to the left platform, "This land's second Lord, the rakshasa known as the Crimson Blade, likely left some surprises in the keep before his demise so I would not recommend going that way."


Corath soon finds the route presumably taken by the others and is able to make good time, unhindered by a need to sleep or rest.

Within a few days, she is in the mountains proper and comes upon a group of elves and, oddly enough, a small dragon, coppery in color. Corath comes on the group just as they are settling down for the evening to reverie.

The leader of the group calls out to her, "Hail traveller. If you are a friend, you may come share our fire. If you are not a friend, know that there are several arrows pointed in your direction."


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Valen Sablewood

Valen cannot help but sympathize with the woman, given his own past. He smiles fiercely as he joins her. "A skilled tracker can learn as much from corpses as from live targets. I will join you."


After a few more moments, William manages to shake off the wonder and turns back to her "We need to keep moving. My friends and your body await."


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Not recognizing the name, Aohdan wastes no time in asking Norali. "Who or what is az-lick?" He stumbled over the peculiar combination of syllables, barely keeping a straight face.


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"No idea..." Alaric mutters. The scouts were sure taking their time. The alchemist fidgets, looking at Aodhan for a moment and then to Norali. A lot of strange things have happened lately, he thinks, and not many answers have been forthcoming. He was eager to at least answer the question of what happened to Silvergard. At the moment there wasn't much he could do about whatever might be possessing the centaur, if anything.


The man with the probe

Wrap this thread up and start a new one please. Trying to keep threads no larger than 1000 posts.

PbP Mod


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OOC: Next IC update will be in a new thread. Does anyone know of a way to save a whole thread as a zip file or word doc or something?

Edit: Nevermind, found the tool. :D
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crazy_monkey1956 said:

Corath soon finds the route presumably taken by the others and is able to make good time, unhindered by a need to sleep or rest.

Within a few days, she is in the mountains proper and comes upon a group of elves and, oddly enough, a small dragon, coppery in color. Corath comes on the group just as they are settling down for the evening to reverie.

The leader of the group calls out to her, "Hail traveller. If you are a friend, you may come share our fire. If you are not a friend, know that there are several arrows pointed in your direction."

Corath stops and tilts her head slightly to the side. "I do not know you well enough to call you or yours friend. I do not mean you harm, either." She pauses consideringly. "I have no need of your fire, but perhaps you could tell me if a rather large party passed this way. Those in the group would include a centaur, a dwarf, a halfling, and three humans."

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