Payn's Ponderings Traveller Editions

My favorite is Mongoose Traveller. Though I only ever ran version 1 of that. I played Traveller via the hardback The Traveller Book when I was in my teens. The spaceship combat system really intrigued me and we even did a form of 3D combat using the vector system.

The big trick was when it dawned on me that PC advancement was best with increasingly better gear, wealth, and influence. Once I focused on that for character advancement it rung much more like early D&D advancement through the acquisition of magic items and wealth and influence. Well duh. But I was a kid.

Mongoose was a welcome change but still very classic. To me the advancements in the rules were profound but subtle. Like the inter party background rule in character generation. It built characters already in a group.

I did own GURPS Traveller (both versions) and a d20 Traveller starter kit and eventually the three black books but never played them.

Anyone get 5e to the table?

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Anyone get 5e to the table?
I play tested, have run, and most recently was a player in a T5 game. Overall I think the biggest paradigm shift from the old Classic 2d6+skill mechanic, is that it favors the characteristic more, over the skill.
I just picked up PDF of Cepheus Deluxe for a few $. This is the best version of Trav to date. Attached is a 100 T trader made with C Deluxe rules. Just to get a feel for the new design system.
Nice ship, clean stat block. My personal preference is more towards the deck plan, as that is were ships come alive; short or clean stat blocks facilitate that to a great deal. I bought CD when it came out, skimmed the rules, though I haven't played it yet. Last physical version of Traveller I bought was a facsimile edition, or what people are calling the "LWB" for Little White Book as it is the digest size.

I play tested, have run, and most recently was a player in a T5 game. Overall I think the biggest paradigm shift from the old Classic 2d6+skill mechanic, is that it favors the characteristic more, over the skill.

Nice ship, clean stat block. My personal preference is more towards the deck plan, as that is were ships come alive; short or clean stat blocks facilitate that to a great deal. I bought CD when it came out, skimmed the rules, though I haven't played it yet. Last physical version of Traveller I bought was a facsimile edition, or what people are calling the "LWB" for Little White Book as it is the digest size.
Yes, I too would rather have a deck plan. I once created a new 100 T scout with deck plan. Here it is: Freelance Traveller - The Shipyard - Mongoose Traveller Designs - Type M TL15 Scout/Courier

Yes, I too would rather have a deck plan. I once created a new 100 T scout with deck plan. Here it is: Freelance Traveller - The Shipyard - Mongoose Traveller Designs - Type M TL15 Scout/Courier
Nice! I have a bunch of MgT1 plans I mean to convert over to CE at some point. Right now I am working on two ships, a J5 Explore Scout analog like from Andy Slack's design in White Dwarf #40, and a light carrier that is converted over from the Heavy Cruiser in the CE SRD, which is already sort of a carrier.

I played a little of the original Traveller back in the day. They had a huge presence here, as GDW was just down the road. I kind of regret not sticking with the game, because I had numerous chances to play games with Loren, Marc, Frank, and others, but I was more interested in D&D as a kid. The king of Traveller knowledge around here, outside of the designers, was Don McKinney. Sadly, he passed away, far too young, a few years ago. Still, there are a few old guard around here and I will direct them to this thread.

I started a Pirates of Drinax campaign a few months ago, and it has been a lot of fun.
Don was a wonderful fellow from my limited encounters with him online. His loss was very sad. I helped with some of the MT Errata identification and resolutions. R.I.P. Don.

I just picked up PDF of Cepheus Deluxe for a few $. This is the best version of Trav to date. Attached is a 100 T trader made with C Deluxe rules. Just to get a feel for the new design system.
15 low berths or am I not reading that right? Just running cold sleep passengers?

15 low berths or am I not reading that right? Just running cold sleep passengers?
Yes, based on passenger/freight table amount of passengers for each level for B&C class startports this is better than staterooms because of the Steward skill requirements plus additional stateroom needed for just the steward.

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