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[PbP] The Heroes of Silleria


First Post
"Oh," replied Grimbard, obviously disappointed. "I thought that was a human expression..."

Turning to the group, the dwarf asked, "What do you all think we should do?"

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"This may be just a wild guess from a wild young thing, but... kick them out?" Michelle smiles at the group, fiddling with the silver dagger at her hip.


First Post
Foran looks down at the farmer with some degree of pity as he recounts his tale. "Well, I beleive the heroic thing to do would be to help this innocent farmer rid his home of these vile lizards."

Note:Should we go into battle before I post again, Foran will try to Inspire Greatness in his allies. If that fails, or the monsters seem to be winning, Foran will stop playing and attack the most wounded monster with his sickle.


Living EN World Judge
(Regarding the Query about raising Dogs)

'Well, my Line's been raising the Hounds for the Crown for near on 100 years, my fath'r before me, and his fath'r and his as well. SOme day, Gods willin', I'll have a Family and my sons will continue the Work.'r.

(Fast-Forward to the farmer)

'Aye, I'll help ye get rid of those Pests, afterwards, I assume you might treat us to a decent place to bed down and a Meal? Maybe some of those chickens we will 'save' from the Lizards?' Norynth grins and pets Gert's Head.


First Post
There are enough votes to go investigate the situation at the barn.

The party is led by the newly-hopeful farmer across a narrow field and through a thin stand of willow trees ("Helps break up the wind," explains the farmer absently). The barn is located in a small cleared area a short distance from a humble farmhouse. A pigsty is nearby, as is a small vegatable and herb garden, newly planted and pruned for the season.

The barn itself is a large structure, perhaps forty feet square, with large double doors on the east and west ends. It is tall enough for a hay loft and has a gently peaked roof.

Down to the smallest details it would be the perfect image of an idyllic country life, including a quait weathervane atop the house, were it not for the splotches of dried blood and feathers littering the yard. A thin trail of blood is also meandering out of the halfway open eastern barn doors, which you are facing. It is dim inside the barn, and no movement or noise is apparent.

NOTE: We are pausing the game at this point. The player for Eesau has not posted, and he is being replaced by a character played by dpdx. Following will soon be his self-description from the meeting at the Galloping Gryphin, and whatever else he wants to chip in from the journey.
Sorry for the delay. The game is assumed to have recommenced after dpdx's post.
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Enter Kerith - warning: long

The Baron Idlespear looked pointedly at Kerith.

"Don't be shy lad. The others have spoken up."
"Er, yes, m'lord."

At this, a slight, unkempt young man of medium height (for a human) stood up, brushed himself off, and looked around the room. As his blue eyes searched for a sympathetic soul, his mouth moved silently for a few seconds, as if to rehearse what he was about to say. Plainly, you could tell he wasn't used to attention.

Suddenly, he spoke:

"My name is Kerith Onnwall, and I hail from, er, here in Fifechester. I'm, um, not much of a hero..."

Kerith paused to run his fingers through the tusseled mat of rope-colored hair atop his head.

"But... but... Baron Idlespear here, um, decided that I might be of use to you on your quest-s. I'm handy, er... with locks..."

Kerith paused, as if to enumerate on his fingers, but he made no move to count upon them. Instead, he twiddled a strap on his worn, but serviceable leather armor.

"And ropes...and me weapons!"

With this, he smiled (clearly relieved to be finished at speaking), indicating a dagger, a rapier, and a light crossbow. And then, just as abruptly as he began, sat down.


(After the money and potions are handed out, Kerith goes shopping.)

Kerith placed the potions carefully in his rucksack, and then took a minute to stare with awe at his hand, holding more money than he'd ever seen in his life! And this was just a down payment!

He'd buy his dear old mum a cottage in the good part of town, by the Shining One! And a horse! But wait - that's IF he survived. Had better gird oneself first, so as to face the dangers ahead.

Resigned, but still smiling, Kerith went off in search of the tools of his trade - the BEST ones.

The others seemed to ignore him on their way to the various shops of his town. He spotted two of the others on their way to the stables to buy a horse. Quietly, and from a good distance back, he followed them.

When the dwarf and the other left, he walked in to approach the stablekeeper.

"Uh, sir, how much is a horse?"

When the stablekeeper asked if Kerith could RIDE a horse, the topic then changed to "what could carry my things?" Ten minutes later, Kerith walked out of the shop the proud owner of a mule, "Buttercup," complete with pack saddle, and eighty pounds of feed. Kerith also picked up five days' rations, before returning to the Gryphin to set out.


(And finally into the present: thanks for bearing with me, guys.)

As Kerith leads his mule at the rate of the other non-riders, they arrive at the farm. After hearing the others, Kerith volunteers to scout ahead once the party decides to help the farmer.

"I'm pretty good at m-moving quietly..."

[edited to clear up some inconsistencies, and to get some food. Late night last night!]

[edited again because I'm a complete freak about spelling, especially my own - I'll try not to hammer anyone, but expect me to go back and correct stuff.]
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Living EN World Judge
Norynth nods, Kerith should Scout, though he would go as well. Hunting was his game, and the Dogs smelled Quarry.
(OoC:Remember they have the Scent Feat)
'C'mon then, Kerith, let's smoke out some Lizards.'
Norynth looks about at the others, sizing up their potential in providing support fire.
'So how's it going to go, fellows? Any Ideas or Plans? I say Kerith, me aGert and Titus go in, with you others as support. Or perhaps, as an attack to the rear of the Barn? See what we are up against in there.'

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Oren stares pensively at the barn while the others talk, then finally speaks up, albeit in a hushed tone of voice.

"An attack to the rear sounds good... Though perhaps a distraction near the front might be a good idea as well. Foran, perhaps you could approach the door and make some noise with those pipes of yours, draw their attention. Grimbard, you can meet them at the door and hold their attention, while Norynth, Kerith and I come in through the rear... Those pipes will be our signal, give it a three-count then try to start moving in, but keep as hidden as possible until we hear a war-cry from Grimbard... Norynth, you say you're a hunter, I assume that you or at least your dogs know how to get the jump on pray. Michelle," he pauses to think, half a grin revealing nothing-in-particular, "you watch our backs, and keep an eye out for anything we're missing."

He puts his hands together, looks for approval.

"Sound good? I say we go around back, see where we might enter. Best to come from as many angles as possible. If there's no clear way in back, we can switch things around, and start tearing up the back to draw their attention there, then sneak in through the front door..." He chuckles to himself. "Although, in my experience, there is no such thing as 'sneaking through the front door.'"

(Edit) Regarding Norynth's "sizing people up"... Oren sure doesn't look like a warrior... Pretty slight in build, fair-faced with no scars, and hardly dressed or armed for the occasion of battle. Nonetheless, he seems pretty confident in his abilities.
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First Post
"Sounds good." Foran nods, before darting around to the edge of the door. Once there, he unstraps his pipes from his back and flattens himself against the wall, listening to the door. Assuming he hears nothing peculiar, he puts the mouthpiece of his pipes to his mouth and begins playing an energizing tune originally wrote to inspire allies on the battlefield[Inspire Greatness.] Well, this certainly seems like a good time to use it

Voidrunner's Codex

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