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PC Races


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- A feral, animalistic, beast-man race (canine, feline, or whatever)
Do a Catgirl race! You must do a Catgirl race! It's perfect for you!
Catpeople. And cat-people. Basically, I likes me furries, but give them some grit instead of fluff.

Please think of the catgirls

Are Gnolls gritty enough?

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Here's what I would hope for.

-No product of simple splicing. In other words, with few acceptions, nothing like "lizzard people" or "crystal people" or "bird people".

-No furries. Perhaps rat or fish or reptile furries are less of a bad idea than other furry types because they're less likable and won't attract too many players from the fandom, but I'm hoping for nothing of the sort. No cat people, no dog/warewolf people, no bear people.

-Nothing godly or elemental or transcendental. I am so sick of pretentious inorganic and divine races.

-Not too many "good" or "evil" alternate versions of races. If players choose races like this role playing can be limited by a complete lack of free will and personal conflict.

-I agree that something with wings that could fly a short distance would be cool

-Perhaps something amphibious and ugly


First Post
4e PHB3 introduced the shardmind
Apparently not everyone's cup of tea ;)

Yeah, absolutely not lol. See, part of the appeal of the whole D&D/pathfinder setting is that you have these races that in an alternate, more magical world could almost be real. And then expansion/companion books come out and you have devas and shardminds and humanoid elementals. First I'm forced to dwell on how pretentious these are (kind of like humans who have evolved beyond their humanity partying up with mere mortals), then I'm forced to dwell over the fact that somehow these godly or superhuman beings are only as powerful as humans in game terms, and finally, possibly the worst of all is that I see this world FULL of intelligent humanoid races, many of whom are smarter than humans or even elves, yet despite their infinite wisdom they just suck at making civilizations so they're considered rare in the game universe. It doesn't make any sense.


4e PHB3 introduced the shardmind
Apparently not everyone's cup of tea ;)

The first thing I thought of was this:



Staff member
-No furries. Perhaps rat or fish or reptile furries are less of a bad idea than other furry types because they're less likable and won't attract too many players from the fandom, but I'm hoping for nothing of the sort. No cat people, no dog/warewolf people, no bear people.
-Perhaps something amphibious and ugly

Here's something I did a while ago you might like...a race Anthro Snapping Turtles (tweeked combo of Lizardfolk and Dwarves) who were a people of river-traders.
"Anthropomorphic" Snapping/Alligator Snapping turtles.

Short & slow, but strong and very stocky, with a vicious bite & the obvious natural armor. They don't need boats- they're excellent swimmers- but often work as ferrymen, towing rather than poling them across. Those that own the riverboats that take goods the length of the rivers have a status much like caravan masters.

Their natural armor and physical power make them highly valued as soldiers on warships, though they lack the speed that pirates and raiders favor.

If they have a failing, it is their tempers, which are usually volcanic. They are patient- often to a fault- but when they lose their tempers, they completely lose it. Think, "long fuse" but "huge explosion"

As such, they are largely a tribal species, with strength in combat or success in trade being the measuring sticks for prominence in their society.

They love adorning themselves to show wealth or status. Warriors especially favor bright pigments (red is a favorite, followed by yellow) for painting symbols on their faces, and its not uncommon for them to have intricate designs etched into their shells. Those with etched shells sometimes paint the shells or the etchings (or both) to highlight the details.

* +4 Strength, -4Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma.
* Natural Armor: +4AC
* Natural Attack: Bite 1d8
* Darkvision out to 60 feet.
* Light Sensitivity: they are dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
* Poor Hearing: -2 to all checks involving hearing
* Crafty: +2 to all checks involving commerce (Appraise, Bluff, etc.). They may not be charismatic, but they know how to bargain.
* Medium: As Medium creatures, they have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Base land speed is 20 feet. However, they can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations). Their land speed is also unaffected by mud.
* Base Swim speed is 30 feet. Like their land speed, they can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).
* Hold Breath: While living a very aquatic life, they are air-breathers. However, they can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to six times their Constitution score before risking drowning.
* Rivercunning: They get a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice and avoid river hazards, like whirlpools, hidden sandbars or rocks, submerged logs or hidden river predators. One who merely comes within 10 feet of a river hazard can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and can use the Search skill to find traps involving rivers as a rogue can. They can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underwater as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
* Stability: They gain a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
* Because their diet consists largely of fresh or scavenged meat, they have built up a natural resistance to toxins, giving them a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
* Favored Class: Barbarian

-I agree that something with wings that could fly a short distance would be cool

I did a version of Thri-Kreen that were size S and incredibly dexterous and powerful fliers- essentially, sentient dragonflies- whose smaller, lighter weapons didn't do much damage. Hard to hit, though...

I also did a version of a draconic humanoid race who had wings that were initially only able to let them glide, not fly. Using the Racial classes from Monte Cook's AU/AE, their wings became stronger as they advanced, being able to use their wings to enhance their jumps. It was not until they actually completed the full progression in their Racial class that they could actually fly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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