[PCGEN] We need a new LOGO! Calling ENWORLD!


Ok folks i know we have a PCgen logo, the blue icon that says PCGen.
Yeah that's all fine and good and I like it myself, but I am curious
as to what the rest of the 1000+ folk think of it.

I propose this:

1. Submit a new icon for us to look at. Don't care what it looks
like, how outrageous, color scheme, etc. just no pr0n please!

2. Gather them up and have the big silverbacks: Merton, Mynex, Me
(hehe), Jedi, etc. maybe an oROGotang or 2, and a few random
volunteers to pick out the ones that they like.

3. Take the top 5 and post them on the PCGen site with a poll below
them, make announcement to Enworld, d20gurus.com, your friends, your
family, your mistresses/misters, etc. and have them vote.

4. 2 weeks later we got ourselves a new icon and a new logo.

UPto to y'all i think by the time 2.5.0 comes out and we have a
STABLE build that we could then roll it out with a spanking new look
for PCGen.

Who knows maybe the old logo will win out and we use it. What y'all

You can vote on the idea here:
(note you must sign up to be on the yahoogroup to do so)


Furthermore if you have a logo idea, creation, or submition LMK as I am handling it all. You can email me here just post your idea to the yahoogroup file section here:


I look forward to seeing what y'all think and come up with!

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Could I have a link to your current logo? Your main page has a Leonardo daVinci style logo up top, but it's definitely not blue... where's the one you're speaking of?

I like the idea, but I'd like to see what I'm up against...

I might not be able to design you a logo but I can give you a bump. :)


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  • woin_future_careers_1.1.pdf
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Jarval said:

Thats a great prize ;)

I'll give this a thought or two, see if I can come up with something.

nahh the prize here is the use of the logo on ALL PCGen products, such as shirts, hat's, web pages, everytime you load PCGen you see it, etc..

it has allot of bearing on what pcgen is all about...

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