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Personalized Powers


Arcadian Knight
Great idea, but, I tell ya, it sounds like more work than I planned on when the DM bug bit me.

Hence the idea of having a bunch of folk on line come up with a plethora of variants to give the meat for this, some powers currently seem harder for me to create variety in..

I am currently just enjoying coming up with variations to inspire the players (and myself) and assure them they are not somehow restricted.

The DM is launching a lot more powers... than the player who just needs to visualize the moves for his character... I imagine compiling them as a go along and I expect the players descriptions could start out better more variable than mine but bouncing them back and forth.

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Hence the idea of having a bunch of folk on line come up with a plethora of variants to give the meat for this, some powers currently seem harder for me to create variety in..

I am currently just enjoying coming up with variations to inspire the players (and myself) and assure them they are not somehow restricted.

The DM is launching a lot more powers... than the player who just needs to visualize the moves for his character... I imagine compiling them as a go along and I expect the players descriptions could start out better more variable than mine but bouncing them back and forth.
That could work. Hmmm, guess I'd better go ahead and order that 24G memory card for my brain, so I can keep it all straight, though! I wonder what the brain surgeon charges to install a removable media device?


Arcadian Knight
That could work. Hmmm, guess I'd better go ahead and order that 24G memory card for my brain, so I can keep it all straight, though! I wonder what the brain surgeon charges to install a removable media device?

Heh, I just want the wireless modem installation.

Note the GM's list of descriptions for an enemy with a power like crushing surge would be much simpler for an npc than a pc ie.. you imply inner environment, evil/erie grin, boyish smile, shout of celebration, determined bland faced silence.


Ok, so let's see some of those personalizations of powers posted here, please! I'll try to get a few up tonight, starting with first level wizard and cleric powers.


Arcadian Knight
I have some ideas for swordmage... that are itching to be expressed., I think Cleric would be great!... the other that really needs it is the Rogue I think.

Given how many may get done for each its kind of nice when they have there own thread though.


Yeah, we can always fork threads for different classes off this one, I guess. Cleric is by far my favorite 4e class*, even with all the new stuff in the frpg, phII, and maybe some others also.

* - Although Bard and Warden are right behind!


Arcadian Knight
Lightening Lure

Psychokinetic Slippage
The sparks which discharge around them is not really intended I am grabbing them, telekinetically but the electrons are slippery and crackle like a static halo as I drag them to me.

Lightning from heaven.
Maybe its because it isnt coming from me, but rather from the sky, I can never seem to quite hit with this one... but the bolt coming in right behind them conveniently hurls them to me.

Electro Translocation
They are transported next to me very fast, it is forced and painful, they do seem to become energy as they travel but I'm not entirely sure, if they aren't lucky they arrive dead which I really don't mind.

Magnetic Grab
Their armor makes it easy after all I grab them with swift power the extra energy discharges through them quite painfully I am sure.(against opponents in metal armor)


good stuff!

I, on the other hand, am brain dead tonight. Perhaps in a few days inspiration will strike? (Much like your lightning!)


Arcadian Knight
do concentrate on the cleric... I have a habit of casting the cleric as something far less magical... here is a touch of help...

Righteous Brand recast as Smile of Confidence
He beams a grin at me while smashing his weapon into our common enemy, who now looks somehow less formidable his vulnerability now exposed to my upcoming attack.


Arcadian Knight
Priests Shield recast as...

Knock em for a loop.
Ok not too much of a loop, but it does spin him a bit, and he isn't in as nice a position to hit me or my friend next round. I am certain it is the divine as it really does happen far to often to be just chance.

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