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PFRPG Alpha - Rise of the Runelords AP

One more thing.

I have token pics from everyone except Shayuri (obviously) and Bialaska: Unless you posted one and I can't find it. I use the tokens for the battlemaps I use, its just easier to keep track of things.

BTW, I do try to post a new map with each round to show who ends up where, along with effects from spells and such. I think it helps all of us better visualize what is happening, and can lead to better descision making.

Once I have Shayuri's character, I think we can get started this weekend. I hope!

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First Post
First, to give some last responses on the skill thing:

On the subject of Spellcraft, I routinely lowballed or even chose not to take this skill in earlier editions. The only 'must have' skill for sorcerors in my view was Concentration...anything else was just for kicks.

As such, at first level, I normally didn't maximize any skills except Concentration.

Jason has it right when he says my irk comes more accurately from replacing the skill points with the bonuses. I see what they're trying to accomplish with it, but it assumes that I would be assigning all of my skill points at 1st level to max skills. Since I don't usually do that, I suffer a bit under this system. This is especially true since they expanded the sorceror class skill list. My first reaction to that was "COOL!" Then I was a bit crushed when I realized I couldn't HAVE many of them.

That said, it's not a dealbreaker for me. It's just a bit irksome. :) That, combined with a healthy (?) love of melodrama constitutes the long and short of why I posted the observation in the first place. :)

Now! On to other topics. Namely, the game itself.

I'll have my character done tonight. Possibly even this afternoon. If you anticipate the game lasting as long as 9th level, I still want to discuss the possibility of replacing a spell on the Fey Bonus Spell List. If not, it's a non-issue.



First Post

I think I'll go for this image.

First, to give some last responses on the skill thing:

On the subject of Spellcraft, I routinely lowballed or even chose not to take this skill in earlier editions. The only 'must have' skill for sorcerors in my view was Concentration...anything else was just for kicks.

Good point. A friend did the same thing way back, and I never quite got why.

Jason has it right when he says my irk comes more accurately from replacing the skill points with the bonuses. I see what they're trying to accomplish with it, but it assumes that I would be assigning all of my skill points at 1st level to max skills. Since I don't usually do that, I suffer a bit under this system. This is especially true since they expanded the sorceror class skill list. My first reaction to that was "COOL!" Then I was a bit crushed when I realized I couldn't HAVE many of them.

I noticed too that they assume skill max at first level. I suppose that could be regarded as "gamist" for lack of a better term. :

That said, it's not a dealbreaker for me. It's just a bit irksome. :) That, combined with a healthy (?) love of melodrama constitutes the long and short of why I posted the observation in the first place. :)

I'm glad. I kinda figured that the alpha rules would have some things that some wouldn't be too happy with, but I figured that enough folks would be willing to try them out. I'm happy that you were!!

I'll have my character done tonight. Possibly even this afternoon. If you anticipate the game lasting as long as 9th level, I still want to discuss the possibility of replacing a spell on the Fey Bonus Spell List. If not, it's a non-issue.


No rush. If you'd like, just post a pic that you'd like for your character token and I can begin some narrative stuff before you finish.

As for the bonus spell on the Fey list, I see why they put it in, but I can't imagine that we couldn't work out a worthy replacement. And I would like to finish the Adventure Path. It does take the characters to 15th or 16th level, at least. I'm hoping we can stick with it to the bitter end (and, WHOA! What an ending!!).

Hey guys:

I'm still here. I'm just nursing a wicked sinus infection, and its kinda wiped me out. I'm taking the time to write up some intros for each of you based on your background blurbs (I hope you enjoy what I've done. Good story elements).

Anyway, I hope to post some of them by either this evening or tomorrow, depending on how I feel. This game WILL happen, and I'm very much looking forward to starting. Just when I feel better, thats all.

I appreciate your patience.


First Post
Sorry for the extended tardiness. Hope this works for y'all!

[sblock=Mellisande AKA Melli AKA Mel AKA 'The Mellonator']
Name: Mellisande
Race: Gnome
Class/Level: Sorceror 1
Gender: Female
Exp: 0

Mellisande is a extraordinarily beautiful woman...if you happen to be three feet tall. To all but the most openminded of larger folk her appearance comes to an almost overpowering cuteness. Large, innocent-looking eyes, round cheeks, beaming dimpled smile...it is alarmingly easy to forget what she's capable of. She routinely changes her hair color with simple glamors that come naturally to gnomes, favoring bizarre shades of pink and violet and green, and most often wearing it short. Her clothing too tends towards the flamboyant, bright colors of a performer...though she favors loose, even baggy breeches full of pockets to skirts because of her 'active lifestyle.'

Strength (STR) 8
Dexterity (DEX) 14
Constitution (CON) 12
Intelligence (INT) 10
Wisdom (WIS) 10
Charisma (CHA) 18

Alignment: Chaotic Good
AC: 13 (10 + 2 dex + 1 size)
Hit Points: 11/11
Movement: 30' ground

Init: +2
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Melee Attack: +0
Ranged Attack: +3
Fort: +2
Reflex: +2
Will: +2

Race Abilities
+2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Small size (+1 AC, +1 attk, +4 Stealth checks
Slow- 20 ft base speed
Low-Light vision
Keen senses (+2 on smell- and touch-based Percept. checks)
Obsessive (+2 Craft or Profession of choice)
Illusion resist (+2 save vs. illus. spells or fx)
Gnome Magic (+1 Illusion DC, SLA 1/day: dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation, speak w/ animals)
treat wpn w/ "gnome" in name as martial wpn.
Hatred (+1 attk vs. reptilian or gblin subtypes)
+4 AC vs. giant type monsters

Class Abilities:
Eschew Materials
Bloodline: Fey
- Laughing Touch (Su) melee touch, target can only take move action for 1rnd (1/day/target)
Bonus Class Skill: Knowledge (nature).
Bonus Spells:
Entangle (3rd)
Hideous laughter (5th)
Deep slumber (7th)
Poison (9th)
Tree stride (11th)
Mislead (13th)
Phase door (15th)
Irresistible dance (17th)
Shapechange (19th)
Bonus Feats:
Dodge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quicken Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [nature])
Cantrips: All 0 level spells usable at will as SLA's.

Bluff +8 (1 rank + 4 cha + 3 class)
Spellcraft +4 (1 rank + 3 class)

Lone Wolf (50% chance to stabilize)
Toughness (+3 HP, +1 / level)

Languages - Common, Varisian

Spellcasting: Sorc CL 1, DC 14+lvl
Slots: 1 - 4/4
0: Ray of Frost, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Mending
1: Shield, Color Spray (DC 16)

Money - 5gp

Weapons -
Small Light Crossbow, +3 to hit, 1d6 dmg, 19-20x2, 2lbs
10 bolts, 1lb
Small Dagger, +0 to hit, 1d3-1 dmg, 19-20x2, 1lb

Armour -

Gear -
Small Backpack, 2gp, .5lb
2 small belt pouches, 2gp, .25lb
Small Waterskin, 1gp, 1lb
Sunrod, 2gp, 1lb
Flask of acid, 10gp, 1lb
2 smokesticks, 40gp,1lb

Magic -


For all Mellisande's eternal optimism and seemingly carefree demeanor, she has an incredible tenacity fueled by a life of hardship and loneliness. She is an anomaly, even among the gnomes of Varisia...she was a foundling, adopted by a well-meaning Varisian couple who didn't understand that a gnome child was at best not just a very small baby. And Mellisande was unusual, even for gnomes. Frightened by the strange hauntings that seemed to pursue the baby...unearthly noises and strange lights, the couple gave her up to an orphanage in Sandpoint. There she spent most of her childhood, constantly getting into trouble.

Finally, chafing under the restrictions of the orphanage, Mellisande escaped out into the city at large...where she quickly found she wasn't ready for getting by. Rather than admit defeat though, she lived a hard life on the streets of Sandpoint until she discovered that the magical tricks she'd used to amuse herself at the expense of humorless nuns could also be turned into viable moneymaking gambits.

Ranging from legitimate trades of services to outright cons, Mellisande used her childlike looks, persuasive tongue, and magical talents in a variety of schemes that earned her plenty of gold...and plenty of enemies among those she rooked. And since she took some care to target those who she felt 'had it coming' in some way, those enemies tended to be wealthy and powerful.

Perhaps it was time, she decided, to seek some other line of work. Maybe even somewhere else. Mellisande is conflicted however, about leaving Sandpoint. For all the bittersweet memories, she's had great fun there as well...and it has been her home. She is equally conflicted about other gnomes. On the one hand, they are mysterious and alluring to her; what questions she has that they might be able to tell her! And yet, she's never known them...would they accept her? She had already been abandoned once by them, as an infant...if that is indeed what happened. She longs to ask, but fears the answer.And that's the history. Mellisande remains, for now, in Sandpoint, balanced on the razor's edge between staying and leaving, between clinging to the life she's known and striking out to seek something new. It would only take the lightest touch of fate's wind to tip her over, one way or the other...[/sblock]

Possible pic. Delete the weasel.

And the image link I put in isn't working for some reason. Yay Enworld2! Here's the raw URL:
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Voidrunner's Codex

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