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PH1: The Darque Demense (Bront judging)


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"exactly what I was thinking. Don't worry. I can keep watch on the place - maybe I'll set up camp on a nearby roof. If I get bored, I can always huck a few rocks through the demon house's windows."

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Deus Ex Machina

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"Resting in this house is as good a place as any other - and a lot cheaper than any tavern." Eleria offers. "Now that we have killed those nasty bugs, I should like to harvest their venom in the empty vial I have as it may come in useful at a later time. Do any of you have an empty vial that could also be used?"

[sblock=OOC]DEX Check 10 to harvest the spider poison.

I will use my empty CLW vial and also Abdul's if he agrees.[/sblock]


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Eleria attempts to harvest some of the spider's venom. Her first attempt doesn't go well though and the poison sprays out narrowly missing her face and shooting a small stream up into the air and back down into the nearby webs. Dodging the spraying venom, she accidentally drops the first vial which breaks on the floor. She tries again though with the second vial from Abdul (I rolled another Dex check for her) and gets better results the second time, nearly filling the entire vial with venom. (OOC: Medium Spider venom as in DMG)

The party discusses resting for a bit and seems to conclude that staying in the house is the best idea. The bedroom and the bathroom are each a bit grisley, but the front room with the couch seems safe and comfortable enough. As the party settles in, the white cat returns from hiding and jumps onto Abdul's lap once he sits down. Walking around in a small circle on his lap, the cat kneads with it's claws slightly until it finally lays down to rest as well. Taking turns at watch, the party manages to sleep comfortably and without any disturbances.

Abdul, Xir, and Eleria all feel the rest did them good as their limbs are a bit more flexible now, but not back to normal just yet.
[sblock=OOC]Abdul, Xir, and Eleria each recover one ability point. Abdul is currently at full HP's and -2 Dex; Xir is at full HP's and -2 Str; Eleria is at 6/7 HP's and -1 Dex; and Elthic feels completely healthy at full HP's and no ability damage.[/sblock]Suddenly, as the party gets ready to go again the voice returns...
"Ahhh, all better now?" it asks with great sarcasm. "Not ready to give up just yet, eh? I shall have to try harder then won't I? But I can see you are a stubborn lot and will require more ...aggressive persuasion. What shall be, shall be I suppose."
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Err, Xir is at full hp according to this.

Xir performs some limbering exercises then stands patiently, awaiting the others.


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OOC: You are right! I thought that had happened somewhere, but I searched and searched and couldn't find it. Probably because I was only looking at your posts. :heh: I edited the above to show Xir's full HP's...

Deus Ex Machina

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Eleria had spent a few hours in reverie, but had been unable to fully shake the residual effect of the poison and wakes with with a slight headache and a feeling of a little nausiousness. She nonetheless rises and prepares to push with Xir, trying to ignore the sarcastic comments of the house, but at the same time wondering how it ‘knew’ they were inside and was able to speak. She primarily addresses Xir [as he is awake], though speaks to anyone who is listening.

“May I suggest a different approach when we enter subsequent rooms and have either Xir or Elthic lead the way… Myself and Abdul were quite ill-equipped to deal with the threat posed by those giant bugs and I think that either you or Elthic would handle the situation far better. It would allow me to make use of my bow or rapier as required, or I can rally the party with my music without being overwhelmed from that position.”

A brief comparison between the dimunitive 4’6” female elf and the 6’4” human is all that is required to affirm her view. She presents the small vial from yesterday.

“Still… I was able to procure this from the beast. I’m hoping that I may find a use for it in the future.”
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[sblock=New Spells Prepared]
0-acid splash, detect magic, light
1-ray of enfeeblement, magic missile, enlarge person

"We could use it on the voice. I am tired of having our every action critiqued by an invisible entity which is too cowardly to come and fight us itself," says Abdul, after he wakes up and finishes spell preparation.


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"Ah, giving me the silent treatment now I see. No witty reparte's? No scathing remarks? No more threats of broken windows from the dwarf even? Perhaps you have used up all your bullheadedness yesterday jumping from the frying pan into the fire, hmmm? No energy left for a little verbal sparring? Too bad, I had hoped you would provide a little more entertainment before going...away. By the way, Eleria, that was a most beautiful song you sang yesterday." The voice finishes speaking and your mind fills instead with a humming that sounds similar to Elerias inspiring song from yesterday.

Voidrunner's Codex

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