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Phaeton's Falcons

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Craw Hammerfist said:
This will be the game thread, kicking off Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007.

Are we not having a rogue's gallery for this game? Oh well, here's good ol' Livingston:

Moved him.
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Craw Hammerfist

First Post
ethandrew said:
Are we not having a rogue's gallery for this game?

I'm new to PbP. :eek: I suppose a rogue's gallery is what I was trying to accomplish getting all of the character's re-posted over on the game thread. It does make more sense to start a different uncluttered thread with just the characters. So, here it is. Please post characters there.
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Craw Hammerfist

First Post
You have arrived in Arabel to the address provided by Phaeton’s courier. True to his word, he has secured an entire house for you and the rest of Phaeton’s. . .protegés. . .lackeys. . .hired thugs? Regardless of titles, the house is more than adequate, with small private rooms for each of you and a well appointed study. A separate building houses a stable and a workshop. There is even a staff consisting of Melena the cook, an elderly farrier/groom named Earl, and Gerte, Melena’s daughter who acts as a maid. Earl typically has a few boys hanging around the forge helping out with odd jobs and running messages.

Within a few days of your arrival, the rest of group has arrived. A message arrives requesting your presence at the Falcon’s Rest Inn. The message boy waits to guide you back to the inn where Phaeton greets you.

“Ah! You are here. And with good haste, I see.”

The man stands and greets all of you individually. Of middle height, Phaeton is well dressed, but not ostentatiously so. He is much as you recall him from your last meeting. A fit man in his late 40s, dark-haired but graying. He exudes an air of competence and resolve.

“Please. Sit.”

He indicates several chairs and low couches in the main room of the Falcon’s Rest. The room is much like Phaeton’s clothes. Well built and comfortable, but not gaudy.

“Now, the reason you are here. Events over the last two years have served to weaken the Obarskyr family and Cormyr as a whole. The crown has been forced to pull forces of Purple Dragon Knights out of Arabel to deal with events elsewhere. This has left Arabel more exposed to depredations by criminals, raiders and traitors. The Lady Lord of Arabel and her watchmen are necessarily focusing on the town of Arabel itself. Unfortunately, with the Purple Dragon contingent severely reduced, caravans have been easy prey.

It seems that the caravans carrying goods for the Obarskyr family have been particularly targeted. I want to know by who. Several of the recent caravans have been carrying magical oddities of sufficient value that I can have them traced. One of those caravans was attacked and the bait was traced here to Arabel. I have narrowed the location down to a specific warehouse, but what is inside is unknown.

This is where you come in. I want you to start by getting into the warehouse. If my goods are in there, I want the thieves eliminated. Live captives would be nice, but no escapees is the primary goal.”

He grabs a stack of leather folders off of a table and hands one to each of you.

“Within those folios are maps of Arabel and stiff leather placards bearing the crown seal and reference to the charter, which I hold. The location of the warehouse is marked. Keep the
placards with you at all times, but do not display them unless necessary. Any officer of the watch or Purple Dragon Knight will recognize them, but the average watchman likely will not. The watch it on edge right now and is likely to stab first, ask questions later, so don’t antagonize them. I’d rather not draw their attention in any event, as there are likely informers within their ranks. You have questions?”


First Post
Livingston grabs his folio and smiles cordially at Phaeton. Upon sitting back down, he doesn't look through the folder quite yet, instead he seems content to observe the other five that have assembled and appear to be his new companions.

At least I'm not the only short one here, even if it does have to be a gnome. While I've never been wronged by one before, I have tried to keep my dealings with them less than frequent, Livingston muses to himself. And at least there's a woman in this group. She's not half-bad looking, even though she does dress a little mannish. I'm sure she'll be the group's favourite in no time at all, especially with three capable men to compete for her affection. Livingston looks at each man in turn, finding them all to just blur together at the moment. Without knowing them, they might have a pointed nose, a silver streak in their hair, or close-cropped hair, but with no names or personalities to place them to, they are all as one for now.

Livingston sighs at the moment, stifles a small yawn, and covers his mouth with his hand as he feigns a small cough. I shouldn't be so judgemental already. It looks like I have to stick with these people for a little bit, so I don't want to alienate anyone; especially when they can save my life! But they all look so young and fresh. I think I'm the oldest one here. I should have them all call me sir. Or guv'nah. I always liked the sound of that.

Livingston stays silent, letting his new companions be the first to belay their eagerness. You could tell who has never really gone out into the real world of things, seen the horrors in life and death there are to behold; their always the first ones to jump out of their seat, shake a hand, and declare how honoured and greatful they are for this chance. While Livingston might be one of these, he sure as hell isn't going to let all his green companions know.


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Vyleya arrives fully armed and armored at the meeting, though she wears a loose cloak to cover this somewhat from a casual glance. There is no mistaking the well-cared for halberd in her right hand, however. Certainly she at least would look like a hired thug if any did in the group.

She removes her helmet as she enters, letting her raven hair spill indiscriminately upon her shoulders. With weapon in one hand and helmet held in the crook of her left arm, she nods smartly at Phaeton's introduction, then sits and listens attentively as he speaks.

At his call for questions she lifts her chin, "Is the warehouse the claimed property of anyone in particular, or is it abandoned?"


First Post
Gurv takes his folder and opens it immediately. He starts flipping through the maps and papers, assessing the worth of the information. When Phaeton offers questions, he speaks up.

"I think we should look into these thieves. See who they have connections with in Arabel. See who they are using as fences. See who they do business with. Maybe get an idea of why they're targetting Obarskyr in particular and for whose benefit."

Gurv rubs his two-day old beard, eyeing each of his companions appraisingly with his dark eyes.

"I'm not overly familiar with Arabel but I can remedy that with a walk around town and a few stops in a few taverns. If we can avoid an outright attack on the warehouse, we might be able to learn a bit more. I think subtlety..." he says, pausing to look at the large halberd carried by Vyleya. "...will get us more than brute force at this time."

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