D&D 5E Phandelver starting to show up in the wild. NewbieDM looks to be the first!


Book-Friend, he/him
There are so many of these sold on DriveThruRPG, at very reasonable rates, if you love this style. I've probably run 30 adventures on 0one Games maps, myself.
Heck, patron and various forums, easy to come by them, for sure. The maps in Bigby are still standouts, particularly the ideas on what to do with them: the barebones of an entire cosmological Giantiah campaign, really.

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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Yeah, but for TotM, and especially for retooling maps to a different purpose, plain and simple is often preferable. The old bluescsle maps from TSR publications are before my time, but they are ideal for my use.
I like Schley's better for TotM with Dyson being much more tactical


I hope they make Phandalin more fantastical. The original adventure felt so bland and uninspired in large parts. Only Thundertree and Wave Echo Cave were memorable locations with enemies not human or goblin bandits. (ok Nothic was also cool in Redbrand hideout). If yes I would be inclined to run it with a new group because I actually liked the adventure structure.


Book-Friend, he/him
I hope they make Phandalin more fantastical. The original adventure felt so bland and uninspired in large parts. Only Thundertree and Wave Echo Cave were memorable locations with enemies not human or goblin bandits. (ok Nothic was also cool in Redbrand hideout). If yes I would be inclined to run it with a new group because I actually liked the adventure structure.
Don't seem to be major changes to Loat Mines itself, but based on the flip through stuff gets really, really weird after that.


Don't seem to be major changes to Loat Mines itself, but based on the flip through stuff gets really, really weird after that.
Ok the weird definitely seem interesting. But if they really change nothing to the "old part", than it will be quite the opposing contrast coming from the most basic adventure to one of the weirdest. Hopefully they at least hint, foreshadow aspects of it. Still definitely one of the more interesting adventures on preview in recent years.


I crit!
Ok the weird definitely seem interesting. But if they really change nothing to the "old part", than it will be quite the opposing contrast coming from the most basic adventure to one of the weirdest. Hopefully they at least hint, foreshadow aspects of it. Still definitely one of the more interesting adventures on preview in recent years.
I think they said they added some lead ins to the rest of the adventure and rebalanced some things, still I would love that contrast. Highlight the horror.


I think they said they added some lead ins to the rest of the adventure and rebalanced some things, still I would love that contrast. Highlight the horror.
Me personally I am all for in a good contrast, but the first part is just too bland. Make it goody shoe fantasy, but FANTASY. There was almost nothing fantastical about the town of phandelver. Could've been from a non-fantasy setting almost. The outskirts are a bit better but not much.


Book-Friend, he/him
Ok the weird definitely seem interesting. But if they really change nothing to the "old part", than it will be quite the opposing contrast coming from the most basic adventure to one of the weirdest. Hopefully they at least hint, foreshadow aspects of it. Still definitely one of the more interesting adventures on preview in recent years.
The basic nature of the starting town was always a feature, not a bug, bit here it provides a stark contrast with the Far Realms shenanigans.

Voidrunner's Codex

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