D&D 5E Phantom Rogue


Playing with ideas for a Phantom Rogue. Looking at the Dhampir from VRGtR. Seems like a natural. Has anyone played the Phantom? Feats are in including Tasha's. Recommendations? It reminds me of the 3.5 Ghost Faced Killer.

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Here is a link to a strong Phantom Rogue build to guide you.

Dhampir lineage is okay but I'd do custom lineage for the free feat at level one and dark vision. You can flavor the custom lineage as a dhampir. The dhampir bite is not that great because it is non-magical damage.

If you chose a high elf you could pick something like chill touch as your cantrip and reflavor it as a bite.

Let us know what you settled on.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'm loving the flavor of the Phantom Rogue. One of the games I'm in in Ancient Greek themed and I was completely picturing a rogue who worshiped Hades and Persephone.

That said, while the rogue chassis is perfectly cromulent, their subclass features don't really come together until 9th which is pretty high for many campaigns.


On a side note, I considered the Arcane Trickster, but why does the thief get Use Magic Device but not the spell wielding rogue? or any other rogue for that matter? I think that they should have considered making it a feat. Sorry diverged from topic there.


I first thought you were talking about this race from Isle of Dread, but they are phanatons. 3.5 had them as a race and they made great rogues.




If you choose the Dhampir at character creation, it specifies that you can choose small or medium size and it's not tied to your ancestry trait. You could be small if you saw value in that.


So considering two ideas here as a multi-class. 3 levels of Rune Knight. I think that the runes carried goes well with the Tokens of the Departed. Considering either doing those 3 at 14th to not delay the other phantom abilities, or doing it after 1st. Which would delay Wails of the Grave and a D6 of Sneak Attack. Would that be worth it? Starting as Rogue 1 gives a lot of skills so not as worried about Whispers of the Dead.


So after some campaign delays, we're near level 7 in this campaign. In play, so far, Wails from the Grave is useful to spread a little damage to a secondary target. Targets that are near death, casting a spell or riding something seem best. Used the Rune Knight' Cloud rune when the barbarian was getting hit by a blackscale (ogre-like) lizardfolk and the wizard was being grappled by a kobold. Attack squashed the kobold, freeing the wizard who magic missiled the lizardfolk. Saved the barbarian getting hit again. Less useful when there's a solo enemy but still a rogue.

Voidrunner's Codex

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