PHB errors and reprint schedule

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Scott_Rouse said:
The books are perfect so you should just go ahead and buy them now :D

This is the exact response I expected from WotC. Well done sir.

Do some of you honestly expect someone from Wizards to post here saying "we totally messed up the editing on this one, you should wait until our second printing next year."?

Kobu said:
Integrated? With what?

As for more complicated, you're joking right? Last week I cracked my AD&D DMG and failed my will save vs. confusion. I don't remember much after that but I woke up the in the next county under someone's porch wearing a hot pink miniskirt. The miniskirt is understandable, but hot pink? Black is more my thing.

I was drinking when I read this and very nearly spat all over my keyboard! :D

Olaf the Stout


First Post
Nope, I was expecting, either: "this is some of our finest editing work to date, we really combed it over well"


"It's perfect go out and buy it :D "

I got my awnswer (thanks you btw) and will be sharing my buddies phb until the second run, standard operating procedure.

Now bring on the 4e and let the fun begin.


I'm getting a first printing. I'm one of those people that believe waiting is for those who want a perfect world. We're not in a perfect world. I'd rather have and experience something now rather than perhaps, maybe, later, if it's ok.

I think it's silly to wait just because of a few minor errors. You're denying yourself the fun of the game because they got some spelling wrong or put an X where there should be a Y.


Family said:
I was wondering if anyone knows the editing quality of the core books? Are they on standard with previous versions or have some EXTRODINARY measures have been taken?

Wow. I can't believe I'm the first person to ask this in a thread with this sort of theme, but ...

What does 'extrodinary' mean? I can't find it in my dictionary. ;)

Kzach said:
I'm getting a first printing. I'm one of those people that believe waiting is for those who want a perfect world. We're not in a perfect world. I'd rather have and experience something now rather than perhaps, maybe, later, if it's ok.

I think it's silly to wait just because of a few minor errors. You're denying yourself the fun of the game because they got some spelling wrong or put an X where there should be a Y.

Oh, I'm not waiting just because I want to avoid the few minor errors. I'm mainly doing it because I'm 8 sessions into running the Shackled City AP. I figure it will be at least the end of next year before we have finished that bad boy. As such I won't have any need for the 4E books before then (other than wanting to read them out of curiousity).

Also, if I don't have the 4E books I'll be less inclined to want to try and convert the SCAP over to 4E or just ditch it and start a new 4E campaign! :D

Olaf the Stout

Voidrunner's Codex

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