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Piece of Mind: Thin Air


"I don't know, I'm pretty stumped." Decker replies as he crawls into the car. "There'd have to be some pretty big incentive for the Dr. to have changed the data on that project he was working on. I mean to risk your professional integrity like that I'm sure isn't something the Dr. undertook lightly."

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James Heard

"Professional integrity? Looks to me more like he's spooked, and if he's spooked enough to play this sort of game it's got to be damned scary is all I'm saying. We haven't found any FBI warnings about this dude out there, so that pretty much leaves industrial espionage and gambling. Gambling would probably show up in his bank records unless someone's screwed with them pretty thoroughly so that they get first dibs. Meds are big business," he rubbed his face thoughtfully.

"I wish we'd turned up some sort of usual suspect for whoever he'd sell this crap to. Then we could maybe just bluff and bluster our way into getting enough dirt on the deal to make it safe for him to come out on his own. I'm not looking forward to South America just yet, but I think it's sort of inevitable. Then we'll just have to dig up every root and fern in the freakin' jungle..."

Brandon paused with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Maybe we could just go visit the daughter in... Miami? South Beach should be pretty nice this time of year, and it's virtually mud and jungle free. Maybe the guy is just holed up really deep with some hooker in Miami?" Brandon looked hopeful.

"What are we supposed to do if the people this guy is selling out to have guns to protect their expensive-as-hell investment? How much does it cost to make someone completely and utterly disappear, anyways?"

His rant over, Brandon seemed to slump in the seat ever so slightly.

"I don't want to get all Star Wars on you guys, but I have a bad feeling about this."


Originally Posted by James Heard
"Maybe we could just go visit the daughter in... Miami? South Beach should be pretty nice this time of year, and it's virtually mud and jungle free. Maybe the guy is just holed up really deep with some hooker in Miami?"

"Yeah, I'd really like to talk to the daughter as well." Decker replies, "Even just to get a feel for her body language about the whole situation."


"There are only three reasons I can think of that would explain Dr. Gold's changes on A331. First, there really was a problem with it. Maybe there is some sort of attempt to cover up what the true effects of the drug are. Second, money. I don't know the economic implications of A331, but if it is something very marketable, he may have been bribed into trying to sabotage the project. Third is fear. This whole thing seems like the actions of a man fearing for something. Maybe his health, or perhaps that of his family. Blackmail, maybe?"

Kristen pulls out her phone to check her messages.

"I agree that a trip to Miami might be a good idea."


"Smart guy like this," Hawk said, as he pulled out into the road. "If he's being bribed, it won't be easy to find out, unless any of you can hack the Swiss or Cayman Island banks. I say we stick with espionage or selling out to another company for now. Easiest explanation, why complicate things with speculation without evidence?"

"But I agree, we should ask his daughter some questions. If we don't find any leads at his place, that's the second best location to start looking.

"What are we supposed to do if the people this guy is selling out to have guns to protect their expensive-as-hell investment?

"Two in the body, one in the head, knocks them down and makes them dead," Hawk stated, reciting the Mozambique Drill, as he turned a corner. "I don't carry a gun just to impress the ladies. Rest assured, if there's any trouble, I'll deal with it."

James Heard

Falkus said:
"Two in the body, one in the head, knocks them down and makes them dead," Hawk stated, reciting the Mozambique Drill, as he turned a corner. "I don't carry a gun just to impress the ladies. Rest assured, if there's any trouble, I'll deal with it."
Brandon turns and stares at Hawk like he's grown three heads.

"That's great. I'm sure you can off the Doc if we find him, or even one or two guys. I'm worried what the rest of us will do about the third through sixth guy though." Brandon says.

Brandon pauses.

"Enough money is convincing to even close family members and friends. Maybe we should check out the daughter for other things as well?"

"I suppose we should check the car for bugs too. No telling if we're being used as stalking horses, seems like a possibility considering the fact that there's another security agency already on board on this."
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Originally Posted by James Heard
"I suppose we should check the car for bugs too. No telling if we're being used as stalking horses, seems like a possibility considering the fact that there's another security agency already on board on this."

"Alrighty... are you looking for earwigs or cockroaches?" Decker says with a grin as he begins to look about in his section of the vehicle.


Take 20 Searching my area of the vehicle:

Total 26


"I'm being employed in this assignment as a driver, pilot and bodyguard," Hawk said in a calm, even voice. "If we get into trouble, I will ensure your safety at all costs. I acknowledge that you're an expert in your field, and I, accordingly, don't criticize your work, so please show me the same courtesy."

James Heard

Falkus said:
"I'm being employed in this assignment as a driver, pilot and bodyguard," Hawk said in a calm, even voice. "If we get into trouble, I will ensure your safety at all costs. I acknowledge that you're an expert in your field, and I, accordingly, don't criticize your work, so please show me the same courtesy."
"Whatever dude, you can think you're Rambo all you want but I'm not Ansel Adams or Sherlock Holmes. We're being hired by citizens, the opposition is likely to be funded by people who roll over citizens in their sleep because they're just ticks in the decimal points. I don't know what sort of Captain Kirk two-fisted punk-punch you pack and I don't really care. You're one guy. You run out of bullets and razor blades then what are we gonna do? It's like fighting against the cops, no matter how Clint Eastwood you are they always got three more back in the next county. I'm not calling you out on your Fu, dude. I'm just stating as a fact that other people have more money than the guys paying us, and more money means more mooks and more ammo. Outnumbered is bad odds." Brandon frowns.

"I don't want any bullets flying, because I'm afraid that once we stick the thorn to the tiger it'll bite us back. Plus, you shoot someone then we all could go to jail. That's the place where they lock you up? Not what I signed up for at all, and I doubt Slocum would be our knight in shining armor and pull our behinds out of it either."


"You're confusing me here, Brandon," Hawk stated, adjusting his sunglasses with one hand, as he drove the car. "What are you saying? That if we get shot at, you don't want me to shoot back while I'm getting you three to my car and away from the people with guns? You got the wrong idea about me, here. I'm not here to start shooting at people for no reason, I'm here to shoot at them if people with less restraint than me start shooting at us."

Voidrunner's Codex

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