Pirate Borg -- any of you scurvy dogs have it?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I'm late to the parrrrrty here, but I'm thinking of checking out Pirate Borg. Mork Borg's subject and tone is a bit more than I'm interested in (I see plenty of badness in my day to day life, thanks), but Pirate Borg looks like it hits my sweet spot.

Any backers receive the book yet? How is it? Which version of the cover did you get? What do you intend to do with the book?

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The darkness of Mork Borg is not for everyone, and it is the same for Pirate Borg. You do you. However, this is a gorgeous book that was obviously a labor of love. I backed it, received it a couple of weeks ago, and thoroughly enjoyed reading through it and gawking at the art and layout. It now sits on my shelf, along with many other unplayed RPGs.

I've been reading over my copy in the last few days. It's one of the few books I like to have a physical copy of. The art, layout and design of the book is wonderful, the writing style lights my imagination up with adventure ideas and the naval combat looks really fun.

I'll hope to try it out one day.


I played a demo run by the designer's brother at GenCon, and I had a pretty good time.
I resisted the urge to buy it, however. I have too many Mork Borg and adjacent products. I've gotta stop somewhere when my groups have shown zero interest in playing the systems.

I'd say it's not quite as dark as Mork Borg, but still very dark compared to other RPGs.

I was under the impression that Pirate Borg had a slightly lighter tone. (The world isn't ending, for one thing, although the Golden Age of Piracy is.) Did I misunderstand?

I also played a game run b y the designer's brother, albeit at Origins. It was a ton of fun, though I think that that particular group of players contributed to a more boisterous and humorous tone than intended.

I played a demo run by the designer's brother at GenCon, and I had a pretty good time.
I resisted the urge to buy it, however. I have too many Mork Borg and adjacent products. I've gotta stop somewhere when my groups have shown zero interest in playing the systems.

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