Piratecat's up-to-date story hour (updated on 8/10, come game with PCat at GenCon!)

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New job, moving, buying a house, getting an office, and other fun real life stuff have kept me away from ENWorld for a bit and P-Cat's story hour even longer. . .

But it just means I get to read it all at one time one afternoon when I'm not feeling productive. It's great as always and I can't wait to hear what happened as the backstory gets filled in.


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Oh where, oh where has the Piratecat gone?
Oh where, oh where could he beee...
With his tail cut short and his ears cut long,
Oh where, oh where has he gone?


Thornir Alekeg

Steverooo said:
Oh where, oh where has the Piratecat gone?
Oh where, oh where could he beee...
With his tail cut short and his ears cut long,
Oh where, oh where has he gone?


I thought it would be "with his eye put out and his hand cut off," ;)


First Post
Oh God Please for the love of g.........wait a minute. We're not in the begging phase yet are we? Did I skip a meeting. Dammit!!! Ok, we need a update soonish. I've gotta get my fix. It's that or I swear I'll start watching cartoons again man!!!


First Post
D'arrr, mateys. It be Talk Like a Pirate Day. And if ye be wantin' an update from yon scurvy moggy pirate, best be talkin' like him! Belike. Scupper me with a d20, else.


First Post
Arrr! Ye best be bringin' on the updates before we keel-haul yer britches, ye scurrrrvy dog, er, cat!

(How's that?)

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Shiver me timbers, e'en I'VE done me story-hour update, Cap'n Piratecat! If'n you're not careful I might do another of them thar updates an' steal yer crew, yer mangy dog!


p-) <--- eyepatch smiley


Voidrunner's Codex

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