Piratecat's up-to-date story hour (updated on 8/10, come game with PCat at GenCon!)

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The tingling means it’s working!
Summer of 2005 will be known as The Season of Mourning, since it killed off the best and longest-running story hours:


Whatever did happen at GenCon 2005? Seemed like that was the event that marked the end.

Or... will this time be known as the Season of Secrets, wherein the most popular authors realized that giving away terrific content for free was a bad idea, and so secretly met and agreed to polish and package their storyhours for later sale to an adoring and eager audience?

I'm hoping for the latter. :)


Raging Epistaxis

First Post
Personally I think that the DoD are under NDAs about the Movie/Book/Video Podcast/PDF deals regarding their further adventures. ;)

Heck, PKitty is probably negotiating with Joss Whedon as I type to figure out which of the Buffy/Angel/Firefly/Serenity casts gets to play who in the DoD.

I all seriousness, in the words of someone 'before my time'* "Thanks for the Memories" - It's been a great ride. I'd love to know how the various plot wrinkles work out, but you can't always get what you want.


* Johnny Carson? Guy Lombardo? Hmm. Bob Hope? Yeah, I think it's Bob Hope. Boy, those neurons are long gone...


Zaruthustran said:
Summer of 2005 will be known as The Season of Mourning, since it killed off the best and longest-running story hours:


Whatever did happen at GenCon 2005? Seemed like that was the event that marked the end.

Or... will this time be known as the Season of Secrets, wherein the most popular authors realized that giving away terrific content for free was a bad idea, and so secretly met and agreed to polish and package their storyhours for later sale to an adoring and eager audience?

I'm hoping for the latter. :)


Season of Mouning indeed. But we do have a worthy successor in this story hour:


It has filled the void for me. And Spyscribe will be known as one of the forum greats.


My Pleasure!

spyscribe said:
Wow. Thanks Son_of_Thunder. You can probably see me blushing all the way from Utah.

Big shoes to fill.

My pleasure ma'am. But it's true. Your writing has brought the Halme alive for me. It's the only story hour I follow regularly now.

How long most we wait? It seems like it has years. Oh yeah…. it has been years.

PirateCat is it dead forever?

This was such a great story hour thanks for sharing it with all of us!

Voidrunner's Codex

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