Piratecat's up-to-date story hour (updated on 8/10, come game with PCat at GenCon!)


KidCthulhu said:
Or maybe this is my passive aggressive way of getting revenge for all the rat bastard things he's done to us.

Or maybe I'm an agent of chaos, and I secretly like getting you all riled up about an update AND getting Pkitty angry.

Or maybe you all just give me way too much credit on the "spose-o-meter"

Rabble-Rousing :)


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I can at least confirm that it will be worth the wait. Not that I had anything to do with the rat-bastard things that happened last session. Not me :)


First Post
By the way, KidCthulhu, have you seen the SOTA Toys figure of Cthulhu that's about to be released in stores (some time this month, I think)? It looks pretty awesome. Given your avatar and previous expressed interest in the Old Ones I'm sure you are aware of it, but in case you aren't, you should definitely get it to use to scare your players in your campaign. As for me, I ordered the Dagon figure. It looks even scarier than Cthulhu, though both look more like real-life science projects than plastic toys.


First Post
zoroaster100 said:
By the way, KidCthulhu, have you seen the SOTA Toys figure of Cthulhu that's about to be released in stores (some time this month, I think)? It looks pretty awesome. Given your avatar and previous expressed interest in the Old Ones I'm sure you are aware of it, but in case you aren't, you should definitely get it to use to scare your players in your campaign. As for me, I ordered the Dagon figure. It looks even scarier than Cthulhu, though both look more like real-life science projects than plastic toys.

Do you have any links for these? I went to the SOTA site, and couldn't find anything about Cthulhu. I know that they have quite a few Cthulhu plushies on sale through Paizo.com's store. I can't remember if they are made by SOTA tho!

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