Piratecat's up-to-date story hour (updated on 8/10, come game with PCat at GenCon!)

I think, to quote an old song. "The Thrill is gone." The adventures of "The Defenders of Daybreak" will be greatly missed.

Thank you for the entertainment.


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Graywolf-ELM said:
I think, to quote an old song. "The Thrill is gone." The adventures of "The Defenders of Daybreak" will be greatly missed.
Maybe a little premature unless you know something we don't? PC hasn't posted on the site *at all* for a month as far as I can tell.

Believe me, I have no insight into the Heart and Mind of PirateCat. I feel that I have noticed a trend in many of the longest running and best loved story hours here on the boards. It is understandable if this is the case.

If everyone here donates $5.95 to the cause, I can start a University grant to study the cause of "Story Hour Burnout". <Just Kidding.. Really :) >


I fear that that would be a good cause to donate to.

I know a long running SH-author that will probably never update again. If P-Cat were to duck out...I'd be the first to admit I'd shed a tear.....


Well, just yesterday we had PC's spouse, KidC, posting a message urging him to update. If PC were really, truly burnt out, I would think she'd be the first to know this, and would not be urging him for an update so publicly.

KidCthulhu said:
Hey Pkitty. Don't you owe Sialia a birthday present? I bet she'd love an update. One size fits all, and the color is always right.

This is only a guess, though.
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I for one still hold hope for at least an occassional update from Piratecat. I'll take what I can get. I'm very grateful for all the entertainment and inspiration already shared by him and his group of players with all of us (though more is always welcome).

Delemental said:
Well, just yesterday we had PC's spouse, KidC, posting a message urging him to update. If PC were really, truly burnt out, I would think she'd be the first to know this, and would not be urging him for an update so publicly.

This is only a guess, though.

My thoughts exactly. I don't this KidC would be doing this if she didn't think he could handle it right now.

Is he still playing City of Heroes? Maybe its that electronic crack that's keeping him away from updating and posting on EN World. PCat, is that you in this ad?


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Thornir Alekeg said:
My thoughts exactly. I don't this KidC would be doing this if she didn't think he could handle it right now.

Is he still playing City of Heroes? Maybe its that electronic crack that's keeping him away from updating and posting on EN World.

Maybe he's part of the City of Villains beta test... Not that he could confirm it if he was. I'm sure that there is a Nondisclosure Agreement.

Or maybe this is my passive aggressive way of getting revenge for all the rat bastard things he's done to us.

Or maybe I'm an agent of chaos, and I secretly like getting you all riled up about an update AND getting Pkitty angry.

Or maybe you all just give me way too much credit on the "spose-o-meter"

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