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Planar Templates


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Note on both templates: No attribute not mentioned is changed.

Anarch template:
"Anarch" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature of nonlawful alignment (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). Beasts or animals with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. An anarchic creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted below:
Special Attacks: An anarchic creature retains all special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following:
Smite Law (Su): Once per day the creature can make a normal attack to deal additional damage equal to its HD total (maximum of +20) against a lawful foe.
Special Qualities: An anarchic creature retains all special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following ones:
Darkvision 60 ft.; acid, electricity, and fire resistance scaling up 5 with HD; damage reduction -|5/+1|5/+2|10/+2; SR equal to double the creature's HD (max. 25).
HD scaling: 1-3/4-7/8-11/12+
Abilities: Intelligence at least 3
Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, no change.
4-7 HD, base CR+1
8+ HD, base CR+2, at DM's discretion
Alignment: Always chaotic (any)

Symmetrion template:
"Symmetrion" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature of nonchaotic alignment (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). Beasts or animals with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. A symmetrionic creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted below:
Special Attacks: A symmetrionic creature retains all special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following:
Smite Chaos (Su): Once per day the creature can make a normal attack to deal additional damage equal to its HD total (maximum of +20) against a chaotic foe.
Special Qualities: A symmetrionic creature retains all special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following ones:
Darkvision 60 ft.; cold, electricity, and sonic resistance scaling up 5 with HD; damage reduction scaling up with HD as follows: -|5/+1|5/+2|10/+2; SR equal to double the creature's HD (max. 25).
HD scaling: 1-3/4-7/8-11/12+
Abilities: Intelligence at least 3
Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, no change.
4-7 HD, base CR+1
8+ HD, base CR+2, at DM's discretion
Alignment: Always lawful (any)

Sorry about the formatting. Not a lot I can do. When I write up an .rtf, I'll fix that problem. Next up: half-anarchs and half-symmetrions. That'll be a little bit, but I can assure you of one thing: Wings will be based on moral alignment. Good: feathered, Neutral: Butterfly, Evil: bat/demonic

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First Post
Good work on coming up with those templates. If you don't mind, could I make some suggestions:

* First of all, I think the templates could use some flavour: what do anarchs and symmetrions look like? How does the template alter the behaviour of the base creature?

* Creatures with these templates be converted to Outsider (Chaotic/Lawful) type.

* What happened to the idea of making the Symmetrion a creature with extra, symmetrical limbs etc? I thought this was a really cool idea: could we add this?

* Couldn't we give them better powers than just smite chaos/law? How about giving the chaos creature the ability to shift form and create new limbs at will (with some appropriate cost)?


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The Planar Madness thread in the first page of House Rules. Check it out. It is basically breaking up the Aasimar, Tiefling, Law-ing, and Chaos-ling (forget the names) into multiple specialized templates. Good stuff.


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Indeed Khorod. Check out further discussion on the matter of plane touched here and here. Perhaps somebody could attempt to convince these en-worlders to contribute their work to the Netbook of Planes?
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Symmetrion Draft 2:
'Symmetrion' is the technical term for those creatures that hail from the planes of ultimate law. These beings are finished creatures with clear-cut lines and orderly skins/coats/etc. Also, symmetrions are perfectly symmetrical on at least one axis. Any symmetrion always moves in an ordered, logical manner. Symmetrions, as a general rule, severely dislike the unexpected and are at best merely average in their reactions to the same.
"Symmetrion" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature of nonchaotic alignment (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). Beasts or animals with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. A symmetrionic creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted below:
Initiative: -2 morale penalty (Symmetrions are graceful but do not take surprises well)
Special Attacks: A symmetrionic creature retains all special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following:
Smite Chaos (Su): Once per day the creature can make a normal attack to deal additional damage equal to its HD total (maximum of +20) against a chaotic foe.
Special Qualities: A symmetrionic creature retains all special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following ones:
Darkvision 60 ft.; cold, electricity, and sonic resistance scaling up 5 with HD; damage reduction scaling up with HD as follows: -|5/+1|5/+2|5/+3; SR equal to double the creature's HD (max. 25).
HD scaling: 1-3/4-7/8-11/12+
Abilities: Intelligence at least 3. Due to the perfect coordination and more ordered thinking processes, all symmetrions gain +2 Dex and +2 Int. However, their lawful demeanor and insistence on order often puts others off and symmetrionic creatures suffer -2 Cha.
Feats: Ambidexterity or Multidexterity as a bonus feat. Choose based on creature type. Prerequisites not required.
Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, no change.
4-7 HD, base CR+1
8+ HD, base CR+2, at DM's discretion
Alignment: Always lawful (any)

Symmetrion Notes: More flavorful. I didn't add the extra limbs because I couldn't figure out how to do it with rules and then how to balance it. I think the template is still balanced. Opinions, por favor?

Anarch Draft 2:
'Anarchs' is the general term for a chaotic creature. These beings, odd and blotched in appearance, are the reason that the term anarch means unruled in Common. An anarch always appears unfinished and shifty. They favor chaos over order and are always looking for a way to change the situation to a more disorderly one.
"Anarch" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature of nonlawful alignment (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). Beasts or animals with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. An anarchic creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted below:
Initiative: +2 racial bonus (Anarchs favor chaos and surprises and react quickly to new situations)
Special Attacks: An anarchic creature retains all special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following:
Smite Law (Su): Once per day the creature can make a normal attack to deal additional damage equal to its HD total (maximum of +20) against a lawful foe.
Special Qualities: An anarchic creature retains all special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following ones:
Darkvision 60 ft.; acid, electricity, and fire resistance scaling up 5 with HD; damage reduction -|5/+1|5/+2|10/+2; SR equal to double the creature's HD (max. 25).
HD scaling: 1-3/4-7/8-11/12+
Saves: -2 Will (Anarchs are weak willed)
Abilities: Intelligence at least 3. Anarchs are used to watching unusual situations and gain +2 Wis and +2 Cha.
Challenge Rating: Up to 3 HD, no change.
4-7 HD, base CR+1
8+ HD, base CR+2, at DM's discretion
Alignment: Always chaotic (any)

Anarch notes: None, really.


First Post
Hi Moonsword,

Again, excellent work on the anarch and symmetrion templates. They're really coming along. Here are some of my thoughts on each:

Symmetrion: I thought it might be an idea for symmetrions to be like their template animals, except a bit spidery (kinda creepy). For example, and symmetrical, eight-legged dog that scuttles about. Otherwise, very good flavor text.

I still suggest creatures become the Outsider (Lawful) type when they adopt this template.

I also think it might be an idea to make them immune to critical hits or flanking as they do not have a clear front or back, like elementals.

Not sure on the subject of adding extra limbs: you could specify a extra limbs progression table that gives corresponding balancing increments to the CR? I thnk one or two extra limbs is actually quite a large bonus (at least an extra point of CR). Thoughts other people?

Anarchs: This is good but I still think it needs "something" to make chaos creatures special. Symmetrions have the symmetrical thing going on: what should we give anarcs? here are some of me ideas:

* Shapeless and indisnct, perhaps causing insanity on anyone who looks directly at them.

* Extra limbs and heads, but in a much more chaotic fashion than symmetrions?

* One chaos being is composed of many physically seperate bodies under the control of the above.

* All of the above and more: a random table generating monstrously chaotic effects.

What do you think?


First Post
Okay, remember, these are basic templates. These creatures are similar to their mortal plane counterparts and are not an attempt to redesign creatures. If DMs need something that complicated, they probably need to rebuild the creatures completely, not just copy it from a template. Advice on differing forms, yes. Also, these need to be accessible for summon monster spells to expand the use of such spells so we can't make them too powerful.

These are basic creatures. More advanced and powerful forms could be a more powerful template to be applied. I'll put it on the to-do list. The multi-legged symmetrions would be another template, scaled a little differently. The indistinct, confusing anarchs would be a similar concept. That random table is a good idea, though. I suppose adapting the slaad variant table would be a good start.

Next up: Half-symmetrions.


First Post
Revised/reformatted versions of all templates in attached file.

Occasionally, a symmetrion or other primarily lawful outsider or creature native to another plane will breed with a creature from the mortal planes. The progeny of such unions are known as half-symmetrions. A half-symmetrion retains much of the look and the characteristics of its mortal parent, but the lines and markings of a half-symmetrion are more clearly defined. They also have a fair number of unique psychological quirks that set them apart from most beings.
General physical markings:
-Strongly defined, orderly markings (straight or symmetric lines/spots, exact duplication of coat patterns on both sides, etc.)
-Grey, silver, or blue eyes (represents metal and the calm and order of the seas and astral plane)
-Exact symmetry along at least one axis (no difference from side to side, same size feet, exactly identical eyebrows, etc.)
-Minor traits: angular looks, harsh, jutting cheekbones, ridges that follow exact patterns
Psychological traits:
-Obsessive about personal hygiene and cleanliness
-Always has a clean bedroom :)
-Rigid about following ordinances, laws, rules, etc.
-Dislike slovenly behavior in others
-Does like elves, but is uncomfortable in some of their practices (a half-symmetrionic elf is almost always a loner)
-Has a mild distaste for some gnomes, due to some gnome behaviors and disordered thinking, but can stomach discussions on technology and logic
-Sometimes does not drink due to loss of control; treat similarly inebriating drugs the same way
-Imaginative, but in a limited sense and they dislike thinking ‘out of the box’ (Should be played up during reactions to characters, particularly in combat)
-Very rarely sorcerers due to ordered outlook on life, but commonly wizards
"Half-symmetrion" is a template that can be added to any corporeal creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or more and non-chaotic alignment (referred to hereafter as the "base creature"). The creature’s type changes to "outsider (lawful)." It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted below. Anything not mentioned is unchanged.
Speed: A symmetrion has a 25% chance of having wings with feathers of the same color and shading gradients as the base creature’s fur or hair. If the base creature was reptillian, it instead has bat wings of the same general color and shading of the base creature. A half-symmetrion flies at double the base creature’s move speed with an average manuverability.
AC: +1 natural armor.
Special Attacks: A half-symmetrion retains all of the special attacks of the base creature. Half-symmetrions with an Intelligence or Wisdom score of 8 or higher possess the following spell-like abilities, using their level as the caster level and saves based on the highest, as specified in the table below.
HD Spells
1-2 protection from chaos 3/day, divine favor
3-4 calm emotions, detect chaos
5-6 magic circle against chaos
7-8 order’s wrath, remove curse
9-10 dispel chaos
11-12 hold monster
13-14 dictum, shield of law
15-16 symbol
17-18 summon monster IX (lawful only)
19-20 antimagic field
Special Qualities: A half-symmetrion retains all special qualities of the base creature and gains the following special qualities due to the infusion of symmetrionic blood. 60 ft. darkvision, immunity to cold, disease, electricity, and sonic.
Saves: A half-symmetrion’s ordered and logical mind grants it a +2 bonus on Will saves
Abilities: Increase as follows: +0 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Int, +2 Wis, and –2 Cha.
Skills: (8+Int mod) x Hit Dice. Treat skills from the base creature’s list as class skills and other skills as cross-class. If the creature has a class, it gains skills for class levels normally.
Feats: One feat plus one per four HD or the base creature’s total, whichever is greater, plus the bonus feat Ambidexterity/Multidexterity.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1
Alignment: Always lawful (any)

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First Post
Okay, remember, these are basic templates. These creatures are similar to their mortal plane counterparts and are not an attempt to redesign creatures.
Sorry, I just tend to get very over-excited with this stuff. I like the templates, I just think they could use a bit of jazzin gup, but they are great as simple basic templates for creating your own wierd, organized creations.

I'm still not sure about calling lawful outsider 'symmterions'. I think symmetrions should be a name for a sub-type of lawful outsider.

Here are some more suggestions for generic names for lawful outsiders:

* Axia, Axiates, Axums.
* Unites, Unia, Unix (hmm)
* Pattern, Patterias, Pattraxons

Sub-types for these creatures could include:

* Symmetrical symmetrions
* Mechanical mechanites
* Insectile weavers

Half-Symmetrions: Good work here. I especially like the physical and psychological characteristics you came up with. If you could publish all your updates along with a copy of the OGL with your copyright notice on it we can think about fitting them into the NboPl :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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