Play Your Way to 20: More Changes Announced for AL

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Any idea when Alan's going to release his DDAO? Been looking forward to dragging my players through that unique hellish experience.

DDAL05-08 Durlag’s Tower
East of Beregost, nestled in the outskirts of the Wood of Sharp Teeth, Durlag’s Tower has intrigued and yet stymied adventurers for decades. Stuffed full of mechanical traps and arcane wards, and rumored to be inhabited by fiends, very few have managed to extract any REAL treasure from the former home of Durlag Trollkiller. However, a powerful item in the ancient fight against the giants is said to be housed there, and the cloud giant Baron Rajiram has committed significant resources to recovering it. After a very pleasant tea in her garden, SEER calls upon you to beat him there and put a stop to his efforts!
Designer: Alan Patrick
Characters of Level 11-16
Playtime: 4 hours
Premiere: Anonycon (12/9-12/11/2016)
Available for download and play: January 3, 2017

DDAL05-09 Durlag’s Tomb
A continuation of DDAL05-08. East of Beregost, nestled in the outskirts of the Wood of Sharp Teeth, Durlag’s Tower has intrigued and yet stymied adventurers for decades. Stuffed full of mechanical traps and arcane wards, and rumored to be inhabited by fiends, very few have managed to extract any REAL treasure from the former home of Durlag Trollkiller. However, a powerful item in the ancient fight against the giants is said to be housed there, and the cloud giant Baron Rajiram has committed significant resources to recovering it. After a very pleasant tea in her garden, SEER calls upon you to beat him there and put a stop to his efforts!
Designer: Alan Patrick
Characters of Level 11-16
Playtime: 4 hours
Premiere: Anonycon (12/9-12/11/2016)
Available for download and play: January 3, 2017


That guy, who does that thing.
Sorry, haven't seen this announcement anywhere but here -- EDIT: Looks like I just missed it.

Best of luck with the new stuff!


That guy, who does that thing.
Based on the Dec 2 AO update on the Organizer's site, there doesn't seem to be any push to release these adventures to the public -- they remain reasons to invite specific admins/WotC staffers to your convention to get semi-exclusive content.



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When an author deploys a new AO adventure, we have been directed to retire the previous one. We may, if the material is appropriate and we wish to do so, put the adventure up on dmsguild.

DDAO-01 is hitting that shop next week, and I will not be running it anymore at local conventions. After 13 conventions, numerous gamedays, and 99 tables of it, I'm pretty much done running it. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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