D&D 5E Player in upcoming Radiant Citadel Campaign - NO Spoilers Please!


So I am joining a group that is going to start the Radiant Citadel campaign.
As far as I know, no one has picked a class yet. We are going to have a session zero to discuss possibilities and roles.

As I understand it, the Radiant Citadel resides in the Ethereal Plane.
So I don't really need full builds yet, but I'm wanting some ideas of things that seem 'ethereal' to you. Please don't give out and SPOILERS, but is there something that should be particularly avoided? Something the group absolutely needs to have?

Is there a deity that is particularly associated with the ethereal plane. Warlock or Blood Hunter Patrons? Sub-classes of some of the base classes that have a fair amount to do with 'ethereal' knowledge or powers? Dragonkin or Tiefling races that have an ethereal connection? Things like that.

Thanks in advance for any ideas/advice you can provide.

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is there something that should be particularly avoided?
Something the group absolutely needs to have?
Is there a deity that is particularly associated with the ethereal plane.
And no.

The main thing about the Radiant Citadel is it is a cosmopolitan juncture where people from many different worlds come together. So it's a good opportunity to play a character from any setting you like. So you might have a Stryxhaven Sorcerer partied up with a Ravenloft warlock.

The only thing to consider is the adventures are more suited to a "starfleet" type party than a "murder hobo" type party.


Hmm... I never really noticed this before. There are races with connections to I think just about every single plane except the Ethereal plane. So far, I'm also not seeing any deity with much of a connection to the Ethereal plane (though I haven't gotten through anywhere near all of those yet). The only thing I've seen in the (non-spoiler) reviews is mention of 'space-craft-ish' vessels for traveling the Ethereal plane. That makes me think of the Spelljammer book (which I do not yet have). However, if I recall correctly, Spelljammer is supposed to be in the Astral plane. So I'm not sure if that would indicate a propensity for Spelljammer races or not.
Does the Radiant Citadel book have anything leaning toward or away from particular races?


The only thing to consider is the adventures are more suited to a "starfleet" type party than a "murder hobo" type party.

Ok, so I can work with an 'Away-Team' rather than an 'Assault-Squad setup. I actually like that.

Though I don't think the 5E system is really the best for supporting that. It seems to be very combat focused system. It seems difficult for anything other than a rogue or bard to really be good at skill usage. Though some divination magic good go a long way there.

I will consider.


I'm finding more sub-classes than I expected that have a connection to (or at least seem like they could be interpreted as having a connection to) the Ethereal Plane.

Barbarian - Wild Magic, Ancestral Guardian
Blood Hunter - Profane Soul, Mutant
Fighter - Psiwarrior (seems like some of the old D&D stuff associated psychic with ethereal)
Paladin - Watchers Oath
Ranger - Horizon Walker
Sorcerer - Aberrant or Wild
Warlock - Great Old One (since no one knows anything about it, it could easily be Ethereal)
Wizard - Conjuration Specialist (again seems like you could reason conjurations are called forth from the ether)

Voidrunner's Codex

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